Forum Polskiego Stowarzyszenia Gomoku, Renju i Pente

Gomoku - World Cup in 1 min games

zukole - 2017-01-06, 17:39
Temat postu: World Cup in 1 min games
usiek92 napisał/a:
Już wkrótce rozgrywki gomoku blitz w nowym formacie i z atrakcyjnymi nagrodami - Puchar Świata Gomoku Blitz! Szczegóły niebawem
Na vk pojawił się projekt regulaminu. Szczegóły w załączniku.

The winner will be declared the world champion in one-minute gomoku games and will be shipped a nice cup with an appropriate text.
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Sprawdźcie, czy jesteście na liście zaproszonych :]

angst - 2017-01-06, 17:56

Rest assured – we will organise the World Cup in a perfect way

Czyli nie ma się czym przejmować :)

Trochę z braku czasu nie przeczytałem całego Regulaminu i liczę, że wersja finalna nie będzie dłuższa ;)

Tak czy owak życzę powodzenia, a muszę przyznać, że niezła ekipa się za to zabrała :D



Usiek - 2017-01-06, 20:28

zukole napisał/a:
The winner will be declared the world champion in one-minute gomoku games and will be shipped a nice cup with an appropriate text.

Dla uściślenia: dla zwycięzcy przewidziany jest puchar, za miejsca 1-3 medale, a dla wszystkich półfinalistów plansze magnetyczne do gomoku.

sandra113 - 2017-01-07, 13:25

Zukole, do you think we mean this kind of a cup:


No, we mean another kind of a cup, something like this:

Actually it is one of the models we are considering. It is higher than 20 inches.

I suppose that such a cup, together with inevitable glory, is definitely worth fighting for, especially given the fact that you do not need to leave your home in order to participate in the World Cup and the fact that no huge time investment is needed - every participant will have to play about 3-7 matches usually lasting a bit less than an hour.

I would like to kindly ask every interested player to read the draft of the rules, attached to the original post of this thread, to find whether it would be good to change something. We will be all ears if any of you has suggestions.

zukole - 2017-01-07, 14:20

Nie rozbawiły mnie nagrody rzeczowe, tylko nazywanie zwycięzcy mistrzem świata w grze na minutę online.

Po zastanowieniu wydaje mi się, że kubek byłby jednak nagrodą opowiadającą randze turnieju :)

puholek - 2017-01-22, 20:18

Jest jakies zainteresowanie? Lista zgloszonych?
bbj - 2017-01-22, 20:43

puholek napisał/a:
Jest jakies zainteresowanie? Lista zgloszonych?

Faktycznie, czas leci.
To participate in the World Cup, a player should send us email to usiek1992 at and
sandragomoku at before Sat 31 Jan 23:59 Central European Time with the following
1. First name and surname.
2. Citizenship.
3. The nickname to be used in the World Cup. The nickname must start with wbc (World Blitz
Cup), be created on before applying to us, have no games on it, and be used in
the future exclusively to play in the World Cup.
4. Preferred contact details in Internet – for example, an email address or an account on,, or
Note that these data will be published.

Usiek - 2017-01-22, 21:11

Jutro w godzinach wieczornych wstawię obecną listę zgłoszonych. Nie umiem na ten moment powiedzieć ile jest osób (część zgłosiła się tylko do Sandry, część tylko do mnie).
angst - 2017-01-23, 11:22

Ja się trochę pogubiłem. Był projekt Regulaminu, a są już oficjalne zapisy?

Czy powstał już finalny Regulamin?



sandra113 - 2017-01-23, 21:05

Hi guys and gals, it is time to give you a status update and respond to your questions and remarks :)

1. Attila Demjan is highly enthusiastic about our World Cup and offers his help, support and endorsement. Our World Cup will be Gomokuworld's official tournament. This means, in particular, that the winner will be declared on as the best one-minute player in the world.

2. There are three main organisers - Usiek, Zoli, and I (Sandra). Usiek and Zoli will be responsible primarily for technical and sport matters, while I will mainly focus on promotion, writing articles, etc. We are also supported by some top players, who are always happy to give us advice.

"Ja się trochę pogubiłem. Był projekt Regulaminu, a są już oficjalne zapisy? Czy powstał już finalny Regulamin?"

The final, official version of the rules will be posted in about a week.

4. Change of the dates:
- The registration deadline will be shifted to about the end of February.
- The three qualification tournaments (for those who are not on the list of invited players) will be played within a week after the new registration deadline.
- The World Cup itself will start in the beginning of March.

This change is made for two reasons: (1) we want everyone to have enough time to practice in order to reach his or her best level of play before such an official championship and (2) we want to have enough time to properly promote our World Cup and attract as many participants as possible.

"Jest jakies zainteresowanie? Lista zgloszonych?"

This week we will contact a considerable number of strong one-minute players and ask them the following question: "Will you play in our World Cup if many other strong players participate in it?" Then we will publish the list of those who say "yes" or "most likely."

We have not talked to many players yet, but almost everyone we talked to seemed very interested to participate, e.g., Gergo Toth (vessago), Denis Osipov (nirvana), and Igor Eged (iec). Also, the current world champion Rudolf Dupsky has confirmed his participation in our World Cup.

We have also already received some formal applications for participation. They are not many, because the tournament has not yet been officially announced and it is still far to the registration deadline indicated in the draft of the rules (31 Jan). Here is the current list of applicants:

Matiss Riherts, Latvia
Bogdan Brachaczek, Poland
Márk Horváth, Hungary
Paweł Nowak, Poland
Anton Efremov, Russia
Mateusz Rędzioch, Poland
Vladimir Mokeev, Russia
Tatiana Volkova, Russia

It goes without saying that Usiek and Zoli will participate, too.

And we have almost no doubt that Rudolf Dupsky, Gergo Toth, Denis Osipov and Igor Eged will play, based on our conversations.

Also, Alexander Miroshnichenko (aka Fudjin), Ukraine, has applied, but we have not yet made a decision as to whether to let him play, given his exceptionally bad reputation.

"Nie rozbawiły mnie nagrody rzeczowe, tylko nazywanie zwycięzcy mistrzem świata w grze na minutę online. Po zastanowieniu wydaje mi się, że kubek byłby jednak nagrodą opowiadającą randze turnieju."

The 100-metre dash is definitely no less prestigious, serious, or spectacular than the marathon, whatever marathon runners say :) Everyone knows Usain Bolt :) Also, isn't it telling that the top playok players play primarily one-minute games on playok, not long games? :) But of course, if you prefer a tea cup as the prize for the first place, we will not mind, provided that you win the tournament :)

On behalf of the organisers,

zukole - 2017-02-11, 22:34

angst napisał/a:
Ja się trochę pogubiłem. Był projekt Regulaminu, a są już oficjalne zapisy?

Czy powstał już finalny Regulamin?
Tym razem oficjalnie ;)
Usiek - 2017-02-12, 04:43
Temat postu: GomokuWorld's Online World Blitz Cup 2017 - ogłoszenie
My, organizatorzy - Usiek, Zoli i Sandra, wspierani przez Attilę (dwukrotnego mistrza świata w gomoku) - z przyjemnością ogłaszamy Puchar Świata Gomoku Blitz Online (GomokuWorld's Online World Blitz Cup), największy do tej pory turniej jednominutowych gier!

Wielu doświadczonych graczy zapowiedziało już swój udział, w tym silni Węgrzy, tacy jak Zoltan Laszlo (Zoli), Gergo Toth (Vessago, aktualny mistrz Węgier), czy Rudolf Dupszki (aktualny mistrz świata), solidni Polacy, tacy jak Adrian Fitzermann (Adifek), Bogdan Brachaczek (Bbj), czy Łukasz Majksner (Usiek, aktualny mistrz Polski), mocni Rosjanie, w tym Ilya Muratov (Furla, dwukrotny mistrz Rosji) oraz Denis Osipov (Nirvana), a także aktualny mistrz Czech Pavel Laube (Kedlub).

Zwycięzca otrzyma puchar ze stosownym tekstem. Jeżeli zdecyduje się przesłać nam swoje zdjęcie z pucharem, opublikujemy je na stronie oraz innych stronach internetowych poświęconych gomoku. Dodatkowo, wszyscy zdobywcy podium otrzymają medale, a wszyscy półfinaliści - plansze magnetyczne do gomoku.

Ostateczny termin rejestracji przypada na piątek 3 marca 23:59 czasu warszawskiego, więc nie zwlekaj i przyłącz się do tych prestiżowych zawodów!

Oficjalny regulamin turnieju został opisany na dwa sposoby:

1. Krótkie podsumowanie najważniejszych zasad (5 stron) - to wersja dla tych, którzy preferują podejście "krótko i na temat" - bez wyjaśniania oczywistych rzeczy. Plik załączony jako pl-short.pdf

2. Pełna wersja (13 stron) - dla tych, którzy cenią skrupulatność i szczegóły. Wersja dostępna wyłącznie w języku angielskim. Plik załączony jako eng-full.pdf

Życzymy wszystkim uczestnikom oraz widzom dużo zabawy, niech wygra najlepszy! :)

zukole - 2017-02-12, 12:42

Dwie kwestie na szybko :)

1. Przykładowe sposoby weryfikacji: konto na portalu społecznościowym (zarejestrowane odpowiednio dawno, z racjonalną liczbą kontaktów, itp.), potwierdzenie przez osobę cieszącą się dobrą opinią (niekoniecznie nam znaną), przedstawienie odpowiedniego dokumentu (np. dowód osobisty).

Co oznacza "zarejestrowane odpowiednio dawno" oraz "z racjonalną liczbą kontaktów"? Jakieś konkrety? ;)

2. Uczestnicy zostaną podzieleni na grupy składające się z kilku graczy (ok. 3-5). W obrębie grupy wszyscy gracze rozgrywają między sobą mecze w systemie round robin (każdy z każdym). Dwóch graczy z każdej grupy awansuje do fazy pucharowej. Przydział do grup będzie względnie losowy – dołożymy starań, aby w jednej grupie nie było samych silnych graczy.

Możesz/możecie rozwinąć? Moim zdaniem powinniście wcześniej określić kryteria podziału graczy i skoro opieracie się na systemach sportowych - zrobić "koszyki", a następnie dolosowywać z nich do grup.

Usiek - 2017-02-12, 16:23

zukole napisał/a:
Co oznacza "zarejestrowane odpowiednio dawno" oraz "z racjonalną liczbą kontaktów"? Jakieś konkrety? ;)

Zastosowałem tutaj pojęcia nieostre, ponieważ każda sprawa będzie traktowana indywidualnie, przy zastosowaniu wszystkich dostępnych informacji. Dołożymy wszelkich starań celem upewnienia się, że przedstawione przez danego uczestnika konto nie jest kontem fałszywym (nie podaję konkretnych liczb, kierujemy się zdrowym rozsądkiem). Więcej w sekcji 5.3 pełnej wersji regulaminu.

zukole napisał/a:
Możesz/możecie rozwinąć? Moim zdaniem powinniście wcześniej określić kryteria podziału graczy i skoro opieracie się na systemach sportowych - zrobić "koszyki", a następnie dolosowywać z nich do grup.

Zostanie powołana specjalna komisja, której zadaniem będzie przydzielenie graczy do poszczególnych kategorii umiejętności ("koszyków"). Względna losowość będzie polegała na tym, że w jednej grupie będzie przykładowo jeden losowy gracz kategorii A (najsilniejszej), jeden losowy gracz kategorii B (średniej) oraz dwóch losowych graczy kategorii C (najsłabszej). Więcej w aneksie B (Appendix B) do pełnej wersji regulaminu.

zukole - 2017-02-13, 11:47

Sandra Jones napisał/a:
Participants / Участники
(sorted by country and alphabetically by first name / упорядочены по странам и по алфавиту по имени)

The list is continually updated / Список постоянно обновляется
Last update / Последнее обновление: 13 Feb

Alexander Lisyutin, nickname TBA,
Anatoly Smirnov, nickname TBA, toha56 (at),
Andrey Litvinenko, wbcandreyli,
Anton Efremov, wbcsaehrimnir,
Denis Osipov, nickname TBA,
Dmitry Gorbachev, nickname TBA,
Gasan Babaev, wbclezgin,
Ilya Muratov, nickname TBA,
Tatyana Volkova, wbcdalida,
Vladimir Mokeev, nickname TBA,
Yury Kraubner, nickname TBA,

Andrea Nagy, wbcnyuszi, nagy.andrea840809 (at)
Csaba Kampós, nickname TBA, kamposcsaba (at),
Gergo Toth, nickname TBA, contact details TBA
Hajnalka Kovács, wbchajnal, kovacshajnalka1991 (at)
Mark Horvath, wbcmark,
Rudolf Dupszki, wbcgomotaku,
Sándor Gyüre, wbchafpor, spaiszer (at)
Sandor Nagy, wbcevil, rage_the_champ (at)
Zoltan Laszlo, wbczoli, lzltn9 (at),

Adrian Fitzermann, wbcadif, contact details TBA
Bogdan Brachaczek, wbcbbj,, playok nickname bbj
Łukasz Majksner, wbcusiek, usiek1992 (at),
Mateusz Rędzioch, wbcjimmy,
Paweł Nowak, wbcpeaceman, contact details TBA
Piotr Małowiejski, wbcangst,

Czech Republic
Adéla Krylová, wbcraptorr, contact details TBA
Pavel Laube, wbckedlub, kedlubajz (at),

Other countries / Другие страны
Alex Maldonado, Argentina, wbcpalacio,
Igor Eged, Slovakia, nickname TBA, contact details TBA
Jair Damián Martínez, Colombia, wbcnestea, damian (at),
Luis Diaz, Venezuela, wbcwuicho97, ladiaz97 (at), playok nickname wuicho97
Matiss Riherts, Latvia, nickname TBA, contact details TBA

bbj - 2017-02-13, 14:53

Gracze z Ameryki Południowej !
zukole - 2017-02-26, 01:44

W tym momencie na liście znajduje się już 66 graczy! Zapisy trwają do piątku (03.03 23:59).
bbj - 2017-02-26, 11:55

Dzięki temu turniejowi wyszło na jaw, że cały świat gra w gomoku, a nie tylko Europa Środkowa + Tajwan! :p

Całe życie w błędzie xD

zukole - 2017-03-02, 19:30
sandra113 - 2017-03-02, 22:31

There is one day left before the registration deadline, which is Fri 3 Mar 23:59 Warsaw time, so if you have not yet made a decision, it is finally time to decide :)

We have currently 75 registered participants, including four players out of top 5 of the world ranking list. Importantly, almost all best one-minute players have registered - Zoli, Adifek, Bano, Bbj, Gergo, Kedlub, Gacul, Nirvana, Puholek, Furla and others :)

In addition to Europeans, we have four Asians (two Vietnamese, a Taiwanese, and a Turk), four Latin Americans (a Brazilian, a Columbian, a Venezuelan, and an Argentinian), and an African (an Algerian).

The qualification is going to be very easy! Namely, now we have 46 registered participants exempt from the qualification requirement, so we need 18 more players to reach 64, a perfect number in terms of the tournament system. We will announce the exact qualification criterion shortly after the registration deadline.

In the group stage, there will be 16 groups, 4 players in each, and two players will advance from each group, forming a perfect play-off tree.

It is very convenient to follow the World Cup on This website is made to make it very convenient to find information - rules, participants, schedule, standings, results, decisions, articles, match videos, etc.

To register, simply let any of us (the organisers) know that you will participate. To remind, our emails are:
Usiek: usiek1992 (at)
Zoli: lzltn9 (at)
Sandra: sandragomoku (at)

zukole - 2017-03-04, 16:03

Zwolnieni z kwalifikacji:
Adam Horvath - anakinn - 2029
Ádám Varga - songokussj - 1868
Adam Wacłavik - okcthunder - 1812
Adrian Czychowski - xuatero - 2112
Adrian Fitzermann - adifek - 2712
Alexander Bogatirev - bayc - 2028
Alexey Lebedev - stealth57 - 1924
Anatoly Smirnov - barbos - 1799
Andrey Litvinenko - andreyli - 2032
Bogdan Brachaczek - bbj - 2038
Csaba Kampós - dibarius - 1950
Denis Kachaev - capellmaster - 2053
Denis Osipov - nfktatontfktl - 2143
Gábor Gyenes - nosztalgia - 1967
Georg-Romet Topkin - sakitgigi - 1580
Gergő Tóth - gergo - 2199
Igor Eged - athome3 - 2063
Ilya Katsev - bromozel - 1893
Ilya Muratov - bkmzvehfnjd - 1988
Jan Kopecky - deafbat - 2083
Jan Purkrábek - purkys - 1790
Kjetil Nossum - kjetil - 1633
Kristóf Ménesi - pekin9 - 2134
Krzysztof Łapsa - koston001 - 2226
Kuno Kolk - quaqua - 1583
Lukáš Souček - boneslash - 1804
Łukasz Majksner - undothefuture - 2201
Magdalena Kniejska - magdula - 1816
Marek Hanzl - mazec - 1959
Mark Heidmets - hatemets - 1517
Márk Horváth - markhorvath - 1907
Martin Hõbemägi - hobemagi - 1946
Mateusz Miśkiewicz - morpheusz - 1924
Mateusz Rędzioch - sawyer199 - 1610
Matiss Riherts - connect555 - 1873
Michał Pietrusiak - siweropoulos - 1918
Michał Zajk - puholek - 2125
Michal Zukowski - katacendre - 2188
Mikhail Lomakin - lomakin - 1522
Pavel Laube - kedluboss - 1956
Pawel Nowak - peaceman - 1724
Piotr Bieniek - gacul - 2300
Piotr Cych - bombowy - 1855
Piotr Małowiejski - angst - 1818
Rudolf Dupszki - dupsky - 2129
Stanislav Samsonov - dejavu71 - 1788
Štěpán Tesařík - peroxid - 2257
Szczepan Łukasik - edzi0 - 1915
Tauri Purk - eurogomoku - 1855
Timo Ilu - rentimo - 1949
Valtteri Pulliainen - fire2fire - 2559
Vladimir Nipoti - bano - 2014
Vladimir Sinitsyn - vladimirs - 1710
Zoltán László - skullmaker - 2568

Uczestnicy kwalifikacji:
Adéla Krylová, wbcraptorr
Alex Maldonado, wbcpalacio
Alexander Lisyutin, wbcbugry75
Andrea Nagy, wbcnyuszi
Anton Efremov, wbcsaehrimnir
Artyom Pokrovsky, wbcрulls
Attila Kelemen, wbcsacperkabe
Belkacem Bouziani, wbctimyawin
Dmitry Gorbachev, wbcpamp
Gábor Sokorai, wbcpeisz
Gasan Babaev, wbclezgin
Hajnalka Kovács, wbchajnal
Hsu-Kuo-Yu, wbcaaa0102
İbrahim Kaan Aslan, wbcpraytogod
Jair Damián Martínez, wbcnestea
Jakub Horák, wbc3ifndef
Krisztián László, wbckrisz
Lê Chí Thịnh, wbckarllee
Luis Diaz, wbcwuicho97
Matheus dos Santos de Oliveira, wbcthatsume
Matyáš Zavadil, wbcmatyci
Nemanja Jakovljević, wbcserbiaaa
Nguyen The Vinh, wbcmip24
Nóra Gáspár, wbccsajmokus
Oleg Bulatovsky, wbcgelo
Paulina Michalska, wbcimpossible
Pavel Elizarov, wbcbaumanec
Przemysław Wardach, wbcbrain
Renátó Szöllősi, wbcpyro
Sándor Gyüre, wbchafpor
Sándor Nagy, wbcevil
Semir Arabo, wbcsemir
Tatyana Volkova, wbcdalida
Tünde Valek, wbcfrau
Vladimir Mokeev, wbchampion
Yun-Sub Lee, wbcshingosu
Zoltán Menyhárt, wbclasek

Turnieje kwalifikacyjne:
Niedziela (05.03) 19:00 - kwalifikują się osoby z miejsc 1-3
Sobota (11.03) 12:00 - kwalifikują się osoby z miejsc 1-3
Sobota (11.03) 19:00 - kwalifikują się osoby z miejsc 1-4

bbj - 2017-03-05, 02:01
sandra113 - 2017-03-05, 03:18

The qualification round of Gomokuworld's Online World Blitz Cup kicks off today, on Sun 5 Mar, at 19:00 Warsaw time!

Here is who is who in the qualification round - the full list of the qualification round participants with their WBC nicknames, i.e., the nicknames they will use to play in the World Blitz Cup, as well as their usual playok nicknames and current ratings of the latter nicknames: (the same document as the one Bogdan referred to above).

As Michał wrote above, the qualification round consists of three tournaments on, which will be played on the following dates:

- Sun 5 Mar 19:00 Warsaw time, top 3 qualify,

- Sat 11 Mar 12:00 Warsaw time, top 3 qualify,

- Sat 11 Mar 19:00 Warsaw time, top 4 qualify.

All three tournaments will be created on by using the nickname wbc, with the parameters being 9 rounds, swap2, 1 min.

Each qualification tournament is open only to the World Blitz Cup participants, i.e., only to those who have applied for participation. Additionally, the participants who are exempt from the qualification requirement cannot play in the qualification round.

The qualification round participants do not need to choose in which of the three qualification tournaments to play - they can play in every tournament until they qualify. Those who successfully qualify from one of these qualification tournaments cannot play in the subsequent ones.

These qualification tournaments are going to be very interesting as there are 37 qualification round participants from 15 countries, many of them being quite strong or at least decent players. Come watch and support the participants from your country - you can type in the tournament chat to cheer for them :)

sandra113 - 2017-03-06, 20:56

The first qualification tournament was played yesterday, and the three players who qualified from it are Alex Maldonado from Argenina, Oleg Bulatovsky from Ukraine, and Pavel Elizarov from Russia. Congratulations! Each of them earned 7 points out of 9.

Here are the tournament's results and games:

Luck was not on the Hungarian side - two Magyars earned 6 points each, with one having 6 points after the first 6 rounds. But keep your head high, Hungarians - you have two more attempts!

And it was really a pleasure to see four good players from South America - Argentina, Venezuela, Columbia, and Brazil. They took the 1st, 6th, 8th, and 9th places, respectively, and thus may all qualify, as ten players qualify in total from all qualification tournaments. Gomoku is expanding geographically!

sandra113 - 2017-03-06, 20:58

Video of yesterday's qualification tournament, showing one game from each round:

Games in this video:

0:00: Jair Damián Martínez, Columbia (wbcnestea) vs Jakub Horák, Czech Republic (wbc3ifndef)

1:58: Sándor Nagy, Hungary (wbcevil) vs Jakub Horák, Czech Republic (wbc3ifndef)

4:00: Oleg Bulatovsky, Ukraine (wbcgelo) vs Sándor Nagy, Hungary (wbcevil)

5:37: Alex Maldonado, Argentina (wbcpalacio) vs Oleg Bulatovsky, Ukraine (wbcgelo)

6:53: Sándor Gyüre, Hungary (wbchafpor) vs Alex Maldonado, Argentina (wbcpalacio)

7:58: Sándor Gyüre, Hungary (wbchafpor) vs Sándor Nagy, Hungary (wbcevil)

8:45: Sándor Gyüre, Hungary (wbchafpor) vs Pavel Elizarov, Russia (wbcbaumanec)

10:22: Oleg Bulatovsky, Ukraine (wbcgelo) vs Sándor Gyüre, Hungary (wbchafpor)

12:05: Sándor Nagy, Hungary (wbcevil) vs Alex Maldonado, Argentina (wbcpalacio)

zukole - 2017-03-11, 23:07

Zakończyły się kwalifikacje. Wyniki.
zukole - 2017-03-17, 23:18

Podział grup oraz drabinka turniejowa -
sandra113 - 2017-03-18, 02:29

As Michał wrote above, the distribution of the participants over the groups has been completed, and here are the groups:

We kindly ask the participants to start arranging and playing their matches, in any order they like. There are only two restrictions:

(1) At least one of us (the organisers) - Usiek, Zoli, or Sandra - needs to be sent a message at least 24 hours before each match, preferably by email, facebook, or Sandra's vk. Our emails are, respectively, usiek1992 (at), lzltn9 (at) gmail,com, sandragomoku (at)

(2) The period of the group stage is Mon 20 Mar - Sun 9 Apr.

The participants' contact details are provided at:

The dates and times of the arranged matches will be posted at:, so check that page regularly :) And the results will be posted at

Before playing matches, each participant should read the short version of the rules to get to know the essential things - the number of games in each match, who puts an opening in the first game, which criteria decide who advances from each group, etc. For those who have not yet read it, here it is in different languages:
English version:
Polish version:
Czech version:
Hungarian version:
Russian version:

We wish every participant good luck and a lot of fun!

For those who are interested to know how the experts evaluated each participant, what the resulting baskets were, who the top four players were, and how Rudolf Dupszki and Ilya Muratov blindly formed the groups, here are the details:

angst - 2017-03-18, 10:52

It's probably a little bit late for this, but can Organizers explain, why draw games are not counted in the group matches (and why draw results in matches are not accepted too)?

In fact, if for some reason one of the players must win a match, I assume it would be enough to not allow for a draw in the last game of the match.

Until now, everything looks quite professionally. Keep going! :)

And good luck for all participants! :)

Best regards,


P.S. Is any kind of betting predicted? :)

sandra113 - 2017-03-18, 18:51

It's probably a little bit late for this, but can Organizers explain, why draw games are not counted in the group matches (and why draw results in matches are not accepted too)?

The motivation was manifold:

(1) to provide an easy legal opportunity for the participants of a match not to count a game if they both agree (e.g., suppose that there was an obvious technical problem that affected a game and both players want to replay it) - they just need to make and accept a draw offer, without having to explain anything to the organisers,

(2) to make a very simple rule that guarantees the absence of drawn matches (to make sure, in particular, that people will not simply agree to draws in all games of a match if it is to mutual benefit), and our rule - not to count draws - seems to be the simplest solution,

(3) to avoid counting half-points, just for the sake of simplicity and convenience both for players and spectators :)

P.S. Is any kind of betting predicted?

Zoli is working on it - a WBC betting competition may appear soon on a Czech site:

By the way, I am also curious who of the experts proves to be the most accurate :) For example, how many of each expert's top 16 actually win their groups and how many of each expert's next best 16 actually advance from their groups :) I think we should announce the most accurate expert if he agrees to it :)

sandra113 - 2017-03-18, 18:54

Also, Piotr, could you please correct my post by replacing "48 hours" by "24 hours"? We have changed the 48-hours rule: For the group stage, it is now ok to notify any of us 24 hours before each match.

To clarify, the players do not need to wait for a confirmation, reply, or receipt - they can just send a notifying message to one of us 24 hours before each match and play it :)

angst - 2017-03-18, 21:41

I still see more cons than pros, nevertheless, at least it seems it wasn't decided by accident :)

No. of hours corrected. This (a need to wait minimum one day for your own match) is another small trouble, as it's sometimes easier to play with your opponent spontaneously. However, in this case I believe I understand your reasons.

Best regards,


bbj - 2017-03-18, 22:57

Może coś ode mnie.
Uważam, że WBC jest bardzo dobrym pomysłem, jest to nowość w gomoku i widać, że jest to krok w popularyzacji naszej gry. Dużo się dzieje w 2017 roku (czy to zasługa MŚ live?).

Nie podoba mi się jedynie system rozgrywek, a dokładnie:
The resulting top 4 are, in the following order: Zoltán László, Adrian Fitzermann, Michal
Żukowski, and Gergő Tóth.
We put them to groups A, B, I, and J, respectively, to ensure that they do not meet before the
semifinal stage if they win their groups.

Nie rozumiem dlaczego zostały przydzielone do konkretnych grup osoby z TOP 4.
Może od razu niech zostanie rozegrany mecz o zwycięstwo: zoli vs adif, bo tyle ekspertów osądziło, że są najlepsi?
Czy ktoś się w Lidze Mistrzów przejmuje tym, że w 1/4 finału jest Bayern - Real, a na Euro 2016 było kilka przedwczesnych finałów?
W sporcie play-offy są stosowane ze względu na emocje i wiele możliwych niespodzianek, a także ograniczony mocno czas. Moim zdaniem jest to kiepski system do gomoku, ale jeśli już go stosować to po co "udoskonalać"? Ponieważ ktoś ma jakieś obawy?

To tylko moja opinia, nie mam zamiaru protestować, tylko chcę aby tego typu turnieje były lepsze (mam nadzieję, że na edycji 2017 się nie skończy).
Proponuję więc zastosować system szwajcarski (np. na podstawie rozgrywek IRP).

PS Polska ma dość mocną drużynę i szkoda tylko, że zabrakło np. protiza, tomczy, joyomena, anksta czy czambera. Wtedy zdecydowanie Polska byłaby najlepsza. Może na przyszłość dałoby radę ich dołączyć do gry, nawet jeśli nie podadzą swoich prawdziwych danych osobowych?
PS 2 Wydaje się, że nie ma najlepszego gracza aktualnie na kurniku w tym turnieju, a szkoda.

zukole - 2017-03-19, 01:09

bbj napisał/a:
Nie rozumiem dlaczego zostały przydzielone do konkretnych grup osoby z TOP 4.
A mnie się wydaje, że doskonale rozumiesz. Zwłaszcza, że cytujesz konkretny fragment oraz sam piszesz o emocjach fazy play-off ;)
Jest ogromna różnica między automatycznym finałem pomiędzy Zoltanem i Adifem, a przydzieleniu polegającym na teoretycznym uniknięciu się wspomnianej wyżej czwórki.

System szwajcarski jest tak "sprawiedliwy", że turniej A indywidualnych mistrzostw świata jest rozgrywany w systemie kołowym ;)

Drabinka kobiecych szachowych mistrzostw świata, które niedawno zostały rozegrane w Teheranie. Wystarczy porównać z listą startową aby zobaczyć, że nie tylko w Gomoku organizatorzy starają się opóźnić bezpośrednie starcie "papierowych" faworytów.

bbj - 2017-03-19, 11:34

Ok, zgadza się. Faktycznie takie rozstawienia są np. w szachach czy tenisie.
W sportach drużynowych nie ma czegoś takiego, a tym się sugerowałem najbardziej jako, że koncepcja wbc miała się opierać na zasadach "mundialowych".

Oczywiście nie sądzę, że system szwajcarski jest najlepszy wszędzie.
Do np. 12 graczy najlepszy będzie kołowy, potem już "swiss", dlatego w finale A lepszy jest "każdy z każdym".

sandra113 - 2017-03-19, 16:16

I still see more cons than pros, nevertheless, at least it seems it wasn't decided by accident

It is really great that we openly discuss the rules - such discussions will help us improve the rules for next competitions :)

As you still see more cons than pros, let me first show you some statistics:

(a) There are no draws out of 911 games on the account mbezoli, which Zoli uses exclusively to play one-minute games in the MBE.

(b) There are no draws out of 8209 games on the account blackkbird (with a double k in the middle), which is used by a Polish player exclusively (or almost exclusively) to play one-minute games.

(c) On Usiek's account ursamaior, which he uses only in the MBE and other tournaments, there is only one draw for the last 6 months, but that draw was achieved in a 15 min game - it was a game of the Ultimate Meijin match.

(d) On the account scebra there are no draws for the last 6 months despite playing in 74 MBE tournaments in that period (which means 600+ one-minute games).

(e) Looking at the MBE statistics published by Usiek, I see that for most months none of the participants had a half-point. I found some half-points for some months, and the statistics indicate that there were only a few draws in the MBE in the first eight months of the last year. (I could not find statistics for the later months.) That is, a few draws out of roughly 5'000 games, which is ~0.1%, and I highly doubt that at least one of these draws was genuine. By a genuine draw, I mean a game in which the opponents fill the entire board or agree to a draw only after they are convinced that neither of them can win on time or by a five. I asked connect555, who had a half-point two months in these MBE statistics, and he named misclicks as the reason for these draws, so at least his draws were not genuine.

(f) Connect555 said that he has never filled the entire board in a one-minute game. He has 10'000+ rated games on his account, mainly one-minute games.

Thus, as a matter of fact, genuine draws are almost impossible in one-minute gomoku. And I am sure you know the reason why it is so :) To fill the entire board in 1 min, both players must make their moves at an average speed of about 2 moves per second, and if any of them indeed makes his moves that fast, then the other one will easily win by a five if he is a decent player :)

So if a one-minute game ends as a draw, there is most likely something wrong in it - either the players do not want to play until the end to determine the winner, or consider it fair to agree to a draw because of a technical problem or other issue that occurred during the game (e.g., a truly accidental misclick).

And this brings me to my main point - it is definitely not the right thing to include such wrong games in the WBC results :) And since we have to keep our rules simple, we have nothing but not to count draws. Differentiating between genuine and non-genuine draws would complicate the rules :)

And I think that since genuine draws are almost impossible in one-minute gomoku, our rule definitely does not create any noticeable problem. Even if a miracle occurs - i.e., a genuine draw is achieved - then the players will just have to replay the game, which will not take more than two minutes - not a big deal :)

sandra113 - 2017-03-19, 17:01

chcę aby tego typu turnieje były lepsze (mam nadzieję, że na edycji 2017 się nie skończy).

This is really great that you openly discuss how to improve the rules for next competitions :)

You raise two distinct issues:

(1) Is the play-off system better for an online championship in one-minute gomoku than the Swiss system or the round-robin system?

(2) If the play-off system is chosen, is it good to ensure that the players considered to be the top 4 do not meet before the semi-final stage?

Concerning issue (1), I do not know which system is best for online one-minute gomoku - each system has its appeal, and I think that the players should decide what they want and let us know :)

Advantages of the current system include (but are not limited to):

(a) The winner is decided at the very last moment. The top two are decided at the last but one moment. And so on. In contrast, in Swiss-system competitions the main competitors usually meet quite early - e.g., The Lords of XO were paired against Dasha and Bears already in Round 4 this season.

(b) The winner is decided in a spectacular manner in a direct match. The top two are decided in direct matches against their competitors in semi-finals. And so on. This is in contrast to how the Lords of XO won the title last season - by a coefficient. They had the same number of points as your team, and a slightly better M-Buch, 34.5 vs 34.0. A similar thing can easily happen in a round-robin competition - for example, this year it is the Berger coefficient that determined the Russian renju champion.

It is for a reason that the chess world champion is traditionally determined in a direct match. Alekhin and Capablanca played against each other in many chess tournaments, but it is their direct match for the title of the world champion that attracted the most attention. And how the match between Fischer and Spassky helped popularise chess! How many people followed the matches between Kasparov and Karpov! What great attention the recent match between Carlsen and Karyakin received!

(c) Our system offers more motivation to focus because almost all matches are very important. Under our system, it is very well known what is at stake in almost every match - e.g., the first place in a group, the second place in a group, a semi-final, etc.

(d) In contrast to the Swiss and round-robin systems, where it is very important not to lose match points in a long series of matches against weaker opponents, our system favours those players who can focus when it is most important and beat an opponent in a principal match. I guess it is a more fair.

Concerning issue (2), Michał made a very good reply. I would like to add one more example, NBA:

Anyway, there are basically two extremes:

(a) a fully random draw - i.e., all players are distributed over groups absolutely randomly, which may result in, say, Zoli, Adif, Zukole, and Gergo being in the same group,

(b) a fully pre-determined draw based on experts' opinions - i.e., top 2 cannot meet before the final, top 4 cannot meet before the semi-final stage, top 8 cannot meet before the quarter-final stage, etc., with the groups being formed in such a way so as to help strong players as much as possible, fully excluding the random component.

Obviously, both extremes are very bad, and we merely tried to find the golden middle, i.e., to find the right balance between the random and pre-determined components :)

And we really welcome opinions, especially of such experienced players like you, Michał, and Piotr, about whether and how to shift this balance for the next competition (if we stay with the play-off system at all) - this will help us decide :) We now know that you want more randomness, and we also want to know what other players want :)

sandra113 - 2017-03-19, 17:08

The betting competition has been created:


angst - 2017-03-19, 22:02

Let me continue in an open way then :)

First of all, you explained quite reasonably, why draws in particular games are not well seen. I'm still not fully convinced, but for me more important was to understand why draws in matches are not acceptable in the system proposed. I think that agreed draws (if such a draw satisfy both players for some reason) led you to this point, but it wasn't clearly confirmed.

Regarding the round-robin / swiss / play-offs, I think majority will agree that in case of the latter, the most interesting tournaments can be achieved (Michal's argument on A-Final doesn't suit best here maybe, as Swiss is mainly use in case of high players number comparing with rounds number to be played).

Regardless of the system chosen by WBC Organizers, there is maybe one thing missing in your response to Bogdan's point. This is probably fine and widely used that particular teams or players are seeded to avoid clash of titans in the beginning. However, usually such seeding is prepared in the effect of much more objective criteria than experts' opinions, eg. results achieved in 82-games season (NBA) or ratinglist built in the result of playing many tournaments (ATP or WTA). It could be explained by difficulty with setting such objective criteria, but it would be nice to see progress here in the next WBC editions.

And my additional idea, which is connected with the previous sentence. I just thought that maybe it would be interesting to see more players competing in the Play-offs phase. I just mean that this maybe not that bad idea to fight also for other places than only top3, to determine who is 34., 56. or 60. player of the tournament, that can be also used in the next seasons seedings. I probably don't need to add that for half of the players competition will be over after 2 or 3 group matches.

Finally, what I was also wondering is, if one 40-games long match is the best way to select tournament winner, as player's shape in particular day can be a decisive factor. An even light headache, small school or job troubles can affect the score. So maybe playing until 3 or 4 won matches (like in NBA ;) ) would be better solution?

Kind regards,


bbj - 2017-03-20, 11:30

angst napisał/a:
I probably don't need to add that for half of the players competition will be over after 2 or 3 group matches.

Yes, it is worth to consider. I think that 2 or 3 games are not satisfactory for majority. Here again swiss system has advantage over play-offs (each player plays the same amount of matches).

bbj - 2017-03-22, 11:47

All matches available to betting:
angst - 2017-03-22, 13:09

As far as I understand, draws are not possible, so it's better no to bet them ;)

And not all games are included (I haven't checked - maybe they have already been played).

Best regards


sandra113 - 2017-03-22, 19:24

First of all, you explained quite reasonably, why draws in particular games are not well seen. I'm still not fully convinced, but for me more important was to understand why draws in matches are not acceptable in the system proposed. I think that agreed draws (if such a draw satisfy both players for some reason) led you to this point, but it wasn't clearly confirmed.

There are two distinct questions - (1) why we decided not to count drawn one-minute games and (2) why we made our system such that a whole match cannot end as a draw.

The answer to question (2) is that we want to make situations in which two players find it mutually beneficial to fix a match less likely to happen. In other words, we want to decrease the likelihood of situations like this and this.

The answer to question (1) is the combination of the following:
- We do not want to count one-minute games in which the opponents agree to a draw because something went wrong (e.g., a truly accidental misclick or a connection issue).
- We do not want to make a complicated rule explaining when a draw is counted and when not.
- We do not want to count half-points during matches, i.e., we want to avoid ugly scores like 9.5-6.5.
- We want to ensure that no match can end as a draw (for the reason stated in the previous paragraph), and perhaps the simplest way to ensure this is to make the number of games odd and replay each drawn game if there is any.

If you have a better system in mind, please propose it here :) We are really open to hear suggestions how to make our next tournament better than the current one.

Regarding the round-robin / swiss / play-offs, I think majority will agree that in case of the latter, the most interesting tournaments can be achieved (Michal's argument on A-Final doesn't suit best here maybe, as Swiss is mainly use in case of high players number comparing with rounds number to be played).

I think that we should ask people as to which tournament system they prefer, by making a poll or talking to players directly.

Note that the Swiss system has considerable disadvantages. I quote from Wikipedia:

In a Swiss system tournament, sometimes a player has such a great lead that by the last round he is assured of winning the tournament even if he loses the last game. This has some disadvantages. First, a Swiss-system tournament does not always end with the exciting climax of a knockout final. Second, this unmotivated first-place player may lose their final game, thus affecting the standings of other players. One fairly common fix for this issue is to hold single elimination rounds among the top scorers. In Scrabble tournaments a player with such a strong lead will often be paired against the highest-placed player who cannot possibly finish in the prize-winning zone; this process is known as Gibsonization (also known as the Gibson Rule) after it was first applied to the U.S. Scrabble Champion David Gibson in the 1995 All-Stars tournament. He is the all-time top money winner in the history of Scrabble, and earned a particular reputation by clinching victory in major events before the final round. Because of this, players are said to be Gibsonized: after winning, they are paired with lower-ranked players to avoid affecting the ranking of runners-up. A disadvantage compared to an all-play-all tournament is that, while the players finishing near the top are typically those with the best performances, and those finishing near the bottom are those with the worst performances, the players in the middle tend to be jumbled with little meaningful order. For example, at a recent European Chess Championship, players scoring 5.5/11 had performance ratings ranging from to 2189 to 2559; such a difference suggests that the stronger-performing player would score more than 90% against the weaker-performing one. One player with a 2441 performance rating scored two and a half points better than one performing at 2518.

In Swiss system tournaments, the later rounds have a much greater bearing on the final results than the earlier rounds. In fact, it can even be an advantage to have a poor start to a Swiss system tournament because the player is then more likely to be paired against weaker opposition. Chess players colloquially refer to this as a "Swiss Gambit".

So we should ask people whether they really want this :)

Regardless of the system chosen by WBC Organizers, there is maybe one thing missing in your response to Bogdan's point. This is probably fine and widely used that particular teams or players are seeded to avoid clash of titans in the beginning. However, usually such seeding is prepared in the effect of much more objective criteria than experts' opinions, eg. results achieved in 82-games season (NBA) or ratinglist built in the result of playing many tournaments (ATP or WTA). It could be explained by difficulty with setting such objective criteria, but it would be nice to see progress here in the next WBC editions.

I think that if seeding is needed for the next tournament's system, we will use the results of the current tournament as a basis.

And my additional idea, which is connected with the previous sentence. I just thought that maybe it would be interesting to see more players competing in the Play-offs phase. I just mean that this maybe not that bad idea to fight also for other places than only top3, to determine who is 34., 56. or 60. player of the tournament, that can be also used in the next seasons seedings. I probably don't need to add that for half of the players competition will be over after 2 or 3 group matches.

This is something we can ask people about before the next tournament :)

Finally, what I was also wondering is, if one 40-games long match is the best way to select tournament winner, as player's shape in particular day can be a decisive factor. An even light headache, small school or job troubles can affect the score. So maybe playing until 3 or 4 won matches (like in NBA ;) ) would be better solution?

I personally like very much the idea to organise the final as a super-match consisting of a few matches. A super-match of such a high level will definitely help popularise gomoku, especially if widely advertised :) But, again, we should ask the top players whether they will be happy to play such a super-match if they reach the final.

sandra113 - 2017-03-22, 19:32

I think that 2 or 3 games are not satisfactory for majority. Here again swiss system has advantage over play-offs (each player plays the same amount of matches).

As I wrote above, I think that we should ask people as to which tournament system they prefer. Some strong players definitely have the same preference as you do, but other strong players may prefer to quickly play a few matches until being eliminated, not willing to commit to play in a long-lasting Swiss system tournament. Here are some strong players who decided not to play in the IRP, an excellent and well-organised Swiss system competition of nine rounds lasting 6 months in total, but joined our World Cup:
- Adam Horvath (anakinn)
- Adrian Fitzermann (adifek)
- Csaba Kampós (dibarius)
- Denis Kachaev (capellmaster)
- Denis Osipov (wbcnirvana)
- Gábor Gyenes (captain5)
- Ilya Muratov (furla)
- Kristóf Ménesi (peking)
- Krzysztof Łapsa (koston)
- Michał Pietrusiak (siweropoulos)
- Pavel Laube (kedlub)
- Rudolf Dupszki (dupsky)
- Valtteri Pulliainen (fire)
- Vladimir Nipoti (bano)
Would they join our World Cup if it was a long-lasting Swiss system tournament of many rounds? I do not know. We should ask. Obviously, we want that a vast majority of the top players join, as otherwise our tournament will not really be a World Cup.

We should find a system that gomoku players, especially top players, will be most happy with. Maybe a good solution is a relatively short Swiss system tournament of, say, 5 rounds, followed by a play-off stage for those who finish 1st - 16th, where we ensure that the players who take places 1-2 in the Swiss stage cannot meet in the play-off stage before the final, that the players who take places 1-4 in the Swiss stage cannot meet in the play-off stage before they reach a semifinal, and so on. But if we find that a vast majority of the top players want more rounds, I am sure we will make their wish come true :)

angst - 2017-03-23, 17:04

sandra113 napisał/a:
the IRP, an excellent and well-organised Swiss system competition

Thank you! :)

sandra113 napisał/a:
of nine rounds lasting 6 months in total

In fact 7 rounds and ~5 months :)

sandra113 napisał/a:
but joined our World Cup

I think 1 min vs 10 min time parameter is at least of equal importance. Moreover, half of the mentioned players already competed in IRP (this is its 18th edition) and some of them even won entire competition in the past ;)

sandra113 napisał/a:
Obviously, we want that a vast majority of the top players join, as otherwise our tournament will not really be a World Cup.

This is why comparing both tournaments is not fully adequate, as there are totally different goals of both projects. Naturally, I would like to see all strong players competing and as many participants as possible, nevertheless only the ones who really want to play, not everyone available, attracted by nice advertising and by creating atmosphere of uniqueness.

Moreover, it seems like you think I prefer Swiss system over Play-offs, which is definitely not the truth. I would like to emphasize that there is no best universal system for every tournament and all systems available have their pros and cons. The most important is what you really want to achieve. Eg. if you don't want to see draws or half-points (what's wrong with them? :) ), not allowing them is the best system possible :)

Kind regards,


bbj - 2017-03-31, 15:58

As we see even after one game, the tournament could be over for some players.
The reason is that they don't see chance to advance from the group (they lost first game against player from 3/4 basket and now they have to meet player from 1 basket (very strong players)).

I don't approve such behavior, but should be noted that such players there may be more because of the loss of motivation or being ashamed due ending participation at group stage.

angst - 2017-03-31, 16:17

It's too early to make any conclusions and to generalize, however such cases should probably be noted and used in any kind of analyses conducted with the aim of tournament improvement.

As far as I understand, Organizers are going to launch some surveys to ask community on opinion regarding particular aspects.

Nevertheless, I'm not sure if next edition of this interesting competition is already sure and confirmed.

Best regards,


zukole - 2017-04-01, 02:49

Takie numery tylko w Asgardzie.


(All times are Warsaw times; the matches are listed in the chronological order, i.e., earlier matches first.)

Saturday, 1st April

18:00 - Anatoly Smirnov (wbcbarbos) vs Vladimir Mokeev (wbchampion)

18:00 - Rudolf Dupszki (wbcgomotaku) vs Stanislav Samsonov (wbcsamsonov)

19:00 - Adam Wacławik (wbcelendil) vs Kristóf Ménesi (wbcpeking)

20:00 - Adrian Fitzermann (wbcadif) vs Szczepan Łukasik (wbckremufka)

20:30 - Gergő Tóth (wbcgergo) vs Sándor Gyüre (wbchafpor)

21:00 - Rudolf Dupszki (wbcgomotaku) vs Lukáš Souček (wbciwbtc)

23:00 - Igor Eged (wbcg3m) vs. Jair Damián Martínez (wbcnestea)

Sunday, 2nd April

15:00 - Igor Eged (wbcg3m) vs Piotr Małowiejski (wbcangst)

17:00 - Oleg Bulatovsky (wbcgelo) vs Anatoly Smirnov (wbcbarbos)

19:00 - Gergő Tóth (wbcgergo) vs Kuno Kolk (wbcquaqua)

19:00 - Alex Maldonado (wbcpalacio) vs Pavel Laube (kedlub)

20:00 - Krzysztof Łapsa (wbckoston) vs Pavel Elizarov (wbcbaumanec)

20:30 - Adam Horvath (wbcanakinn) vs Kjetil Nossum (wbckjetil)

21:00 - Ilya Muratov (wbcfurla) vs Marek Hanzl (wbcmazec)

21:00 - Lukáš Souček (wbciwbtc) vs Pawel Nowak (wbcpeaceman)

bbj - 2017-04-08, 21:02

Naprawdę niezłe przedstawienie w wykonaniu furli i lomakina... :roll:

Pytanie do organizatorów. Nie wydaje się Wam, że wyniki 11:10 wyglądają paskudnie?
Tak dużo by to kosztowało czasu jakby wprowadzić 2 punktową przewagę jak to ma miejsce chyba we wszystkich grach?

Usiek - 2017-04-08, 21:15

bbj napisał/a:
Pytanie do organizatorów. Nie wydaje się Wam, że wyniki 11:10 wyglądają paskudnie?
Tak dużo by to kosztowało czasu jakby wprowadzić 2 punktową przewagę jak to ma miejsce chyba we wszystkich grach?

Dlaczego paskudnie? Granie na przewagi przewidziane jest w fazie pucharowej. Uznaliśmy, że w fazie grupowej nie jest to potrzebne.

bbj - 2017-04-08, 21:20

usiek92 napisał/a:

Dlaczego paskudnie? Granie na przewagi przewidziane jest w fazie pucharowej. Uznaliśmy, że w fazie grupowej nie jest to potrzebne.

To nie chodzi o to czy to jest potrzebne czy nie, ale czysto sportowo jest to wynik "niedokończony".

sandra113 - 2017-04-10, 12:52

As we see even after one game, the tournament could be over for some players.
The reason is that they don't see chance to advance from the group (they lost first game against player from 3/4 basket and now they have to meet player from 1 basket (very strong players)).

You have a point. We are going to survey players to find out which tournament system they prefer.

should be noted that such players there may be more because of the loss of motivation or being ashamed due ending participation at group stage

Now that the group stage has been completed, we know that no one resigned in addition to the two Asgardians who resigned before you posted that message. I must admit that one more player told me that he would resign if he loses his second match, but he won it and thus did not resign.

Nevertheless, I'm not sure if next edition of this interesting competition is already sure and confirmed.

Of course, we intend to organise the next WBC, as the first tournament is proving to be successful and the community seems to like it - we have about 100 participants, including four out of top 5 of the gomoku world ranking list, and many matches are well attended by spectators. Here is a screenshot showing spectators of yesterday's match between Bogdan and Matiss:

Takie numery tylko w Asgardzie.

You have a point :)

Naprawdę niezłe przedstawienie w wykonaniu furli i lomakina..

Indeed. This was discussed a lot on the Russian gomoku discussion board, and people suspect that Furla may have intentionally lost to Mazec in order to get Lomakin in 1/16 and that Lomakin may have intentionally lost to Kjetil to avoid Furla. Barbos even publicly suggested disqualifying, and one more player suggested the same by sending me a private message. Of course, we took no action.

Here is an ironic public statement by Lomakin, translated by me to English:

I want to officially state that the coincidence of the results of the matches wbclomakin-wbckjetil and wbcfurla-wbcmazec is just a mere coincidence ;) As Sandra noted, now Furla and Lomakin cannot meet before the final. I did my best, but it was not my day, and my opponent was very strong.

Furla's public reaction:

It is a pity, it would be an interesting match between us.

To avoid situations like this in the next WBC, it may be reasonable to make a separate random draw after the group stage.

Pytanie do organizatorów. Nie wydaje się Wam, że wyniki 11:10 wyglądają paskudnie?
Tak dużo by to kosztowało czasu jakby wprowadzić 2 punktową przewagę jak to ma miejsce chyba we wszystkich grach?

I see your point, and, again, this issue can be included in the survey. Note that we have a different rule for the play-off stage:

W meczu fazy pucharowej (z wyjątkiem finału) gracze wstępnie rozgrywają 30 nieremisowych partii. W przypadku remisu (15:15) grają do momentu, w którym jeden z nich uzyska przewagę 2 zwycięstw, bądź gdy liczba nieremisowych partii wyniesie 51.

Playing to the difference of two wins is more fair from the sport standpoint, but not massively so and also may easily prolong the match by, say, 6-8 games or even more. Some players, especially those who are not used to play long matches, may not like this. And we would also need to modify the secondary criterion for the group stage - the number of won one-minute games - as some players would play more games than others. And if you lose a match 10-11 in the group stage, you still can advance to the play-off stage. Overall, we just felt that it is appropriate to fix the number of games in the group stage and to play to the difference of two wins in the play-off stage.

sandra113 - 2017-04-10, 13:08

Poland performed great in the group stage - there are 11 Poles in the top 32 players of this World Cup. Keep performing well :)
sandra113 - 2017-04-10, 13:10

The 1/16 final stage starts today and ends on Sun 23 Apr, i.e., it will last two weeks. We ask the participants to arrange their matches. Exactly as in the group stage, at least one of the organisers (Usiek, Zoli, or I) needs to be sent a message at least 24 hours before each match. We are flexible enough to sometimes grant an exemption from this rule, but only if really needed and requested before playing.

Here are the pairs:

Good luck in your matches :)

zukole - 2017-04-11, 00:41

Dla potomnych :mrgreen:

TOP 32 (1/16 FINALS)

Zoltán László (wbczoli) vs Szczepan Łukasik (wbckremufka)

Łukasz Majksner (wbcusiek) vs Matiss Riherts (wbcmatiss)

Pavel Laube (wbckedlub) vs Paweł Nowak (wbcpeaceman)

Vladimir Nipoti (wbcb) vs Igor Eged (wbcg3m)

Michał Żukowski (wbczukole) vs Gábor Gyenes (wbcgabor)

Kristóf Ménesi (wbcpeking) vs Andrey Litvinenko (wbcandreyli)

Piotr Bieniek (wbcgacul) vs Márk Horváth (wbcmark)

Adam Horvath (wbcanakinn) vs Ilya Muratov (wbcfurla)

Oleg Bulatovsky (wbcgelo) vs Adrian Fitzermann (wbcadif)

Denis Kachaev (wbccapellmast) vs Bogdan Brachaczek (wbcbbj)

Krzysztof Łapsa (wbckoston) vs Rudolf Dupszki (wbcgomotaku)

Timo Ilu (wbcrentimo) vs Jan Kopecky (wbcdeafbat)

Valtteri Pulliainen (wbcfire) vs Gergő Tóth (wbcgergo)

Michał Pietrusiak (wbcsiwer) vs Denis Osipov (wbcnirvana)

Adrian Czychowski (wbcadrian) vs Michał Zajk (wbcpuholek)

Mikhail Lomakin (wbclomakin) vs Marek Hanzl (wbcmazec)

sandra113 - 2017-04-17, 12:05

Do not miss today's 1/16 final between Koston and the world champion Rudolf Dupsky :) It starts at 21:00 Warsaw time. Both players are quite strong and were seeded in Basket 1. As one of them has to be eliminated tonight, a real battle is coming. Come support your compatriot :)

sandra113 - 2017-04-19, 20:52

Dupsky won, with the final score being 16-6.

Do not miss tonight's 1/16 final - Usiek vs Matiss :) Matiss is known on playok as connect555 and ok366. The match starts at 23:00. Come watch :)

sandra113 - 2017-04-24, 00:56

The 1/8 final stage has started!

The participants are kindly asked to arrange and play their matches. The period of the 1/8 final stage is Mon 24 Apr - Sun 7 May (i.e., two weeks). At least one of the organisers - Usiek, Zoli, or Sandra - needs to be sent a message at least 24 hours before each match.

Good luck to all participants!

angst - 2017-04-27, 10:55

A co się zadziało, że Usiek ma w wyniku z Zolim wpisany walkower? :roll:



sandra113 - 2017-04-27, 13:49

A co się zadziało, że Usiek ma w wyniku z Zolim wpisany walkower?

There were some issues with that match, and now they have been successfully resolved. The match will be played on Thu 4 May at 22:30, as scheduled.

Usiek - 2017-04-27, 14:24

angst napisał/a:
A co się zadziało, że Usiek ma w wyniku z Zolim wpisany walkower? :roll:

Powiedzmy, że chwila słabości ;)

sandra113 - 2017-04-27, 16:15

A very interesting 1/8 final will be played tonight at 19:00 Warsaw time - Timo Ilu, the last remaining representative of Estonia, a major gomoku power, against the gomoku world champion Rudolf Dupzski!

Timo Ilo was placed in Basket 3 as the experts did not know well about his skills, but he is a talented renju player whose highest renju rating is 2440. In the group stage, he gave Bano a hard match that ended 9-12. In the 1/16 final stage, Timo won against Deafbat, whom the experts evaluated to be the 10th.

Rudolf trained himself before the WBC to play one-minute gomoku and reached a very solid level of play. In his 1/16 final, Rudolf won 16-6 against Koston.

Come watch :)

zukole - 2017-04-27, 16:29

angst napisał/a:
A co się zadziało, że Usiek ma w wyniku z Zolim wpisany walkower?
Największym wrogiem uśka jest... usik czający się we łbie.
angst - 2017-04-27, 16:43

sandra113 napisał/a:
Timo Ilo was placed in Basket 3 as the experts did not know well about his skills

C'mon :) I think it's rather due to the fact, that Timo had relatively long break. Few years ago he was one of the best players in Kurnik and quite fast in the same time :)

Best regards


sandra113 - 2017-04-28, 18:49

I think it's rather due to the fact, that Timo had relatively long break

Timo was placed in Basket 3 by 4 experts, in Basket 2 by 2 experts, and in Basket 1 by one expert. Quite a large difference in opinions, I would say :) Interestingly, Timo is not the only one - there were totally 7 players who, like Timo, were placed in all three baskets by different experts:
Alexander Bogatirev
Andrey Litvinenko
Gábor Gyenes
Mateusz Miśkiewicz
Michał Pietrusiak
Oleg Bulatovsky
Timo Ilu

sandra113 - 2017-04-28, 20:53

For those of you who do not know, there is an active ongoing discussion about the World Blitz Cup at

The discussion already has almost 1500 posts, and you are very welcome to join it. It is mainly in Russian, but English posts are very welcome, too - they are generally well understood and often responded to by the Russians. The registration is very simple.

Below I provide English translations of some interesting and/or funny posts from that discussion, to show you what it is like:

Andrey Litvinenko Mar 31, 2017 at 10:55 am

This time I did not even think about having a nap before my match. I warmed up and came play. The beginning of the match was very intense. Dibarius surprised me by a variety of his schemes, which he always changed. Sometimes I was brave enough to choose a colour, not using the option to add two stones. By doing so, I wanted to psychologically disturb my opponent and show that I can punish for a carelessly put surewin opening. This worked, and Dibarius started putting edge openings. By the middle of the match I realised that my opponent broke psychologically. This was obvious from his passive play. At some moment he could not resist putting one of his favourite openings and immediately got my carefully pre-analysed swap2 - one more win for me. After I secured my victory in the match, I did not really focus.

What did I learn as a result of my participation in the WBC? First of all, I learned that in one-minute gomoku, you need to be always focused. Even the slightest loss of attention may lead to an instant defeat. Second, you need to combine various tactics and choose the style that is most inconvenient for your opponent. It turns out that it not only you whose thinking can get paralysed :) You need to react to this and immediately start playing very actively :) You need to feel the position as you do not have time to think about it. And most importantly, it is better to be tired and warmed up than to have had a nap and be out of shape :) That's basically all. Clearly, an experienced player will not find anything new in what I wrote. But a novice can find something useful :)


Anatoly Smirnov Apr 3, 2017 at 12:16 pm

Knowing Furla's attitude towards Lomakin as well as Furla's character, I find it obvious that Furla lost to Mazec on purpose. By the way, the main reason was not to get a weaker opponent. I would disqualify Furla.


Denis Osipov Apr 4, 2017 at 2:21 pm

Sandra, I think that each really serious match - namely, the final and semifinals - needs to be divided to different days. For example, 3 days, 20 games per day. I find it unreasonable to play more than 20 games on a single day, because it would be not about gomoku skills, but rather about stamina.


Gasan Babaev Apr 4, 2017 at 2:28 pm

Denis, I want to say that it is possible to consistently win even against such a player as Zoli by simply blocking, not trying to understand the position. The player who plays under the nicknames 957 and penguin957 is a good example.


Mikhail Kozhin Apr 16, 2017 at 10:20 pm

Of all play-off matches played so far, the most interesting one was between Adero and Puholek, in my opinion. Adero positively surprised me by his non-standard tactical solutions made under time pressure. It would be very interesting to have a look at his play in a serious tournament with a long time control :)


Utah Utah Apr 17, 2017 at 6:41 pm

Who is bbj? I like very much how he plays - he plays strong, or, how chess players put it, solid.


Roman Berezin Apr 23, 2017 at 4:17 pm

Sandra, we can conclude that intentionally losing a match to get a more convenient opponent in the next round is not only morally wrong, but also impractical :) It may be good that despite my wishes, you did not disqualify Lomakin. Well done Marek, good job.


Mikhail Kozhin Apr 24, 2017 at 11:15 am

The last two matches of the 1/16 final stage were really drug-addict-like. I had an impression that the players made moves not really looking at the board. Missing one- or two-moves-long VCFs and open threes in almost every game. And what do you think about this game: , in which there was an open four 14 moves in a row and the players had about 25 seconds each! And concerning bbj's style, I find it primitive and not creative. At the time control 1+3 Capellmaster would really wreck bbj. So after the 1/16 final stage I have a very firm opinion about one-minute gomoku: "What disgusting sh*t is your fish galantine!" (c) (The translator's note: It is a Russian idiom originating from a Soviet movie and expresses disliking something.) And, judging by Gergo's statements, not only I.


Vladimir Nipoti Apr 24, 2017 at 12:25 pm

It is normal that some people find one-minute gomoku disgusting sh*t. Overall, one-minute gomoku is like fast food. Some people prefer to eat at home or in restaurants and cannot stand fast food. Some people use all options because these people lack time, do not want to make efforts to cook, or have other reasons. Some people eat only fast food and will quickly die :) The same applies to gomoku. Playing only one-minute gomoku won't teach you anything, but sometimes you do not have time or desire to think long.

Additionally, there are some emotions in one-minute gomoku, and even some adrenaline. The only reason why people play in live tournaments is emotions. Emotions in the process of playing, the taste of victory, and the joy of meeting friends.

P.S. Actually, Denis blocked more than bbj did :)


sandra113 - 2017-04-29, 12:00

A very interesting 1/8 final match will be played tonight at 22:00 Warsaw time - Bogdan Brachaczek, also known as BBJ, against Adrian Fitzermann, also known as Adif!

They are famous for their one-minute gomoku skills and advanced to the 1/8 final stage with ease, but their styles are quite different. BBJ has a very robust, speedy, and safe style and usually follows the strategy of gradually accumulating a positional and time advantage. Adif is fantastic at quick calculation and finding smart moves and often puts traps. Who will prevail tonight? Do not miss such a great battle between two great Polish players!

To watch the match, go to, click on "guest" (unless you want to use an already registered account of yours), change the playing hall from “bieniasze” to “dobrocin” and click on the table at which BBJ and Adif are playing. Their nicknames are wbcbbj and wbcadif, respectively. Come watch :)

sandra113 - 2017-04-30, 00:49

On Sun 30 Apr at 11:00 Warsaw time, Adrian Czychowski, also known as Adero, and Marek Hanzl, also known as Mazec, will play their 1/8 final match. Both players already exceeded expectations as they were seeded not in Pot 1, which was for the top 16 players as judged by seven experts. And now either Adrian or Marek will advance to the top 8! Come watch :)

sandra113 - 2017-05-04, 01:25

Today at 20:30 Warsaw time Piotr Bieniek, also known as Gacul, and Adam Horvath, also known as Anakinn, will play their 1/8 final match. Both players were seeded in Pot 1 and won their groups. Come watch and support your compatriot and a team-mate of some of you :)

To watch the match, go to, click on "guest" (unless you want to use an already registered account of yours), change the playing hall from "bieniasze" to "dobrocin" and click on the table at which Gacul and Anakinn are playing. Their nicknames are wbcgacul and wbcanakinn, respectively.

sandra113 - 2017-05-04, 01:27

Another 1/8 final will be played today at 22:30 Warsaw time between Zoltán László, also known as Zoli, and Łukasz Majksner, also known as Usiek. According to the experts, Zoli is the strongest in the World Blitz Cup. His excellent performance in the previous stages suggests that he indeed well may be. Come watch how a great master of one-minute gomoku plays! And his opponent is not weak at all - he is the current gomoku champion of your country, was seeded in Pot 1, and won his group.

To watch the match, go to, click on "guest" (unless you want to use an already registered account of yours), change the playing hall from "bieniasze" to "dobrocin" and click on the table at which Zoli and Usiek are playing. Their nicknames are wbczoli and wbcusiek, respectively.

sandra113 - 2017-05-05, 14:23

A very interesting 1/8 final will be played tonight at 21:00 Warsaw time - Denis Osipov, also known as Nirvana, against Valtteri Pulliainen, also known as Fire.

Denis Osipov was considered by the experts to be the 7th strongest participant of the tournament and the best Russian. He is well-known on by the nicknames nirrvana, c0sm0s, nfktatontfktl, and wellwisher and advanced to the 1/8 final stage with ease, convincingly winning each match. In live gomoku, he is one of the best Russians and has a live rating of 1783, occupying the 12th line of the world ranking list. His philosophy of one-minute gomoku focuses on positional play, and he wrote a very detailed article in Russian explaining principles of positional play. He is well-known in the Russian gomoku community not only for his gomoku skills, but also for his bright and somewhat cheeky personality, and there is no doubt that a considerable part of the Russian gomoku community will come watch the match and support Denis, especially as he is the last remaining Russian in the tournament.

Valtteri Pulliainen is one of the surprises of this tournament. He was not highly rated by the experts, who put him on the edge between Pot 1, which was for the best 16 players, and Pot 2, but his match in the group stage against Zukole, whom the experts found to be the 3rd strongest participant, was quite tough, 8-13, and in the 1/16 final stage Valtteri won 17-15 against Gergo, whom the experts found the 4th strongest. Valtteri has never played in live tournaments, at least in those shown on, but has extensive experience as a one-minute player. He is pretty quick, accurate, and reasonable in making his moves and seems to have found a good balance between time and quality.

To watch the match, go to, click on "guest" (unless you want to use an already registered account of yours), change the playing hall from "bieniasze" to "dobrocin" and click on the table at which Denis and Valtteri are playing. Denis' nickname is wbcnirvana, and Valtteri's nickname is wbcfire. Come watch :)

sandra113 - 2017-05-06, 11:42

The central match of the 1/8 final stage will be played today between Kristóf Ménesi from Hungary, also known as Peking, and Michał Żukowski from your country, also known as Zukole, at 15:00 Warsaw time. Before the tournament, Kristóf was considered by the experts the 6th strongest, while Michał was considered the 3rd. Both Kristóf and Michał won all their matches so far and showed a very high level of play, but now only one of them can advance, so there is no doubt that it will be a great match of exceptional quality. Do not miss this epic battle between a team champion of Europe and a team champion of the world :)

To watch the match, go to, click on "guest" (unless you want to use an already registered account of yours), change the playing hall from "bieniasze" to "dobrocin" and click on the table at which Kristóf and Michał are playing. Kristóf's nickname is wbcpeking, and Michał's nickname is wbczukole. Come watch and support your compatriot :)

sandra113 - 2017-05-07, 15:36

The participants of a live gomoku tournament, namely the 6th Saint-Petersburg Open Tournament, made a special break in their tournament to watch yesterday's epic WBC match between Michał Żukowski and Kristóf Ménesi! From left to right: Ekaterina Dokuchaeva (turned her back to the photographer), Sergey Galochkin (sitting), Alexey Lebedev (the closest to the window), Ilya Katsev (wearing a grey jacket), and Olga Lomakina.

The match was extremely intense and ended dramatically. After the first ten games, Kristof was leading 6-4, but after the first twenty games the score was 11-9 in Michał's favour. Kristof took the lead again, 13-12, but then Michał won three games in a row, making the score 15-13 in his favour. To remind, play-off matches are played until someone has 16 wins or, if each of the opponents has 15 wins, until someone has two wins more than the opponent or the total number of wins by both opponents reaches 51. In the next game, Michał run out of time when he needed to put just one stone to make a five and thus win the match, and Kristof had less than a second left at that moment! In the next game, Kristof had a very comfortable time advantage, 15 seconds vs 4 seconds, and started playing threes to make his opponent run out of time, but accidentally played a so-called pseudothree, here is this move: And Michał managed to be quick enough to respond by making a 3x3 fork and win the game and the match, having less than a second left when he built a five!

The match was of exceptionally high level of play, and Mikhail Kozhin, who is currently 5th on the live gomoku world ranking list, made a public post on the Russian gomoku discussion board praising high-quality combinational play of both opponents. This was a real epic battle! Here are the games of the match:

As the WBC enters its most decisive phases, more matches of such quality will follow soon. Stay tuned!

bromozel - 2017-05-07, 16:06

The participants of a live gomoku tournament, namely the 6th Saint-Petersburg Open Tournament, made a special break in their tournament to watch yesterday's epic WBC match between Michał Żukowski and Kristóf Ménesi!

It was about 1 minute break :)
After it we started our next round.

sandra113 - 2017-05-07, 17:02

It was about 1 minute break :)
After it we started our next round.

Even if it has lasted 1 min, it was still a break, and also in the video of the match I see that Denis Kachaev (aka capellmaster), one of the participants of that live tournament, joined the table on Kurnik at least three times - when the score was about 4-3, 11-10, and 15-14:

And he had a bye long before the match, so a bye could not be the reason he watched the match.

And also in the middle of the match, at 15:33 (when the score was about 8-7), Ilona Kachaeva, another participant of that live tournament, made a post on the Russian gomoku discussion board by copying and pasting a part of the chat of the table at which Kristóf and Michał played:

Ilona had her bye long after the match finished, so again a bye could not be the reason she watched the match.

And if you click on the photo in my post above and zoom in, you will see that it was the second game of the match.

So the participants of that live tournament watched the match definitely not only during a certain one-minute interval :)

And if the break in the live tournament has lasted just 1 min long indeed, this only means that the match was so interesting that some participants watched it even during their live games! :)

sandra113 - 2017-05-07, 21:22

We announce the 1/4 final stage and kindly ask the participants to arrange and play their matches.

The period of the 1/4 final stage is Mon 8 May - Sun 21 May (i.e., two weeks).

At least one of us (the organisers) - Usiek, Zoli, or Sandra - needs to be sent a message at least 24 hours before each match.

We wish every participant good luck and a lot of fun!

sandra113 - 2017-05-08, 11:43

Just showing a nice example of how WBC matches are attended by spectators - forty-six spectators, including Attila Demjan, in the screenshot below :)

sandra113 - 2017-05-11, 22:52

Zoltán László and I wrote an article that is intended for those who are relatively new to one-minute gomoku and describes, step by step, how you can become a real ace of this kind of sport - like Zoltán himself or even better, as there is no limit for improvement! The article is below. Enjoy! :)

Basic principles of one-minute gomoku

Written by Zoltán László and Sandra Jones

11th May 2017

The idea to write this article came to one of us, Sandra, who was inspired by the success of Gomokuworld's Online World Blitz Cup 2017 and wanted to give some material to those who are relatively new to one-minute swap2 gomoku to help them better understand this kind of sport and make progress. Obviously, progress is achieved by practice, but it seemed to her that it is essential to understand some basic principles and to practice in the right way, unlike she often did - she usually simply clicked to entertain herself, not trying hard.

To write a good and accurate article, Sandra asked Zoltán, one of the best one-minute players, for help, and the result is this article, which was written jointly by us and essentially conveys Zoltán's philosophy.

His philosophy is based on the notion that in one-minute gomoku, there are four essential components of skill: defence, attack, speed, and creativity. Of them, defence has to be learned first. Correspondingly, there are a few levels you have to consecutively pass in order to become a good one-minute player.

Initially you are at level 1 - absence of elementary skills, that is, you often miss simple wins of yours and your opponent. Let us call this level "beginner."

As long as you miss simple wins, studying more complicated things (e.g., tricky swap2s and openings) will not help you play better. You first have to learn to instantly see simple wins.

Thus, your first aim is to reach the level at which you never miss a two- or three-moves-long win. To achieve this aim, you must pay attention in your training games primarily to this aspect, that is, to focus on not missing a simple win.

Hard training will lead you to reaching level 2 - let us call it "advanced." In a game between an advanced player and a beginner, the former is more likely to win because he makes fewer mistakes.

And it is only now, when you practically never miss a two- or three-moves-long win, that it is time to start working on the next component - attack. Basically, it is about fighting for the initiative and/or advantage. In a match between two advanced players, the most decisive factor is who is better at attack.

Here, you can choose between two different attacking tactics, positional and direct. Of course, sometimes you cannot really choose, or, to be exact, sometimes the choice is dictated by the position. You need to understand the basics of positional play - that is, the idea of accumulating resources in a certain area to later use them to create threats. And the most dangerous kind of a direct attack is a double attack. A double attack is basically an attacking move that creates a position in which there are at least two different ways to continue the attack and the defending player can block only one of them.

Obviously, one cannot learn to play gomoku only by playing one-minute games, so you need to play longer games as well. Thorough thinking will help you understand deep reasons for each move and help well understand gomoku in general, which is essential for playing gomoku at a high level.

When you reach a certain level of quality of your moves, you are at level 3 - let us call it "expert" - and starting from this level your speed matters a lot. In a game between an expert and an advanced player, the former is more likely to win, although the difference is smaller than between level 1 and level 2, and if two experts face each other, usually the most decisive factor is speed.

A good example is the WBC match between Matiss and BBJ as well as the WBC match between Gergő and Fire. Matiss and Gergő tried to out-calculate their opponents and were crushed by speed.

Another good example is the WBC match between Peking and Zukole. They are very good at calculating, but came to competing in speed. Zukole was losing 4-6 after the first ten games and then started playing faster, which allowed him to eventually win the match.

Note that if you start playing too fast and focusing on the clock rather than on the position, you may start missing wins and giving the initiative and advantage to your opponent, but if you start thinking too deep, you may be crushed by speed.

As soon as you reach the expert level, you need to start working on your speed. This is done by learning shapes in the process of playing as well as by analysing positions in which you had a difficulty choosing a move or from which you lost. It is really critical to analyse your mistakes and correct them.

Zoltán denotes this by the Hungarian word "rutin" and explains that it is an automated algorithm, i.e., in each position he knows how to play, how the opponent can respond, and how to play next. Having played dozens of thousands of games, he says he can easily predict next moves from the opponent's style, and this is obviously a big advantage.

As soon as you build your own "rutin" and achieve a speed comparable to that of, say, Fire, you are at level 4 - let us call it "master". In a game between a master and an expert, the former is more likely to win, but the difference is less than between level 2 and level 3.

It is only after you become a master that you should learn more subtle things. One of such things is that the time that your opponent spends on his moves depends on your moves, so you can try to confuse your opponent by putting him in non-obvious positions. Also, besides in-game traps, players can use pre-game traps like various schemes or prepared swap2s. Pre-game traps may be quite effective in a tournament like the WBC because the opponent has no time to analyse.

Such subtle things are what it means to be creative, which is the last remaining component on the list in the beginning of the article, and learning such things will make you a real ace of one-minute gomoku - like Zoltán or even better, as there is no limit for improvement!

zukole - 2017-05-11, 23:37

Ponoć specjalnie dla protiza tekst jest również dostępny w PDF :]
sandra113 - 2017-05-18, 15:58

Tonight at 20:00 Warsaw time the first quarter-final match will be played - Valtteri Pulliainen, also known as Fire, faces Adrian Czychowski, also known as Adero! Both players are great surprises of this championship. They never played in live tournaments, at least in those shown on Valtteri is pretty quick, accurate, and reasonable in making his moves and seems to have found a good balance between time and quality. Adrian's play was praised by Russians on the Russian gomoku discussion board, especially for his non-standard tactical solutions.

To watch the match, go to, click on "guest" (unless you want to use an already registered account of yours), change the playing hall from "bieniasze" to "dobrocin" and click on the table at which Adrian and Valtteri are playing. Adrian' nickname is wbcadrian, and Valtteri's nickname is wbcfire. Come watch :)

sandra113 - 2017-05-20, 01:23

Today (Sat 20 May) is a great day for one-minute gomoku fans - two WBC quarter-finals will be played today!

And the first of them is between Michał Żukowski, also known as Zukole, and Piotr Bieniek, also known as Gacul. The match starts at 15:00 Warsaw time. Both players have extensive experience of live games, occupying the 8th and 21st lines of the world ranking list, respectively, and Michał won the blitz tournament of the recent Polish live gomoku championship. They are also very strong one-minute players, being ranked by the experts third and ninth in this World Cup, respectively. While these ranks may create an impression that Michał has a better chance to win, they do not mean much in the heat of such a high stage. A crucial factor is who is stronger psychologically. Each of the two opponents has already had a tough match in this World Cup and demonstrated psychological strength - Zukole won 16:14 against Peking, and Gacul won 17:15 against Mark. Now only one of these two elite Polish players can advance further. Do not miss such an epic Polish derby :)

To watch the match, go to, click on "guest" (unless you want to use an already registered account of yours), change the playing hall from "bieniasze" to "dobrocin" and click on the table at which Zukole and Gacul are playing. Zukole' nickname is wbczukole, and Gacul's nickname is wbcgacul.

Note that there is a small but finite risk that the match will be postponed. You can always check the the up-to-date time of the match in the official schedule:

sandra113 - 2017-05-20, 01:29

And the second quarter-final to be played today (Sat 20 May) is between Rudolf Dupszki and Adrian Fitzermann, also known as Adif. The match starts at 17:00 Warsaw time.

Rudolf is the current world champion in live gomoku and third on the live gomoku world ranking list. He was previously considered by many rather slow for one-minute gomoku, but intensive training before this World Cup made him a really very strong one-minute player. He won all his matches in this World Cup so far and advanced to the quarter-final stage with ease.

His opponent, Adif, is currently fourth on the live gomoku world ranking list and is famous for his one-minute skills. The experts ranked him second in this World Cup. He is fantastic at quick calculation and finding smart moves and often puts traps.

The upcoming battle is something more than a match between two players - both opponents were helped a lot to prepare. Rudolf was especially helped by Zoli, who played with him at least about 300 one-minute games, which amounts to 7-8 hours of intensive playing time. Adif is a member of the famous Euroleague team "The Lords of XO," known for its team spirit, and at least a few times was seen training with them during this World Cup. He is the last Lord remaining in the Cup, so the entire or almost entire team is expected to come support its last warrior.

Do not miss this epic battle! :)

To watch the match, go to, click on "guest" (unless you want to use an already registered account of yours), change the playing hall from "bieniasze" to "dobrocin" and click on the table at which Rudolf and Adif are playing. Rudolf' nickname is wbcgomotaku, and Adif's nickname is wbcadif.

sandra113 - 2017-05-21, 11:49

The central and last remaining quarter-final will be played today at 21:30 Warsaw time between Zoltán László, also known as Zoli, and Vladimir Nipoti, also known as Bano.

Zoli is a young rising gomoku star and was ranked by the experts the strongest in this World Cup. So far his performance has been up to the expectations, as Zoli convincingly won all his matches, inflicting a heavy defeat on each of his opponents and, in particular, beating 21-0 a couple of them. Zoli is also good at live gomoku - despite a very long break from playing live, he finished second in the recent Hungarian Open Meijin championship, above such gomoku legends as the world champion Rudolf Dupszki and the Czech champion Pavel Laube. Zoli is famous for his self-confidence, and one of his well-known playok nicknames is thekingg, which is very telling.

Bano is the last remaining Czech player in this World Cup, the last warrior representing such a strong gomoku power. He is currently 6th on the live gomoku world ranking list and has extensive experience of playing live as he has participated in about three dozens of live tournaments shown on Bano is also a very strong one-minute player, as he was ranked fifth by the experts. Interestingly, many Russians have expressed their support of Bano in the upcoming match against Zoli.

Will Zoli heavily defeat Bano just as he defeated the previous opponents, or will Bano be able to stop the self-proclaimed king? The match will show! Come watch it :)

To watch the match, go to, click on "guest" (unless you want to use an already registered account of yours), change the playing hall from "bieniasze" to "dobrocin" and click on the table at which Zoli and Bano are playing. Zoli' nickname is wbczoli, and Bano's nickname is wbcb.

sandra113 - 2017-05-24, 17:27

A screenshot showing 72 spectators watching the match between Bano and Zoli, including Attila Demjan, Ondřej Nykl, Artur Tamioła and many other great players!

sandra113 - 2017-05-24, 17:29

The semifinal stage was announced on Monday on the tournament website,

The participants are kindly asked to arrange and play their matches. The period of the semifinal stage is Mon 22 May - Sun 4 Jun (i.e., two weeks). At least one the organisers (Usiek, Zoli, or Sandra) needs to be sent a message at least 24 hours before each match.

The semifinals are:
Zoltán László (Hungary) vs Michał Żukowski (Poland)
Adrian Fitzermann (Poland) vs Adrian Czychowski (Poland)

Good luck to the participants!

zukole - 2017-05-24, 22:55

Zoltán László (Hungary) vs Michał Żukowski (Poland)
Środa, 31.05 o 22:00.
sandra113 - 2017-05-26, 15:49

I would like to show you the current standing of the unofficial team competition in the WBC :) Here, each player brings 1 point to his team for each round he successfully passes - group stage, 1/16 final stage, 1/8 final stage, etc. For example, Usiek successfully passed the group stage and the 1/16-final stage and thus brings 2 points to Poland. And here is the standing:

1. Poland 25
2. Hungary 12
3. Czech Republic 9
4. Russia 6
5. Finland 3
6. Estonia 2
7-9. Latvia 1
7-9. Slovakia 1
7-9. Ukraine 1

Poland is the indisputable leader here :) So now we know which country is the strongest and most developed in terms of one-minute gomoku :)

And now the analogous WBC statistics for the Euroleague teams:

1. Get Rekt 14
2. Demons and Wizards 9
3. The Lords of XO 8
4-5. Czech Payback 5
4-5. Dasha and Bears 5
6. Outsiders 4
7. Dark Team 3
8-9. Asgardia 2
8-9. Trump Army 2
10. Way to the Sun 1
Not participating in the EL 7

So now we know which clans are the best at one-minute gomoku :)

angst - 2017-05-28, 09:42

21:00 dziś: Adifek - Adero!



sandra113 - 2017-05-28, 19:29

Thanks Piotr :)

Yes, today at 21:00 Warsaw the first semifinal will be played - between Adrian Czychowski, also known as Adero, and Adrian Fitzermann, also known as Adif! Adero is a great surprise of this championship, but will he be able to make one more sensational result, this time against the last remaining Lord? :)

To watch the match, go to, click on "guest" (unless you want to use an already registered account of yours), change the playing hall from "bieniasze" to "dobrocin" and click on the table at which Adero and Adif are playing. Adero's nickname is wbcadrian, and Adif's nickname is wbcadif.

sandra113 - 2017-05-29, 00:35

Adero did not show up, and we found the reason he told us later not compelling enough to warrant re-scheduling the match. Thus, the match is considered +:- in Adif's favour. Adero is allowed to play the match for the third place.
sandra113 - 2017-05-31, 02:24

Today the second semifinal will be played - Zoltán László, also known as Zoli, against Michał Żukowski, also known as Zukole! The match starts at 22:00 Warsaw time and is really one of the very central matches of the entire championship.

Zoli is a young rising gomoku star and was ranked by the experts the strongest in this World Cup. So far his performance has been up to the expectations, as Zoli convincingly won all his matches and, in particular, beat 21-0 a couple of his opponents. Zoli is also good at live games - despite a very long break from playing live, he finished second in the recent Hungarian Open Meijin championship, above such gomoku legends as the world champion Rudolf Dupszki and the Czech champion Pavel Laube.

Zukole was ranked by the experts the third in this World Cup and, like Zoli, has a 21-0 win in his track record in this tournament and won all his matches so far. Zukole's style in one-minute gomoku is especially liked by Nirvana, perhaps the strongest Russian one-minute player, who said that it was very pleasant to watch how reasonably Zukole played. Zukole also showed psychological strength in this World Cup, winning a very tough match against Peking 16-14 and being able to adjust his play during that match. Zukole is also very good at live games, occupying the 8th line of the world ranking list and having won the bronze medal of the World Championship in 2011. He is also good at live blitz as he won the blitz tournament of the last Polish championship.

Both players authored nice articles about their gomoku philosophies :) Zoli's article, co-authored by me and focused on one-minute gomoku, was posted above in this thread. And here is Zukole's article, which is about his gomoku philosophy in general:

Whose philosophy will prevail today? :)

To watch the match, go to, click on "guest" (unless you want to use an already registered account of yours), change the playing hall from "bieniasze" to "dobrocin" and click on the table at which Zoli and Zukole are playing. Zoli's nickname is wbczoli, and Zukole's nickname is wbczukole.

zukole - 2017-05-31, 17:28

Sandra zaproponowała rozegranie towarzyskiego meczu Polska - Węgry po zakończeniu WBC. Drużyny miałyby się składać z 4 osób, gdzie każdy rozegrałby 40 partii (4 rywali po 10 gier). Czas? Oczywiście 1+0 na kurniku.

Moim zdaniem fajnie byłoby wziąć udział w takim spotkaniu, choć 4 graczy to zdecydowanie za mało. W przypadku zainteresowania obu stron, ciekawiej byłoby zagrać z podziałem na "a", "b" czy nawet "c".

Na razie to tylko pomysł, dajcie znać czy ktoś byłby chętny (osobiście liczę także na głosy osób, które nie wzięły udziału w WBC).

Angst, co sądzisz o takim spotkaniu? Nie wiem, czy bez zgody selekcjonera jest możliwość przystąpienia do rywalizacji :P

angst - 2017-05-31, 19:31

Ogólnie popieram każdą inicjatywę, która może pomóc promocji gomoku, natomiast nie za bardzo rozumiem aktualną tendencję do promowania gier na krótkie czasy.

Chętnie porozmawiam o szczegółach, natomiast na pewno nie będziemy tego traktować jako oficjalnego spotkania Reprezentacji (minimum 5 minut na gracza, a w zasadzie 10, aby mecz był traktowany serio).

Oczywiście im bardziej rozbudowane składy tym bardziej nasze szanse rosną (co nie znaczy, że 4vs4 jeteśmy na straconej pozycji :) ) ;)



zukole - 2017-05-31, 19:57

Nie nazwałbym tego promowaniem. Wszystkie rozgrywki online są na krótki czas, 10+0 czy 10+3 to w realu byłby blitz. Kwestia ustalenia granicy. Do tej pory w zasadzie kręciliśmy się wokół wspomnianej dychy. Wyjątkiem są poniedziałkowe turnieje Uśka, ale już jakiś czas temu przestały być zachęcające i stanowią raczej dodatek niż rozgrywki same w sobie.

WBC to jakaś odmiana i jak widać po uczestnikach (zarówno ilościowo jak i jakościowo), "nie wyszło najgorzej".

Sandra ma odezwać się do Węgrów, pewnie prędzej czy później zawita i tu. Wątpię by ranga spotkania stanowiła jakąś przeszkodę organizacyjną :-)

sandra113 - 2017-05-31, 21:11

I think that a match between Hungary and Poland in one-minute gomoku would be a really exciting event and a nice celebration of the success of the WBC. The participants will really enjoy the team spirit and fighting for their country :)

As Michał wrote, my original suggestion was 4 vs 4, with everyone playing 10 games against each member of the opposing team. The winner is the team that simply has more won one-minute games in total. Basically, it is like a Euroleague match, with the only difference being the time control (1+0 instead of 10+3) and the number of games with each opponent (10 instead of 2).

Concerning the Hungarians, I have already talked to Zoli and Gergo, and they expressed their interest :)

We can try to organise a match involving more players, but then it should be Poland vs World, I think :)

To start organising a match, I would like to get an informal preliminary response from you, Poles :) Will you be able to assemble a team of four players to play a match against Hungary? Do you prefer a match involving more players with an international team?

sandra113 - 2017-06-09, 01:47

Today the match for the third place will be played - the bronze medal will be fought for by Michał Żukowski, also known as Zukole, and Adrian Czychowski, also known as Adero! The match starts at 23:00 Warsaw time.

Both players showed excellent play during this World Cup, but only one of them will get the bronze medal. Who will succeed - Zukole, an established one-minute player, or Adero, the biggest surprise of the championship? Come watch the battle :) As usual, the match will be played on in Room "Dobrocin."

angst - 2017-06-09, 09:55

Tylko niech Adero potwierdzi, czy na pewno będzie, żeby się bez potrzeby nie zrywać po nocy ;)



zukole - 2017-06-11, 22:24

Mecz Zoltán László (wbczoli) vs Adrian Fitzermann (wbcadif) odbędzie się w sobotę (17.06) o 21:00.
sandra113 - 2017-06-16, 01:50

On Sat 17 Jun at 21:00 Warsaw time, the long awaited final will be played! It is time to determine who is the best in the world at one-minute gomoku, the most popular gomoku discipline on Kurnik among strong players!

The contenders are Zoltán László, also known as Zoli, and Adrian Fitzermann, also known as Adif, who really stand out as exceptionally strong one-minute players but have different approaches to one-minute gomoku.

Zoli puts emphasis on what he calls by the Hungarian word "rutin." He says it is an "automated" algorithm, i.e., in each position he knows how to play, how the opponent can respond, and how to play next. Zoli's "rutin" was built by learning shapes in the process of playing as well as by analysing positions in which he had a difficulty or from which he lost. Having played dozens of thousands of games, Zoli says he can easily predict next moves from the opponent's style, which is a big advantage and makes Zoli exceptionally fast.

Adif, in contrast, seems to like improvisation and is fantastic at quick calculation and finding smart, sometimes very cunning, moves. Traps as well as confusing and distracting moves, especially in a mutual time trouble, are something Adif is especially good at.

To add to the difference between the playing styles, the contenders represent different countries, Hungary and Poland, which are the leading gomoku countries, so the upcoming final will undoubtedly be an important milestone of the Polish-Hungarian gomoku rivalry. Who will prevail - the merciless Hungarian playing his learned shapes or the creative Pole?

Both players are known to be very good at live games, too. Adif is currently fourth on the world ranking list. Zoli had a very long break from playing live until very recently, so his current rating is not indicative, but he finished second in the recent Hungarian Open Meijin championship, above such gomoku legends as the world champion Rudolf Dupszki and the Czech champion Pavel Laube.

Both contenders have been intensively training for the final. Zoli's way is to hang out on, playing long duels with strong players available, while Adif has been often seen training with his team-mates - he is a member of the famous Euroleague team "The Lords of XO," known for its team spirit and its charismatic leader, Alex Popiel, who seems to be helping Adif organise his training and preparation. Obviously, the upcoming final is an excellent opportunity to settle old Euroleague scores.

To watch such an exceptional event, go to, click on "guest" (unless you want to use an already registered account of yours), change the playing hall from "bieniasze" to "dobrocin" and click on the table at which Zoli and Adif are playing. Zoli' nickname is wbczoli, and Adif's nickname is wbcadif.

The rules of the final are a bit different from those of normal play-off matches: To win the final, it is needed to win at least 22 games and achieve a difference of at least four wins; however, if after 71 non-drawn games still no one satisfies these conditions, the winner is simply the one who has more wins.

Come watch :)

sandra113 - 2017-06-18, 21:51

Zoli won the World Blitz Cup 2017 and thus became the first world champion in one-minute gomoku! Congratulations to Zoli and all his fans!

Here are some impressions from the final.

To remind, the rule for the final was as follows: To win the final, it was needed to win at least 22 games and achieve a difference of at least four wins; however, if after 71 non-drawn games still no one satisfied these conditions, the winner would simply be the player with more wins in the match.

The final started as expected - high-speed safe play aiming at gaining a time advantage. In the first game, Adif's time expired when Zoli had just 5 seconds left. There were about 130 stones on the board at that moment. Tough start!

Zoli won the second game, too, but then Adif equalised the score - 2-2.

What happened next was Zoli's finest hour. Playing very fast and finding complicated wins, Zoli won 8 games in a row to the excitement of the audience, making the score 10-2. As Zoli said after the match, he was really focused and did his best and utmost during that winning streak.

To Adif's honour, he was then able to fight back as he apparently somewhat adapted to Zoli's style. It also seemed that Zoli got a bit either relaxed or tired. Anyway, Adif started winning games with about the same frequency as Zoli, so the gap stayed more or less the same.

After the score became 20-11, something unexpected started happening as Adif won four games in a row.

Zoli won the next game, making the score 21-15, and thus got four match balls: A win in any of the next four games would bring him the title.

Fighting like a lion, Adif won the next three games, but only to let Zoli realise his last remaining match ball. 22-18. Dramatic ending, especially given the fact that Adif had a relatively simple win in the last game!

Here is that decisive game:

Adif definitely deserves huge respect for his achievement in the World Blitz Cup and his fighting in the final.

Zoli proved to be unstoppable this year, winning all his matches. Will someone be able to stop him next year? Stay tuned, or better play one-minute gomoku and participate in the next World Blitz Cup :)

zukole - 2017-06-18, 23:39

sandra113 napisał/a:
Zoli won the World Blitz Cup 2017 and thus became the first world champion in one-minute gomoku!
Gomokuworld's Online World Blitz Cup.

2. Adifek (POLSKA) :)
3. Zukole (POLSKA) :)
4. Adero (POLSKA) :)

Magda - 2017-06-19, 09:46


zukole - 2017-07-01, 15:39

Cały finał na YT.
zukole - 2017-09-30, 16:28
zukole - 2018-01-06, 14:15

Zapisy potrwają do 24.01.2018 23:59.

Usiek - 2018-01-06, 23:39

Życzymy wszystkim szczęśliwego Nowego Roku i z tej okazji mamy świetną wiadomóść - ogłaszamy Puchar Świata w Gomoku Blitz Online (WBC) 2018! Rejestracja trwa do 24 stycznia 23:59 czasu warszawskiego. Aby się zarejestrować, należy skontaktować się z jednym z organizatorów: ze mną, Zolim albo Sandrą.

Wprowadziliśmy istotną modyfikację w systemie rozgrywek - po fazie grupowej następuje teraz faza podwójnej eliminacji. Awansuje do niej każdy uczestnik fazy grupowej, przy czym gracze, którzy uplasują się na pierwszych dwóch miejscach w ramach swojej grupy mają przewagę - mogą odpaść z rozgrywek po dwóch przegranych meczach w fazie podwójnej eliminacji, w przeciwieństwie do pozostałych, którzy zostają wyeliminowani już po jednym przegranym meczu w tej fazie.
Kolejna zmiana dotyczy przebiegu meczów w fazie grupowej - kończy się on w momencie gdy jeden z graczy wygra 11 gier.

Poniżej załączam polską wersję podsumowania najważniejszych zasad WBC 2018 w języku polskim. W najbliższym czasie Sandra wstawi w tym temacie pełną wersję regulaminu (w języku angielskim).

Podobnie jak w zeszłym roku, część uczestników będzie zwolniona z turnieju kwalifikacyjnego i rozpocznie rozgrywki od fazy grupowej. Lista takich graczy znajduje się na ostatniej stronie załączonego pliku. Wszyscy pozostali uczestnicy będą musieli przejść kwalifikacje. Turnieje kwalifikacyjne odbędą się: w sobotę 27 stycznia o 19:00, w niedzielę 28 stycznia o 12:00 oraz w niedzielę 4 lutego o 17:00.

Oficjalna strona rozgrywek - znajdują się na niej takie informacje, jak lista zapisanych uczestników, wyniki meczów, czy decyzje dotyczące rozgrywek.

Nie zwlekaj i dołącz do WBC 2018 - wspólnymi siłami sprawmy, by obecna edycja rozgrywek stała się jeszcze większym sukcesem niż jej poprzedniczka! :)

sandra113 - 2018-01-14, 17:06

I am posting the full version of the WBC 2018 rules (see the attachment). To participate in the tournament, however, it enough just to read the short version posted by Usiek above and simply follow our instructions during the tournament.
sandra113 - 2018-01-14, 17:09

I am also posting our preliminary tournament schedule. This schedule is not official and is subject to changes. It is intended to merely give a general idea about the tournament duration and pace.
sandra113 - 2018-01-14, 17:17

There are ten days left before the registration deadline. To remind, the deadline is Wed 24 Jan 23:59 Warsaw time. To register, just tell Usiek, Zoli, or me your decision to participate.

We currently have 49 registered participants. The list of participants is regularly updated and can be followed at:

We already have two new countries this season - Spain and Romania.

And, as in the last year, we expect to receive many registrations in the last days before the deadline.

Many of you frequently play one-minute games on, and the WBC provides an excellent opportunity to play one-minute games for something more important than playok rating points and is the most objective existing measure of one-minute gomoku skill. Join the tournament :)

sandra113 - 2018-01-23, 20:32

There is one day left before the registration deadline, which is tomorrow, Wed 24 Jan 23:59.

We have 62 registered participants so far, including such strong players as, for example, Zoli, Dupsky, Gergo, Kedlub, Deafbat, Adero, Usiek, Puholek, and Nirvana.

To register, just let Usiek, Zoli, or me know your decision to participate before the deadline. We will also need to know your playok nickname under which you will play in the tournament, your full name, citizenship, and how you can be contacted in Internet. The playok nickname should start with wbc (e.g., wbcpuholek).

P.S. There is a small mistake in the preliminary schedule I posted above - one round in the double elimination stage was accidentally skipped, namely the match between the loser of the final of the upper bracket and the remaining participant of the lower bracket. I have attached the corrected schedule below.

sandra113 - 2018-01-26, 21:37

The registration stage of the World Blitz Cup 2018 is over, and the qualification stage has been announced!

Eighty participants are registered, including such aces as Zoltán László (Zoli), Adrian Fitzermann (Adif), Vladmir Nipoti (Bano), Kamil Pawela (Protiz), Rudolf Dupszki, Gergő Tóth, Ondřej Nykl (Ondik), Kristóf Ménesi (Peking), Denis Osipov (Nirvana), Pavel Laube (Kedlub), Bogdan Brachaczek (BBJ), Michał Zajk (Puholek), Adrian Czychowski (Adero), and Piotr Bieniek (Gacul). It will definitely be an epic competition!

The dates and times of the qualification tournaments are: Sat 27 Jan 19:00, Sun 28 Jan 12:00, Sun 4 Feb 17:00 (Warsaw time). The tournaments will be created on by using the nickname wbc.

The top 6 players from each of these qualification tournaments advance to the group stage, i.e., 18 in total.

Here is the list of the qualification stage participants together with their normal playok nicknames and current ratings on these nicknames:

Every participant of the qualification stage can play in any number of the qualification tournaments, but if he succeeds, he shall not play in the remaining qualification tournaments.

Good luck to the qualification stage participants, and may the strongest players qualify!

zukole - 2018-01-28, 15:27

W gronie tych 80 uczestników jest 12 Polaków. Mam nadzieję, że obronimy nieoficjalne pierwsze miejsce drużynowo z poprzedniej edycji :)

Zakończyły się już dwa turnieje eliminacyjne (nasi nie uczestniczą w tej części rozgrywek).
Wyniki pierwszego oraz drugiego turnieju. Ostatni etap eliminacji odbędzie się w niedzielę (04.02) o 17:00.

sandra113 - 2018-02-07, 02:42

Do you want to compete with the WBC experts and show your expertise? Take part in the assessment competition, which we announce now and is open to everyone!

The WBC experts are seven people who are currently assessing the strength of each of the 64 group stage participants for the purpose of performing the random draw. The names of the WBC experts are: Denis Osipov, Gergő Tóth, Igor Eged, Ilya Muratov, Łukasz Majksner, Vladimir Nipoti, and Zoltán László.

Make your own assessment of the group stage participants and win the title of the best assessor!

Your assessment has to be a list of 32 players sorted by their strength and starting with the strongest, but what matters here is only whom you consider to be the best, to be in the top 2, top 4, top 8, top 16, and top 32.

You will get one point for each player who is assessed by you to be in the top 32 and ends up being in the actual top 32, one point for each player who is assessed by you to be in the top 16 and ends up being in the actual top 16, and so on.

For example, correctly predicting the winner will bring you 6 points, because he is in the actual top 32, in the actual top 16, in the actual top 8, in the actual top 4, in the actual top 2, and the winner.

One clarification: The actual top 32 (or 16, 8, etc.) players are defined as the last remaining 32 (or 16, 8, etc.) players, i.e., what decides here is the moment of elimination from the tournament.

We will publish all assessments and scores and declare the best assessor.

The WBC experts automatically participate in this assessment competition, but their assessments and scores will be shown under masks "Expert 1," "Expert 2," etc. This is because of the WBC rules, which we have to obey.

To participate in this assessment competition, just send your assessment to me (,, or before Sun 11 Feb 21:00 Warsaw time. The earlier the better - this is the tie-breaking criterion :)

For your convenience, the full list of the group stage participants together with their normal playok nicknames and current ratings on them is provided below.

Good luck :)

Ádám Beer, wbcsird, sirdrh 1656
Adam Horvath, wbcanakinn, anakinn 1871
Ádám Varga, wbcsongoku, songokussj 1953
Adam Wacławik, wbctiger, ananasowydom 1730
Adrian Czychowski, wbcadrian, abelladanger 1891
Adrian Fitzermann, wbcadif, ntquantum 2169
Anatoly Smirnov, wbcbarbos, barbos 1717
Andrei Matei, wbcandy, andy77ro 1850
Anton Efremov, wbcbogimp, bogimp 1533
Attila Kelemen, wbcfebruar29
Bogdan Brachaczek, wbcbbj, usi3k 2149
Denis Osipov, wbcnirvana, nfktatontfktl 1973
Dmitry Gorbachev, wbcpamp, pamp164 1671
Gábor Gyenes, wbcgabor, nosztalgia 2004
Gábor Simon, wbcsimigab, simigab1min 1735
Gábor Sokorai, wbcpeisz, demon8 1625
Gasan Babaev, wbcgasan, ggasan 1656
Georg-Romet Topkin, wbcsakitgigi, sakitgigi 1751
Gergő Tóth, wbcgergo, gergo 2161
Hajnalka Kovács, wbchajnal, hajnal 1476
İbrahim Kaan Aslan, wbcibo, 946 1880
Igor Eged, wbcg3m
Jair Damián Martínez, wbcnestea, nesstea 1612
Jakub Horák, wbc3ifndef, 3ifndef 1703
Jan Kopecký, wbcdeafbat, deafbat 2077
Jan Purkrábek, wbcpurkys, purkys 1695
Kamil Pawela, wbcallman, uskovic 1959
Kjetil Nossum, wbckjetil, kjetil 1534
Kristóf Ménesi, wbcpeking, doder11 2000
Kuno Kolk, wbcquaqua, quaqua 1583
Le Chí Thinh, wbctakaki, karllee 1993
Luis Diaz, wbcwuicho97, wuicho97 1772
LukᚠSouček, wbciwbtc, boneslash 1572
Łukasz Majksner, wbcusiek, ursusmaior 1924
Ly Nguyen, wbcanhngheo, nhatquy 1627
Madli Mirme, wbcmadli, madli 1560
Mark Heidmets, wbchatemets, hatemets 1596
Márk Horváth, wbcmark, markhorvath 2103
Markus Ikla, wbciglu
Mateusz Rędzioch, wbcjimmy, orblandix 1591
Matheus dos Santos de Oliveira, wbcthatsume, maths93 1613
Matiss Riherts, wbcmatiss, connect555 2100
Michał Pietrusiak, wbcsiwer, siweropoulos 1855
Michał Zajk, wbcpuholek, puholek 1952
Miroslav Kováč, wbcmiro76
Nemanja Jakovljevic, wbcserbiaaa, serbiaaa 1448
Oleg Eremin, wbcmonster, monstr 1644
Ondřej Nykl, wbcondik, szczurkanalowy 2095
Pavel Laube, wbckedlub, kedluboss 1926
Piotr Bieniek, wbcgacul
Piotr Małowiejski, wbcangst, scebra 1842
Rudolf Dupszki, wbcgomotaku, dupsky 2026
Sergey Andronov, wbcmalbilli, malbilli 1561
Štěpán Tesařík, wbcperoxid
Szczepan Łukasik, wbckremufka, strongman 2010
Tauri Purk, wbceuro, eurogomoku 1830
Timo Ilu, wbcrentimo, rentimo 1909
TomᚠSviták, wbceskon, v4e 2000
Vladimir Mokeev, wbchampion, redsun9, 1479
Vladimir Nipoti, wbcb, klubpraha 2027
Vladimir Sinitsyn, wbcvladimirs, vladimirs 1761
Zoltán László, wbczoli, innerstrength 2338
Zoltán Sonkoly, wbczotyo96, ironspine 1713
Zsolt Szabó, wbclightw, ph0enix 1745

sandra113 - 2018-02-10, 17:42

The group stage of the WBC 2018 has been announced!

The groups can be seen here:

The schedule of matches as well as some instructions for the participants are here:

The period of the group stage is Mon 12 Feb - Sun 4 Mar (three weeks).

Good luck to the participants!

Spectators, regularly check the schedule of matches - interesting battles are coming. Ninety six matches will be played in a period of just three weeks, which means about five matches per day on average.

P.S. Tomorrow evening I will post the assessments made by the experts as well as by the participants of the assessment competition.

sandra113 - 2018-02-12, 07:26

I have attached the assessments made by the WBC experts, so now you can see how strong each player was assessed to be :)

The assessments were made for the purpose of two random draws. One random draw has already been performed to create the groups, and the other random draw will be performed after the group stage to create the scheme of the double elimination stage. Exactly how the assessments were and will be used for the purpose of the random draws is explained on page 3 of the attached document.

P.S. Later today I will also post the assessments made by the participants of the assessment competition :)

sandra113 - 2018-02-13, 08:33

I have attached the assessments from the assessment competition, where the strength of each WBC player was assessed by 18 different assessors (including seven WBC experts).

Check what each assessor thinks about your strength - "not in top 32," "top 32," "top 16," "top 8," "top 4," "top 2," or "top 1" :) And all assessments are signed - only the WBC experts are hidden under masks "Expert 1," "Expert 2," etc.

And try to perform in the WBC better than what people expect from you :)

sandra113 - 2018-02-13, 19:50

As in the last year, you can bet on on WBC matches just like on EL, IRP, and CL matches and win a magnetic gomoku board!

Here is how it works, in short:

1. You register and get 100 virtual crowns, which you can use to make bets.

2. Each match has quoted odds. You can choose matches to bet on, and you can also combine your bets together - a combination wins if all its bets win, and in this case the corresponding coefficients are multiplied.

3. The bettor who accumulates the largest amount of virtual crowns at the end of the season will be the winner and will get a magnetic gomoku board.

Link to the page where you can bet on WBC matches and check odds: 

Rules (in Czech and English) and current standings of this betting competition: 

sandra113 - 2018-03-06, 00:22

The WBC 2018 enters its decisive stage - the double elimination stage, and its first round has already started!

The pairs can be seen here:

The period of the first round is Mon 5 Mar - Sun 18 Mar (two weeks).

The match schedule and instructions for the participants are here:

Spectators, regularly check the schedule and come watch the battles!

And good luck to the participants!

sandra113 - 2018-03-06, 16:22

The opening match of the WBC double elimination stage will be played tonight at 18:00 Warsaw time, and the honour to play in this opening match belongs to two prominent Czech masters - Vladimir Nipoti (aka Bano) and Štěpán Tesařík (aka Peroxid)!

Vladimir is considered to be one of the main candidates for the WBC title, as he was ranked 4th by the experts and is well-known to be one of the very best blitz players in the world. He is also currently 5th on the live gomoku ranking list and has extensive experience of playing live as he has participated in about three dozens of live tournaments shown on

Štěpán participated in more than 50 live tournaments shown on and is quite a strong player as he finished 3rd in the B-tournament of the last world championship and won the first ever European team championship as a member of the Czech team. He is one the most prominent people in the Czech gomoku community and plays an important role in organising tournaments and promoting gomoku.

To watch the match, go to, click on "GUEST" (unless you want to register an account or use an already registered nickname of yours), change the playing room to "#300... dobrocin," click on the table with the nicknames wbcb and wbcperoxid, and enjoy this Czech derby :)

sandra113 - 2018-03-08, 01:22

We have published the entire double elimination tree (spyder net): :)
zukole - 2018-03-10, 18:51

Mecze WBC można obstawiać tutaj. Od wczoraj obowiązuje nowy, handicapowy system typowania.

peroxid napisał/a:
Dear bettors there is a new system on our betting site called HANDICAP Let me explain it on one example - match in
wbcbarbos : wbctakaki +2 (16:14)
If you want to bet on barbos (1) It means you bet on his win by more than two games (16:13 - > 16:0)
If you want to bet on takaki (2) it means you bet on his loss by less than 2 games or his win (16:15 - > 0:16)
And finally If you want to bet on DRAW (x) it means you bet on win by barbos EXACTLY by two games (16:14 but also 20:18 (rules of win by two games difference)).

sandra113 - 2018-03-12, 16:41

Don't miss a great Havířov derby tonight - Ondřej Nykl, also known as Ondik, against Adam Horvath, also known as Anakinn!

The random draw of the WBC paired them in the first round of the double elimination stage, and they play tonight at 21:00 Warsaw time.

Ondik was on the very top of the world ranking list before he was removed for being inactive. Many people were very curious how he would do in the WBC this season, and he proved to be very strong, confidently winning his group.

Anakinn is another quite strong player from the same Czech city and finished in the top 16 last season.

In sports, derbies are generally battles in which both sides are especially motivated to win, and the match tonight is unlikely to be an exception.

To watch the match, go to, click on "GUEST" (unless you want to register an account or use an already registered nickname of yours), change the playing room to "#300... dobrocin," click on the table with the nicknames wbcondik and wbcanakinn, and enjoy the Havířov derby :)

sandra113 - 2018-03-12, 16:50

And there will be another very interesting WBC match tonight: At 23:00 Warsaw time LukᚠSouček and Bogdan Brachaczek will decide who of them stays in the upper bracket!

LukᚠSouček is a talented young player from Czech Republic and well known as Boneslash. He has a very positive personality and plays gomoku at a very good level - in particular, a week ago he finished 5th in the Hungarian Gomoku Meijin Open, above such strong masters as Pavel Laube, Štěpán Tesařík, and Ilya Katsev.

Bogdan Brachaczek, also known as BBJ, is a very strong blitz player from Poland. He has a very robust, speedy, and safe style that is appealing to many. Instead of trying to outcalculate or trick his opponents, he prefers to crush them by his speed. His victory in the blitz tournament of the Polish gomoku championship 2017 emphasises his great strength at blitz.

To watch the match, go to, click on "GUEST" (unless you want to register an account or use an already registered nickname of yours), change the playing room to "#300... dobrocin," click on the table with the nicknames wbcbbj and wbciwbtc, and enjoy the battle between a young talented Czech and a tough Polish blitz player!

sandra113 - 2018-03-13, 13:36

Tonight at 18:00 Warsaw time a very interesting WBC match will be played - Timo Ilu, also known as Rentimo, against Rudolf Dupszki!

Rudolf is the gomoku world champion of 2015 and won the silver medal of the gomoku world championship 2017. He occupies the second line of the world ranking list with a rating of 1914 and is also strong at 1 min - the experts ranked him 6th among all WBC participants.

Timo Ilu is possibly the strongest Estonian WBC participant. He is primarily a renju player and currently has a renju rating of 2178, with his top renju rating being 2440. Last year he successfully participated in the WBC and was able to eliminate such a strong player as Deafbat.

Rudolf and Timo played last year in the 1/8-final stage of the WBC, and Rudolf won that match. Now that the opponents already have such an experience of playing against each other, they well may draw some conclusions from that battle and better adapt this time, and this makes tonight's match even more interesting.

To watch the match, go to, click on "GUEST" (unless you want to register an account or use an already registered nickname of yours), change the playing room to "#300... dobrocin," click on the table with the nicknames wbcrentimo (Timo) and wbcgomotaku (Rudolf), and enjoy the battle :)

zukole - 2018-03-18, 21:46

Widzę, że przedłużanie rund dotarło i do WBC. Jakże ciężko musi być znaleźć kilkadziesiąt minut w przeciągu dwóch tygodni :rotfl:
sandra113 - 2018-03-21, 03:11

zukole napisał/a:
Widzę, że przedłużanie rund dotarło i do WBC. Jakże ciężko musi być znaleźć kilkadziesiąt minut w przeciągu dwóch tygodni :rotfl:

Which decision would you take? :)

Here are the facts of the case:

1. Barbos did not come on Sun 18 Mar to play his match against Takaki, which was scheduled for 14:00 Warsaw time.

2. About 15 min after the scheduled start of the match, Andrey Litvinenko called Barbos, and Barbos said he thought the match was to start at a different time, and added he could play at 15:00 Warsaw time the earliest.

3. I checked my private correspondence with Barbos and found that I had told him the correct time of the match. There was absolutely nothing that he could use as an excuse.

4. Takaki strongly refused Barbos' offer, but offered Monday, 14:00 Warsaw time, which is 14 hours after the end of the round.

5. I immediately passed Takaki's offer to Barbos via Litvinenko, and Barbos immediately agreed.

6. Then we, the organisers, faced the choice between letting Barbos and Takaki play at 14:00 on Monday and giving Takaki a technical win. The latter decision would mean elimination of Barbos.

7. At 15:09 Warsaw time, Barbos made a public comment on the Russian gomoku discussion board to admit his mistake and apologise.

8. During the original match date negotiations, which were held on Thu 8 Mar, Barbos wanted to play well before the last day of the round, Sun 18 Mar, but Takaki insisted on playing on the last day, and Barbos agreed.

9. We never had any problems with Barbos in the WBC before, neither in the previous season nor in the current one. His opponents always easily arranged matches with him, and I do not remember him coming late to play, let alone missing a match.

10. Our rules contain the following paragraph (Section "12. Resolving issues," Subsection "12.1. General principles," last paragraph):

Various exemptions from the rules may be granted on request, e.g., a permission to play a certain match without a 24 h notice. To grant an exemption, however, we need to have a good reason and be sure that the exemption will not damage the interests of any other tournament participants.

We decided to exceptionally let Barbos and Takaki play and correspondingly posponed the official announcement of the next round to about 15:00 Warsaw time.

The good reason required by the rules is that both Barbos and Takaki wanted to play and that a played match is obviously better than a technical win.

The required absence of any damage of the interests of any other tournament participants was obvious to us from the following considerations:

- Regardless of our decision, all pairs of the next round, except the pair consisting of Kedlub and the winner of the match between Barbos and Takaki, would already be known by the end of Sunday from the double elimination tree published by us long ago. People could already start negotiating match dates if they wanted to. The only affected person was going to be Kedlub, who would get to know his opponent about 15 hours after the end of the then current round, but this delay seemed to us to be extremely unlikely to cause any considerable inconvenience to Kedlub.

- In view of the 24 h rule, no match of the next round could be played within the delay anyway, as we had not received any notifications about matches arranged for the period of those 15 hours.

- About a half of the delay was night hours, during which people would simply sleep.

- The tournament pace would not be slowed down, as the end date of the next round would remain unaffected anyway.

On our website, we posted an announcement saying that the next round would be announced there on Monday at about 15:00 Warsaw time and that the pairs would be determined from the double eliminated tree posted by us long ago, and we indeed announced the next round at about the aforementioned time, after Barbos and Takaki played their match, which ended 16-10 in Barbos' favour.

I also talked with Barbos to explain him the exceptional character of our decision and to strongly ask him to never miss his matches again.

Barbos and Kedlub have already arranged their match.

So which decision would you take? :)

zukole - 2018-03-21, 17:14

Walkower dla Takakiego. Zgodzili się rozegrać mecz danego dnia o konkretnej porze i tylko jeden z nich pojawił się w terminie.

Nie chce mi się przeszukiwać vk, ale kojarzę, że swego czasu porównywałaś WBC do EL w kwestii umawiania spotkań. Jeszcze kilka takich przypadków i może okaże się, że łatwiej jest znaleźć termin dla dwóch 4-osobowych (minimum) drużyn, które zagrają 3-3,5 godziny niż dwóch graczy na około 40 minut :wow:

sandra113 - 2018-03-22, 15:41

We just posted a very important decision:

22 Mar: Update of the policy on spectators

Since the beginning of the season there have been already three cases of position-related hints in the table chats of WBC matches. One hint was given by Alexander Misroshnichenko (see the decision on his case below), one by Szczepan Łukasik (see the decision on his case below), and one by a guest nickname.

We update our policy on spectators by the following decisions:

1. No guest nicknames are allowed to watch WBC matches.

2. The match manager (i.e., the organiser managing the match) is free to preemptively not allow a risk nickname watch the match. Risk nicknames are those not known to the match manager to belong to a reputable player who is extremely unlikely to give position-related hints. Spectators are strongly advised to come under their WBC nicknames or nicknames recognisable by us or talk to us beforehand.

3. Technically, decisions 1 and 2 above will be enforced either by (i) kicking guest and risk nicknames out or (ii) locking the table and inviting spectators from the playing hall. The choice between options (i) and (ii) is up to the match manager.

4. From now on, the minimum penalty for giving a valid significant position-related hint is a one-year ban from watching matches, regardless of whether the hint has actually affected the game. Examples of significant position-related hints are: "Wsw," "Attack," "Play below," "h9." Depending on the effect of the hint, the penalty may be up to an indefinite ban from watching and playing.

We apologise for the inconvenience and hope for understanding. The above measures are needed to protect our WBC participants.

sandra113 - 2018-03-26, 19:49

Come tonight to support your national team captain Piotr Małowiejski aka Angst in his WBC battle against Adam Horvath aka Anakinn! The match starts at 21:30 Warsaw time.

Angst successfully led the Polish team to the first world championship title in 2016 and also captains Dark Team, one of the strongest Euroleague teams. He is also the Polish representative in the Euroleague committee and one of the main organisers of the upcoming World Team Gomoku Championship in Poland. All these facts highlight his great social and leadership skills and the huge respect earned by him from the Polish gomoku community.

As a player, Angst is particularly known for his special opening, in which two black stones are placed adjacent to each other at the middle of an edge, and the white stone is placed at the opposite edge. The opening is now generally referred to as Angst's opening and often makes people confused by tricky threats.

Angst played in about 40 live tournaments shown on Gomokuworld, starting more than a decade ago, and now is undoubtedly one of the most known Polish players. On Kurnik, Angst often plays one-minute gomoku in the Monday Blitz Evenings and is definitely a very experienced one-minute blitz player.

Overall, Angst is a very friendly guy with a strong fighting spirit - a true Pole!

And tonight he has a very strong opponent - Anakinn from Czech Republic, who eliminated such strong player as Furla last season.

And only the winner of today's match advances to the next round.

But there is a hope. Last season, Mikhail Lomakin from Russia was able to win against Anakinn by exploiting Anakinn's shape fluctuation and by showing creativity and a strong fighting spirit.

Tonight, Angst has to fight hard. Fight hard for tempo, for space on the board, for each fraction of each second of a time advantage, fight bravely and fearlessly, fight no matter what. And then he has a chance.

Do not let your compatriot down. Come to support him!

sandra113 - 2018-04-04, 14:48

Tonight one of the greatest Polish players, Michał Zajk, will fight in the WBC against the gomoku world champion and the WBC holder Zoltán László himself! The match starts at 20:00 Warsaw time.

Michał is most known as Puholek, won the Polish championship in 2015, became a team world champion in 2016, and had a live rating as high as 1953. He has a reputation of a player who achieves highest results just from corner openings, neglecting to learn any theory. Puholek is not new to one-minute gomoku at all and was seeded in Pot 1 (top 16) in the WBC this season as well as previous season.

His opponent Zoli is extremely strong. In addition to having won the titles mentioned above, he is perceived by the community to be the undisputed king of one-minute gomoku. Six out of seven WBC experts assessed him to be No. 1 for the purpose of the random draw after the group stage. Zoli hangs on Kurnik almost every day and happily accepts challenges from anyone, and he also proves to be an excellent trainer and mentor who helps, encourages, and motivates a number of rapidly progressing players.

As usual, the match will be played on in the playing hall "Dobrocin." To watch the match, you have to come under a nickname by which we can recognise you, or talk to any of us in advance. We generally do not let guest and anonymous nicknames watch WBC matches in view of a few cases of position-related hints given by spectators in the table chats of past WBC matches, as explained above in this thread.

In the Czech betting competition, Zoli put as many as 450 virtual crowns on not losing more than three games in the upcoming match against Puholek.

Come watch the match and support your compatriot!

sandra113 - 2018-04-23, 17:50

Tonight two very interesting WBC matches will be played - at 20:00 Warsaw time we have an Estonian derby between Timo Ilu (Rentimo) and Tauri Purk (Euro), and at 21:00 Warsaw time Michał Zajk (Puholek) will fight against Adam Horvath (Anakinn)!

Estonia is a Baltic country known, in particular, for its strength in renju, being the current world team renju champion, and some renju players from that country are strong at one-minute gomoku, too. Tauri and Timo are exactly such players - for example, in the last WBC season Timo was able to eliminate such a strong player as Deafbat, while Tauri won his WBC group this season. At the moment, Timo and Tauri are the only remaining Estonian WBC participants, so it is highly symbolic that they are paired against each other to decide who of them advances further. The fate of the unofficial title of Estonian one-minute gomoku king will be decided in a direct encounter!

Puholek and Anakinn represent Poland and Czech Republic, respectively, and are strong one-minute players, too. Anakinn finished in the top 16 last season, and Puholek is not new to one-minute gomoku either – he was seeded in Pot 1 (top 16) in the WBC this season as well as previous season. And Puholek had a live rating as high as 1953!

As usual, the matches will be played on in the room Dobrocin. The nicknames are wbcrentimo (Timo), wbceuro (Tauri), wbcpuholek (Michał ), and wbcanakinn (Adam). Come watch, and please do not forget to come under recognisable nicknames!

sandra113 - 2018-04-24, 16:58

A very interesting WBC match will be played tonight at 20:00 Warsaw time - Gergő Tóth against Adrian Czychowski!

Gergő Tóth is an extremely experienced player with very deep understanding of the game and very strong fighting spirit and earned huge respect from the gomoku community as a player and organiser. He currently occupies the 2nd line on the world ranking list, and it is already the second year in a row that he holds the title of Meijin of Hungary. He is also very strong at 1 min, as the experts assessed him to be the 5th strongest in the WBC this season. Gergő is also known for his fighting spirit, and, in particular, was able to win the last Meijin match despite being 0.5-1.5 down against the current world champion.

Adrian Czychowski is a very artistic and strong one-minute player. Last WBC season he earned the 4th place, beating such strong players as Michał Zajk (Puholek) and Valtteri Pulliainen (Fire), and impressed people by his play. This season Adrian performs well, and, in particular, won his group containing such a decent player as Łukasz Majksner (Usiek). The artistic nature of Adrian is reflected by the fact that he is a rapper and makes nice rap compositions.

Ironically enough, last season Adrian and Gergő were in the same corner of the play-off tree, and that corner was won by Adrian, although they did not meet directly, and now they will have a direct encounter.

Come watch this battle! As usual, the match will be played on in the room Dobrocin. The nicknames are wbcgergo and wbcadrian.

Do not forget to come under recognisable nicknames, as we kick guest and unknown nicknames out as a precautionary measure to protect WBC matches from bad behaviour such as giving position-related hints.

sandra113 - 2018-04-24, 19:24

The match has been postponed to approximately 21:00 Warsaw time.
sandra113 - 2018-04-27, 18:37

Tonight there will be a big Czech derby in the World Blitz Cup 2018 - Pavel Laube, also known as Kedlub, against Ondřej Nykl, also known as Ondik! The match starts at 20:00 Warsaw time.

Kedlub is the current Czech gomoku champion and participated in as many as about 60 live tournaments shown on He is by far the most prominent Czech in the aspect of success in the world championship as he won the bronze in 2009 as well as silver in 2013. His highest live rating is 1925, which shows his exceptionally good understanding of the game, and he is also a good organiser and took a huge responsibility organising the last world championship. His unofficial status in the Czech gomoku community, considering his role as a strong player and organiser, is well emphasised by his currently used playok nickname, kedluboss.

Ondik is another true legend of Czech gomoku, and his highest and current live rating is 1956, achieved thanks to a very impressive streak of 11 wins in a row, the wins in the streak being against such strong players as, in particular, Bano, Kedlub, Peroxid, Gelo, Utratos, Iec, and Lomakin. With this rating, he was on the very top of the world ranking list before he was removed from there as a result of his prolonged period of inactivity - his last live tournament dates back to 2014. However, he still plays on at times and shows his impressive level.

A real battle is expected, as both contenders are able to achieve a playok rating of about 2000-2100 by playing one-minute games, as evidenced by their statistics on the nicknames kedluboss and szczurkanalowy.

Come watch the match! As usual, the match will be played on in the room Dobrocin. The nicknames are wbckedlub and wbcondik. Do not forget to come under a recognisable nickname as the organisers kick out guest and unknown nicknames as a preemptive measure to protect WBC matches from bad behaviour such as giving position-related hints.

sandra113 - 2018-04-29, 05:07

The most decisive phases of the WBC 2018 are rapidly approaching, and, like in the last season, many fans are expected to come to watch decisive matches and support their favourite players.

And if you want to support a player in the heat of a match, the most effective way to do so is to type a strong phrase in his own language and in a way natural to his culture - this will trigger the desired emotions and associations in the most powerful way.

So I decided to write an article to provide phrases that effectively work for Hungarians, Russians, Czechs, and Poles, as these nations form the Big Four in the gomoku world.

I primarily used advice by Zoltán László (Zoli), Štěpán Tesařík (Peroxid), and Adam Wacławik (Okcthuner) to compose the Hungarian, Czech, and Polish sections of the article, respectively. The Russian phrases were chosen by myself, as I spent the first two decades of my life in Russia and perfectly know how to support Russians in the most effective way.

Here is the article:

Feel free to use phrases from it :)

sandra113 - 2018-05-02, 16:43

Tonight two very interesting WBC matches will be played, and in the first of them the current WBC holder Zoltán László will face Piotr Bieniek, also known as Gacul! Gacul looks incredibly strong this season, having very convincingly beaten all his opponents. This match starts at 18:00 Warsaw time.

The second match will be played between Timo Ilu, aslo known as Rentimo, and Jan Kopecký, also known as Deafbat. Rentimo emerged as the best Estonian in the WBC this season as well as last season and now faces a very strong Czech blitz player. Interestingly, they met last season, too, and it was Rentimo who advanced further at that time. Will Deafbat be able to settle the old score? The match starts at 20:00 Warsaw time.

As usual, the matches will be played on in the room Dobrocin. The nicknames are wbczoli, wbcgacul, wbcrentimo, and wbcdeafbat. Do not forget to come under a recognisable nickname as the organisers kick out guest and unknown nicknames as a preemptive measure to protect WBC matches from bad behaviour such as giving position-related hints.

sandra113 - 2018-05-03, 09:47

A great WBC match will be played today between two real legends of the gomoku world - Gergő Tóth and Rudolf Dupszki! The match starts at 15:00 Warsaw time.

Gergő and Rudolf are especially known for their strength at live gomoku, occupying the 2nd and 3rd lines of the live gomoku rating list. They are really very top-class players. Gergő is the current Hungarian Meijin as well as the Hungarian Meijin of 2017, while Rudolf is the world champion of 2015.

Their gomoku rivalry dates back to at least 2008, where the first live rated game between them was played. The current score in live rated games between them is 9 Rudolf’s wins, 5 draws, and 4 Gergő’s wins, but the score is equal if only games from 2010 onwards are counted - 4 wins each and 4 draws.

Today’s match between them will add a new dimension of their rivalry - one-minute gomoku. They are very strong at 1 min and were assessed by the WBC experts to be the 5th and 6th strongest players this season. Today's match will be their first WBC match against each other. Do not miss such a historic event!

And later today another match will be played - the remaining player from the Hungarian super-trio, Zoltán László, against Piotr Bieniek, also known as Gacul. The match was originally scheduled to yesterday, but was re-scheduled to today, 21:00 Warsaw time. Zoltán is the current world champion and the current WBC holder, but Gacul looks very strong in the WBC this season, having very convincingly defeated all his opponents so far.

As usual, the matches will be played on in the room Dobrocin. The nicknames are wbcgergo, wbcgomotaku (Rudolf), wbczoli, and wbcgacul. Come watch :)

sandra113 - 2018-05-06, 16:33

Tonight there will a WBC match in the upper bracket - Vladimir Nipoti, also known as Bano, against Márk Horváth. The match starts at 22:00 Warsaw time.

Bano is an extremely strong player at any time control, be it 120 min or 1 min. He is on the 6th position on the world ranking list and was assessed by the WBC experts to be in the top 4 this season. Bano also won the A-tournament in gomoku superblitz at the world championship in Prague in 2017 and played at the first board for the Czech national squad at the European team gomoku championship in 2012 and 2014, becoming a European team champion in 2012. In his two matches played so far in the WBC double elimination stage, he had to face his compatriots, whom he successfully defeated, and now it is finally time for him to play against a non-Czech player and show the Czech might in an international match.

Márk is a very strong Hungarian one-minute player who can make 2100+ on He is known for his fighting spirit, aggressive play, and attacking skills. In the Hungarian Autumn Tournament 2017, he wore a T-shirt with an inscription perfectly matching his character - FIGHTER. In the Hungarian Meijin Tournament 2018 he was able to finish above a true legend of Czech gomoku, Kedlub. In this WBC season, Márk won all his matches so far and also showed his fighting spirit, winning 11-10 against the best Estonian participant, Rentimo, by finding a win in the heat of the last seconds of the decisive game, when the score was 10-10. Márk has been trained and mentored a lot by Zoli, the current world champion and WBC holder, and has the honour to be a member of Inner Strength, Zoli's team in the Euroleague.

Come watch this interesting match :) As usual, the match will be played at in the room Dobrocin. The nicknames are wbcb (Bano) and wbcmark (Márk).

sandra113 - 2018-05-07, 17:05

Tonight at 19:00 Warsaw time an interesting Polish derby will be played in the WBC - Michał Zajk (Puholek) vs Bogdan Brachaczek (BBJ)!

Both players are famous in the Polish gomoku community and outside it and are very strong - they were seeded in Pot 1 (top 16) this WBC season.

What makes this match especially interesting is that the players play in quite different styles. Puholek is especially known for his deep understanding of gomoku as well as for his calculation skills and creativity. He had a live rating as high as 1953 and became the Polish champion in 2015. Bogdan is especially strong at blitz thanks to his very robust, speedy, and safe style. Instead of trying to outcalculate or trick his opponents, he prefers to crush them by his speed. His victory in the blitz tournament of the Polish gomoku championship 2017 emphasises his great strength at blitz.

Come watch this battle :) As usual, it will be played on in the room Dobrocin. The nicknames are wbcpuholek and wbcbbj.

sandra113 - 2018-05-10, 18:18

Tonight there will be a very interesting WBC match in the upper bracket - Kristóf Ménesi (Peking) vs Adrian Fitzermann (Adif)! The match starts at 20:30 Warsaw time.

Peking is a very strong Hungarian player. He won the European team championship in 2014 as a member of the Hungarian team, won the IRP championship in 2016, and was assessed by the WBC experts to be the 7th best one-minute player this season. This season, he convincingly won all his matches so far, defeating, in particular, such a strong player as Deafbat with the score 16-9. Peking is especially known for his strength at calculation and seeing things far ahead and quickly.

Adif is the best Polish player as judged by the world rating list, having a rating of 1865. His last performance in a live tournament dates back to 2016, when he won the Czech Open 2016, finishing above such Czech superstars as Vladimir Nipoti (Bano), Pavel Laube (Kedlub), and Martin Muzika (Martez). Last WBC season Adif finished 2nd, and this season he easily won all his matches so far. Adif is fantastic at quick calculation and finding smart moves and often puts traps. If the need arises, he can also show his great strength at playing in a mutual time trouble.

Both players played for the Lords of XO, the most successful Euroleague team, so the match is as a derby in a certain sense. The players seem to be good friends, as Adif came to warm up Peking 30 min before his previous match, which was played on a Sunday early morning.

Come watch the match :) As usual, it will be played on in the room Dobrocin.

sandra113 - 2018-05-11, 18:26

Come watch today’s WBC match between Kamil Pawela (Protiz) and Denis Osipov (Nirvana)! The match starts at 19:00 Warsaw time.

Both players won all their matches so far, and the match is especially interesting as both players come from different gomoku cultures and play in very different styles. Kamil is an extremely speedy Polish one-minute player who sees complicated wins and threats almost instantly and is fantastic at playing in a mutual time trouble. Denis is a Russian who played a lot in live tournaments, winning the bronze medal of the last world championship, and tries to capitalise on his deep understanding of gomoku, especially positional play, when he plays one-minute games.

As usual, the match will be played on in the room Dobrocin. The nicknames are wbcallman (Kamil) and wbcnirvana (Denis).

sandra113 - 2018-05-13, 08:05

Come watch today's WBC match between Ondřej Nykl, also known as Ondik, and Matīss Riherts! The match starts at 22:00 Warsaw time and is especially interesting as the players have very different backgrounds.

Matīss is the last remaining WBC participant from the Baltic Tiger countries. Like a real tiger, he fights very hard in one-minute games on, especially if his rating falls below 2100. He comes there for a night hunt almost every night under the nicknames connect555 and ok366, well-known to regular playok players. His playing style in one-minute games is primarily about trying to out-think, out-calculate, and out-smart his opponents, so it is very common for him to accomplish his nice wins during the very last seconds. And Matīss is strong not only at 1 min - for example, he finished third in the IRP 2017, behind only such superstars as Zoli and Gergő, and also won the White Meijin 2017. The WBC experts put Matīss to Pot 1 (top 16) this season, and Matīss has already come up to their expectations. Can the Baltic night tiger advance further?

Ondik is one of the most known legends in the gomoku world. His highest and current live rating is 1956, achieved thanks to his very impressive streak of 11 wins in a row, the wins in the streak being against such strong players as, in particular, Bano, Kedlub, Peroxid, Gelo, Utratos, Iec, and Lomakin. With this rating, he was on the very top of the world ranking list before he was removed from there as a result of his prolonged period of inactivity - his last live tournament dates back to 2014. But he still plays on at times and shows his impressive level. Like Matīss, Ondik was put to Pot 1 this season and has already secured his place in the actual top 16. The strength Ondik shows at 1 min seems to be roughly similar to that of Matīss, so tonight's match well may be decided by such things as psychology, fighting spirit, and the ability to adapt to the opponent.

Come watch this fight! As usual, the match will be played on in the playing room named Dobrocin. The nicknames are wbcmatiss and wbcondik.

sandra113 - 2018-05-30, 17:14

Tonight one of the central matches of the entire WBC season will be played - Zoltán László from Hungary, also known as Zoli, against Kamil Pawela from Poland, also known as Protiz! The match starts at 23:15 Warsaw time.

Zoli won both the world championship and the WBC last season and is perceived by the gomoku community to be the undisputed king of one-minute gomoku. Six out of seven WBC experts assessed him to be No. 1 for the purpose of the random draw for the double elimination stage.

Kamil is another star of one-minute gomoku and shares the second position on the WBC assessment list with another Polish player, Adif. Kamil is very well known on for his outstanding strength at one-minute gomoku, as he can easily make a playok rating of 2200+ by playing one-minute games. His most known currently used playok nickname is uskovic.

Both contenders are very bright personalities. Zoli proves to be an excellent trainer and mentor who helps, encourages, and motivates a number of rapidly progressing players. Zoli is also the captain of a very strong Euroleague team and has been a successful organiser of excellent live tournaments that attracted many participants. Kamil is well known for his sense of humour and has a bright group of Polish friends who often play and chat with him on Given the personalities of Zoli and Kamil, there is no doubt that the match will be attended by many friends and supporters.

Zoli and Kamil have one striking similarity - they got involved in gomoku at a very young age. Kamil was just 12 years old when he won the bronze medal of the Polish championship in 2006, while Zoli played in his first live tournament when he was 11 years old. One can speculate that such early involvement may have strongly helped develop deep instincts and habits necessary to quickly make good decisions in one-minute games.

Style-wise, Zoli and Kamil are different one-minute players but also have something in common.

Perhaps the most common thing is that both of them are able to instantly see combinations a considerable number of moves ahead, which often demoralises their opponents, especially slow thinkers.

Zoli puts emphasis on what he calls by the Hungarian word "rutin." He says it is an "automated" algorithm, i.e., in each position he knows how to play, how the opponent can respond, and how to play next. Zoli's "rutin" was built by learning shapes in the process of playing as well as by analysing positions in which he had a difficulty or from which he lost. Zoli says he can easily predict next moves from the opponent's style, which is a big advantage and makes Zoli exceptionally fast.

Kamil seems to rely mainly on his ability to instantly see things, sometimes pretty complicated, and is really fantastic in mutual time troubles. It is truly amazing how fast and accurate he can make moves in situations where he and his opponent have less than 10 seconds left. Some people claim that Kamil is second to no one in this aspect, which is a big advantage as many one-minute games are decided in a mutual time trouble.

Zoli and Kamil also have a history of rivalry. They faced each other live in the Polish championship in 2009, and that particular game, played with the time control 20+0, was won by Zoli. They also very often play one-minutes games against each other on, with the ratio of wins in the last few months being roughly 3:2 in Zoli’s favour. To be more exact, for the last 6 months the score is 272-164, counting the four nicknames of Zoli most frequently used by him to play against Kamil and assuming that Kamil played only under his main nickname, uskovic.

But an official WBC match, especially in such a decisive stage of the tournament, is something very different from ordinary one-minute games played on, so the ratio of wins in tonight’s match well may turn out to be quite different from the one in their mutual playok statistics. Zoli seems to be the favourite of the match, but it well may prove to be a fierce fight requiring an overtime as well as exceptional inner strength from each of the players.

Come watch how true aces of one-minute gomoku fight! As usual, the match will be played on in the room called Dobrocin. The nicknames are wbczoli (Zoli) and wbcallman (Kamil).

sandra113 - 2018-06-01, 19:01

Tonight an interesting WBC match will be played between Denis Osipov, also known as Nirvana, and Piotr Bieniek, also known as Gacul! The match starts at 20:00 Warsaw time. What is at stake is securing a place in the top 6 and the right to fight for a place in the top 4 and then, if successful, for a place in the top 3, top 2, and for the title.

Denis occupies the 3rd line of the world rating list and is apparently the best Russian one-minute player. He is a very bright personality and wrote nice articles explaining his gomoku philosophy. Denis plays one-minute games in a thoughtful style, trying to nicely outplay his opponent on the board rather than on time, and was able to win against such strong players as Ondik and Gergő this WBC season.

Piotr has a live rating of 1700+ and is a very strong one-minute player. This WBC season he achieved very convincing victories against such strong blitz players as BBJ and Deafbat. Gacul is known for his very reliable, balanced, and stable play as well as for his psychological strength - he jokes even in critical moments of a match.

As usual, the match will be played on in the room named Dobrocin. The nicknames are wbcnirvana (Denis) and wbcgacul (Gacul). Come watch :)

sandra113 - 2018-06-03, 11:45

Come watch a very interesting Hungarian WBC derby today at 15:00 Warsaw time - Kristóf Ménesi, also known as Peking, against Gergő Tóth!

Peking is a very strong Hungarian player who started playing in live tournaments about a decade ago. He won the European team championship in 2014 as a member of the Hungarian team, won the IRP championship in 2016, and was assessed by the WBC experts to be the 7th best one-minute player this WBC season. This WBC season, he showed very solid play and achieved victories against strong players, e.g., 16-9 against Deafbat and 16-12 against Puholek. Peking is especially known for his strength at calculation and seeing things far ahead and quickly.

Gergő is the current leader of the world ranking list and the Hungarian Meijin of 2017 and 2018. Like Peking, he was a member of the victorious Hungarian team that won the title of European champions in 2014. Gergő also won the IRP championship in 2018. He is very strong at 1 min, as the experts assessed him to be the 5th strongest in the WBC this season. Gergő is a very wise strategist who is able to adapt to his opponent, and also known for his opening theory knowledge, experience, fighting spirit, and psychological strength.

Both players have already secured a place in the top 8, and what is at stake in today’s match is a secured place in the top 6 as well as the right to fight for a place in the top 4 against Kamil Pawela and, if successful, to fight for a place in the top 3, top 2, and for the title.

As usual,. the match will be played on in the room named Dobrocin. Come watch :)

sandra113 - 2018-06-07, 17:56

The time has come, gentlemen - tonight Adif and Bano, two real aces of blitz, will face each other to determine who of them deserves the right to throw down the glove to the current one-minute gomoku king in the final of the upper bracket. The match starts at 22:15 Warsaw time.

To say that the match is important is to say nothing. This long awaited duel will have a huge impact on how the community perceives the balance of power in the Super Quartet. And the winner of tonight's duel secures a place in the top 4 as well as retains his "additional life," which may come very handy in the subsequent fights for the title.

Adif is believed to have played under the playok nickname kingk0ng, and, regardless of whether he actually has, he indeed can be called King Kong of one-minute blitz - so mighty is his play. In his previous match, he crushed 16-1 a player who had been assessed by the WBC experts to be in the top 7. Being physically tall and fit only contributes to this perception.

Bano is an exceptional fighter and can be compared to a lion for his fighting spirit and aggressive play. Last season he managed to spectacularly take a 3-0 lead against Zoli himself, who later won the season, and to come to the first pause of that match with the equal score, 5-5. After the championship was over, Zoli stated, "In game quality, Bano was my best opponent during the entire World Blitz Cup."

Who will win - the Czech lion or the Polish King Kong? Do not miss this historic match :) As usual, the match will be played on in the room named Dobrocin. The nicknames are wbcb (Bano) and wbcadif (Adif).

sandra113 - 2018-06-30, 20:05

Tomorrow morning, on Sunday 1 July, a great WBC match will be played - Vladimir Nipoti (aka Bano) and Gergő Tóth will play for a guaranteed medal and the right to continue fighting for the title! The match starts at 10:30 Warsaw time.

The contenders have a prominent history of their mutual rivalry, whose highest point was the European team championship 2014. Their respective teams, Hungary and Czech Republic, met in the last round to decide which of these teams wins the title. Vladimir and Gergő played at the first board. When all other games of the match ended, Vladimir and Gergő still played, with Vladimir needing a win. Gergő managed to hold him, achieving the needed draw and bringing the title to Hungary. Vladimir and Gergő also played three games against each other in the A-tournament of the individual world championship - in 2009, 2011, and 2013, with Vladimir winning two games and losing one. The total score in live tournaments shown on Gomokuworld is 6.5-3.5 in Vladimir's favour.

It goes without saying that Vladimir and Gergő are among the very top players, both in live games and one-minute blitz. Vladimir occupies the 5th line of the world ranking list in live gomoku and was assessed by the WBC experts to be the 4th strongest WBC participant before this WBC season. Gergő is currently 2nd on the world ranking list and was assessed by the WBC experts to be the 5th. Gergő is the current Hungarian Meijin as well as the current IRP champion.

The upcoming WBC match will add a new dimension to the rivalry between Vladimir and Gergő and well may prove to be very tough, as suggested by the matches played by them against Denis Osipov this WBC season - both matched required an overtime. Vladimir played against Denis in the previous round and twice was at the brink of a defeat in that match, but won 19-17 and advanced to meet Gergő this round.

Style-wise, Vladimir and Gergő and quite different players in one-minute blitz - Vladimir is very aggressive, while Gergő is rather a wise balanced player.

Do not miss this match! As usual, it will be played on in the room called Dobrocin, with the nicknames being wbcb (Vladmir) and wbcgergo (Gergő). Come watch :)

sandra113 - 2018-07-03, 15:18

zukole napisał/a:
Mam nadzieję, że obronimy nieoficjalne pierwsze miejsce drużynowo z poprzedniej edycji :)

We have a special page about the competition of countries in the WBC:

Here is the current situation in the competition of countries:

Shown are the current positions of countries in the WBC 2018.

Each player brings one point to his country for each round he survives in the competition, counting only the double elimination stage.

For example, if a player has reached Round 5 of the double elimination stage, he has already brought 4 points to his country.

Additionally, the player who wins the title gets two more points if he has not expended his "additional life," i.e., if he has not lost any match in the double elimination stage. This additional rule is necessary to ensure that winning the title already in the first final match between the winners of the upper and lower brackets is more beneficial to the country than postponing winning the title to the second final match.

1. Poland 43 points already, still in the competition


Adrian Fitzermann (wbcadif): 9 points already, still in the competition

Kamil Pawela (wbcallman): 7 points

Piotr Bieniek (wbcgacul): 6 points

Michał Zajk (wbcpuholek): 5 points

Bogdan Brachaczek (wbcbbj): 4 points

Adrian Czychowski (wbcadrian), Michał Pietrusiak (wbcsiwer),
Szczepan Łukasik (wbckremufka): 3 points each

Łukasz Majksner (wbcusiek): 2 points

Piotr Małowiejski (wbcangst): 1 point

2. Hungary 41 points already, still in the competition


Zoltán László (wbczoli): 9 points already, still in the competition

Gergő Tóth (wbcgergo): 9 points already, still in the competition

Kristóf Ménesi (wbcpeking): 6 points

Márk Horváth (wbcmark): 5 points

Rudolf Dupszki (wbcgomotaku): 4 points

Gábor Gyenes (wbcgabor): 2 points

Ádám Beer (wbcsird), Ádám Varga (wbcsongoku),
Attila Kelemen (wbcfebruar29), Gábor Simon (wbcsimigab),
Gábor Sokorai (wbcpeisz), Zoltán Sonkoly (wbczotyo96): 1 point each

3. Czech Republic 29 points


Vladimir Nipoti (wbcb): 8 points

Jan Kopecký (wbcdeafbat), Ondřej Nykl (wbcondik): 5 points each

Adam Horvath (wbcanakinn), Pavel Laube (wbckedlub): 3 points each

LukᚠSouček (wbciwbtc), Štěpán Tesařík (wbcperoxid): 2 points each

Jakub Horák (wbc3ifndef): 1 point

4. Russia 13 points


Denis Osipov (wbcnirvana): 7 points

Gasan Babaev (wbcgasan), Oleg Eremin (wbcmonster): 2 points each

Anatoly Smirnov (wbcbarbos), Dmitry Gorbachev (wbcpamp): 1 point each

5. Estonia 9 points


Timo Ilu (wbcrentimo): 4 points

Tauri Purk (wbceuro): 3 points

Georg-Romet Topkin (wbcsakitgigi), Markus Ikla (wbciglu): 1 point each

6-7. Latvia 4 points


Matīss Riherts (wbcmatiss): 4 points

6-7. Slovakia 4 points


Igor Eged (wbcg3m): 3 points

Miroslav Kováč (wbcmiro76): 1 point

8. Turkey 3 points


Ibrahim Kaan Aslan (wbcibo): 3 points

9-10. Columbia 2 points


Jaír D. Martinez (wbcnestea): 2 points

9-10. Venezuela 2 points


Luis Diaz (wbcwuicho97): 2 points

11-13. Brazil 1 point


Matheus dos Santos de Oliveira (wbcthatsume): 1 point

11-13. Romania 1 point


Andrei Matei (wbcandy): 1 point

11-13. Vietnam 1 point


Ly Nguyen (wbcanhngheo): 1 point

Poland lead, but Hungary are only 2 points behind. The fate of the team title has not yet been decided.

Here is the situation analysis:

(1) If Adif wins against Zoli this round (i.e., in the final of the upper bracket), then Poland are the WBC team champion.

(2) If Adif loses against Zoli this round, then the situation is as follows:

(2a) If Adif loses to Gergő in the next round (i.e., in the final of the lower bracket), then Hungary are the WBC team champion.

(2b) If Adif wins against Gergő, then Adif again faces Zoli, this time in the WBC final - the clash between the winners of the upper and lower brackets. Here are the possible scenarios:

(2b1) If Zoli wins the first match of this clash, he becomes the individual champion and also brings the team title to Hungary.

(2b2) If Adif wins the first match of this clash, he brings the team title to Poland and then plays one more match against Zoli. The winner of the latter match wins the WBC individual title.

I can summarise the above in the following way. If Zoli wins all his remaining matches, then Hungary become the WBC team champion. If Adif wins at least one match against Zoli, then Poland become the WBC team champion.

If Kamil beat Gergő instead of resigning from the WBC, then Poland would have already secured the team title.

The current round's match between Zoli and Adif is scheduled for Thu 5 July, 21:00 Warsaw time.

zukole - 2018-07-03, 17:24

sandra113 napisał/a:
The current round's match between Zoli and Adif is scheduled for Thu 5 July, 21:00 Warsaw time.
The period of Round 9 is Mon 25th June - Wed 4th July (10 days).
The round duration has been reduced to 10 days as none of the remaining participants is against.

Aha ;)

sandra113 - 2018-07-05, 15:54

zukole napisał/a:
sandra113 napisał/a:
The current round's match between Zoli and Adif is scheduled for Thu 5 July, 21:00 Warsaw time.
The period of Round 9 is Mon 25th June - Wed 4th July (10 days).
The round duration has been reduced to 10 days as none of the remaining participants is against.

Aha ;)

Oh come on :)

sandra113 - 2018-07-05, 16:03

Today at 21:00 Warsaw time a long awaited WBC match will be played - Zoltán László, also known as Zoli, will face Adrian Fitzermann, also known as Adif, in the final of the upper bracket!

The winner of the match gets a big advantage in the subsequent fight for the WBC title: He directly advances to the WBC final, where he needs to win only one match to become the champion, while the other WBC finalist, namely the winner of the match between Gergő Tóth and the loser of today's match, needs to win two matches in the WBC final to win the title.

Today's match is also very important in terms of the team competition: If Adif wins today's match, he makes Poland the WBC team champion, so Zoli must win today to keep Hungary’s hopes for the team title alive.

Like all other matches in the upper and lower brackets, today's match is played until one of the competitors has at least 16 wins and at least 2 wins more than his opponent, but cannot exceed 51 non-drawn games.

Zoli and Adif already met in the previous WBC season, and namely in its final, which consisted of a single match then and proved to be quite thrilling. Zoli spectacularly achieved a comfortable lead, 10-2, but then Adif managed to adapt and started closing the gap. The match ended 22-18 in Zoli’s favour.

Both contenders are exceptionally fast thinkers and are known for their ability to instantly see complex things on the board. An excellent illustration of their speed is the first game of the last year’s final, where they managed to put about 130 stones.

And they understand the game very deeply, as seen from their successes in live gomoku – Zoli is the current world champion, and Adif is currently 4th on the world ranking list, with his last live performance bringing him the first place in the Czech Open.

Do not miss this opportunity to watch a highly important match played by real aces of one-minute gomoku! As usual, the match will be played on in the room called Dobrocin. The nicknames are wbczoli (Zoli) and wbcadif (Adif). Come watch :)

sandra113 - 2018-07-16, 02:36

Today at 11:00 in the morning there will be the last WBC match before the WBC final - Adrian Fitzermann, also known as Adif, will play against Gergő Tóth! The winner secures a place in the top 2 and advances to the final, where he meets the current WBC champion Zoltán László.

What makes today's duel especially interesting is that the contenders are very different players. Adif is known for his very speedy but smart defensive style as well as by excellent skills of playing in a mutual time trouble, while Gergő is a very wise strategist who can prepare for and adapt to virtually any opponent and possesses huge knowledge of opening theories as well as the ability to play in a very thoughtful manner.

They made very different paths to reach this match. Adif’s path was pretty short and entirely via the upper bracket, while Gergő made an impressively long path in the lower bracket, winning against a galaxy of strong players such as Adrian Czychowski, Rudolf Dupszki, Márk Horváth, Kristóf Ménesi and Vladimir Nipoti.

So let us see who of the participants of today’s match advances to the WBC final :)

As usual, the match will be played on in the room called Dobrocin. The nicknames are wbcadif and wbcgergo. Come watch :)

sandra113 - 2018-07-23, 04:49

Tonight at 21:00 Warsaw time there will be one of the central gomoku events of the year - Zoltán László from Hungary, also known as Zoli, and Adrian Fitzermann from Poland, also known as Adif, will start playing Gomokuworld's Online World Blitz Cup 2018 final to determine who of them is the best one-minute gomoku player in the world.

The final consists of either one or two matches, depending on the outcome of the first match, which is played tonight: If Zoltán wins tonight's match, he becomes the champion, while in case of his defeat in tonight's match he and Adrian will later play a rematch, whose winner gets the title. In other words, Zoltán needs to win one match, while Adrian needs to win two matches. The difference owes to the tournament formula and previous results shown in the tournament - Zoltán managed to reach the final without any match loss, thereby securing the advantage in the final.

Each match in the final - both tonight's match and the rematch if needed - is played until one of the competitors has at least 22 wins and at least 4 wins more than his opponent, but cannot exceed 71 non-drawn games.

Tonight's match is also critical in terms of the team competition, as the competition between Poland and Hungary is so tough that the winner has not yet been determined. Poland has secured 44 points in the team competition, while Hungary - just one point less, which means that if Zoltán wins the final straight in the first match, he brings the team title to Hungary, otherwise the team title goes to Poland regardless of the outcome of the rematch.

Thus, the fate of the team title will be determined straight in tonight's match - its winner brings the team title to his nation. And it is highly symbolic that the fate of the team title will be decided in a direct encounter between the two countries' most successful participants.

Zoltán and Adrian are in the gomoku community since ages and do not need to be introduced, but there is one pretty symbolic point to mention in this announcement: Both are believed to have played on under nicknames containing the word "king" - Zoltán under thekingg, and Adrian under kingk0ng, which gives a perfect pretext to say that now the time has come to determine who of them becomes the crowned king of one-minute blitz, at least for the period until the next season's final.

As usual, the match will be played on in the room named Dobrocin. The nicknames are wbczoli (Zoltán) and wbcadif (Adrian). Come watch this historic event :)

sandra113 - 2018-07-24, 21:45

The WBC 2018 is over, and the winner is Zoltán László from Hungary, also known as Zoli, who yesterday won the final match with the score 22-10 and secured the title of the strongest one-minute blitz player in the world for the period until the next season’s final. Congratulations!

The video of the final match as well as many other WBC 2018 match videos can be watched here:

The team competition in the WBC 2018 was won by Hungary. This country finished just one point above Poland, so every point earned by Hungarians was vital. Here is the list of all Hungarians who contributed by bringing at least one point to their country: Zoltán László, Gergő Tóth, Kristóf Ménesi, Márk Horváth, Rudolf Dupszki, Gábor Gyenes, Ádám Beer, Ádám Varga, Attila Kelemen, Gábor Simon, Gábor Sokorai, and Zoltán Sonkoly. Congratulations!

The final positions of the WBC 2018 participants are as follows:

1. Zoltán László (wbczoli)
2. Adrian Fitzermann (wbcadif)
3. Gergő Tóth (wbcgergo)
4. Vladimir Nipoti (wbcb)
5-6. Denis Osipov (wbcnirvana)
5-6. Kamil Pawela (wbcallman)
7-8. Kristóf Ménesi (wbcpeking)
7-8. Piotr Bieniek (wbcgacul)
9-12. Jan Kopecký (wbcdeafbat)
9-12. Márk Horváth (wbcmark)
9-12. Michał Zajk (wbcpuholek)
9-12. Ondřej Nykl (wbcondik)
13-16. Bogdan Brachaczek (wbcbbj)
13-16. Matīss Riherts (wbcmatiss)
13-16. Rudolf Dupszki (wbcgomotaku)
13-16. Timo Ilu (wbcrentimo)
17-24. Adam Horvath (wbcanakinn)
17-24. Adrian Czychowski (wbcadrian)
17-24. Ibrahim Kaan Aslan (wbcibo)
17-24. Igor Eged (wbcg3m)
17-24. Michał Pietrusiak (wbcsiwer)
17-24. Pavel Laube (wbckedlub)
17-24. Szczepan Łukasik (wbckremufka)
17-24. Tauri Purk (wbceuro)
25-32. Gábor Gyenes (wbcgabor)
25-32. Gasan Babaev (wbcgasan)
25-32. Jaír D. Martinez (wbcnestea)
25-32. Luis Diaz (wbcwuicho97)
25-32. LukᚠSouček (wbciwbtc)
25-32. Łukasz Majksner (wbcusiek)
25-32. Oleg Eremin (wbcmonster)
25-32. Štěpán Tesařík (wbcperoxid)
33-48. Ádám Beer (wbcsird)
33-48. Ádám Varga (wbcsongoku)
33-48. Anatoly Smirnov (wbcbarbos)
33-48. Andrei Matei (wbcandy)
33-48. Attila Kelemen (wbcfebruar29)
33-48. Dmitry Gorbachev (wbcpamp)
33-48. Gábor Simon (wbcsimigab)
33-48. Gábor Sokorai (wbcpeisz)
33-48. Georg-Romet Topkin (wbcsakitgigi)
33-48. Jakub Horák (wbc3ifndef)
33-48. Ly Nguyen (wbcanhngheo)
33-48. Matheus dos Santos de Oliveira (wbcthatsume)
33-48. Markus Ikla (wbciglu)
33-48. Miroslav Kováč (wbcmiro76)
33-48. Piotr Małowiejski (wbcangst)
33-48. Zoltán Sonkoly (wbczotyo96)
49-62. Adam Wacławik (wbctiger)
49-62. Anton Efremov (wbcbogimp)
49-62. Jan Purkrábek (wbcpurkys)
49-62. Hajnalka Kovács (wbchajnal)
49-62. Kuno Kolk (wbcquaqua)
49-62. Lę Chí Thịnh (wbctakaki)
49-62. Kjetil Nossum (wbckjetil)
49-62. Madli Mirme (wbcmadli)
49-62. Mark Heidmets (wbchatemets)
49-62. Nemanja Jakovljević (wbcserbiaaa)
49-62. Sergey Andronov (wbcmalbilli)
49-62. Vladimir Mokeev (wbchampion)
49-62. Vladimir Sinitsyn (wbcvladimirs)
49-62. Zsolt Szabó (wbclightw)

The final positions in the WBC 2018 team competition are as follows:

1. Hungary 45
2. Poland 44
3. Czech Republic 29
4. Russia 13
5. Estonia 9
6-7. Latvia 4
6-7. Slovakia 4
8. Turkey 3
9-10. Columbia 2
9-10. Venezuela 2
11-13. Brazil 1
11-13. Romania 1
11-13. Vietnam 1

The tournament was a great success. Join the WBC next season :)

sandra113 - 2018-07-24, 22:07

As the WBC 2018 is over, it is time to announce the results of the assessment competition :)

The system of calculation of points was described earlier in the announcement:

The announced tie-breaking criterion was the time of submission, but this criterion cannot be fairly used to compare the WBC experts with ordinary participants of the assessment competition, because the assessment competition was announced after the experts submitted their assessments; I decided to give preference to the experts, because the ordinary participants had the advantage of knowing the groups. For ties between experts or between ordinary participants, I used the time of submission as the tie-breaking criterion.

Here are the results:

1. Expert5 55
2. Sandra Jones 55
3. Expert3 54
4. Sergey Andronov 54
5. Piotr Małowiejski 54
6. Szczepan Łukasik 54
7. Expert2 53
8. Expert6 53
9. Ibrahim Kaan Aslan 53
10. Dan Tudor 53
11. Expert7 52
12. Márk Horváth 52
13. Alexander Miroshnichenko 52
14. Expert1 51
15. Expert4 51
16. Gasan Babaev 51
17. Georg-Romet Topkin 48
18. LukᚠSouček 48

The WBC experts are shown under masks Expert1, Expert2, etc. We do not say which expert is under which mask, but here is the list of the experts: Denis Osipov, Gergő Tóth, Igor Eged, Ilya Muratov, Łukasz Majksner, Vladimir Nipoti, and Zoltán László.

Although the differences in the number of points may seem small, they are in fact significant. Roughly speaking, this is because the most part of points was earned by correctly predicting obvious things, and the differences are basically due to different predictions on non-obvious things, which required real assessment skills.

Congratulations to Expert5! I have already informed him about his success. I myself earned as many points as he did, so I can be proud, too :)

Interestingly, if Kamil did not resign from the WBC and, as some expected, took the 2nd place, then the assessment competition would be won by Expert3, while Expert2, Expert5, I and Szczepan Łukasik would be one point behind.

Congratulations to everyone who is happy with his own result :)

sandra113 - 2018-07-24, 22:13

I made a list showing how much better or worse each WBC 2018 participant performed as compared to what was expected from him.

To make calculations, I compared the actual result of each WBC participant expressed as a power of 2 (top 32, top 16, etc.) with the assessment given to him by each participant of the assessment competition. For calculations, I simply took the difference between the levels, i.e., if the actual result of a WBC participant is top 4, and if the assessment given to him by a participant of the assessment competition is top 16, then the difference is two levels and positive. Then, for each WBC participant, I simply summed all differences.

And here are the results I got:

1. Gergő Tóth 20
2. Gasan Babaev 17
3. Oleg Eremin 16
4-5. Jair Damián Martínez 15
4-5. Luis Diaz 15
6. Piotr Bieniek 14
7. Márk Horváth 12
8-9. Denis Osipov 10
8-9. İbrahim Kaan Aslan 10
10. Timo Ilu 9
11-12. Adrian Fitzermann 5
11-12. Kristóf Ménesi 5
13-14. Michał Pietrusiak 4
13-14. Michał Zajk 4
15-17. Lukás Souček 3
15-17. Matiss Riherts 3
15-17. Zoltán László 3
18-20. Stěpán Tesařík 2
18-20. Tauri Purk 2
18-20. Vladimir Nipoti 2
21-41. Anatoly Smirnov 0
21-41. Anton Efremov 0
21-41. Attila Kelemen 0
21-41. Dmitry Gorbachev 0
21-41. Gábor Gyenes 0
21-41. Gábor Sokorai 0
21-41. Hajnalka Kovács 0
21-41. Igor Eged 0
21-41. Jan Kopecký 0
21-41. Kjetil Nossum 0
21-41. Kuno Kolk 0
21-41. Ly Nguyen 0
21-41. Madli Mirme 0
21-41. Mark Heidmets 0
21-41. Markus Ikla 0
21-41. Nemanja Jakovljevic 0
21-41. Sergey Andronov 0
21-41. Vladimir Mokeev 0
21-41. Vladimir Sinitsyn 0
21-41. Zoltán Sonkoly 0
21-41. Zsolt Szabó 0
42-45. Gábor Simon -1
42-45. Matheus dos Santos de Oliveira -1
42-45. Miroslav Kováč -1
42-45. Szczepan Łukasik -1
46-49. Ádám Beer -2
46-49. Adam Wacławik -2
46-49. Jakub Horák -2
46-49. Jan Purkrábek -2
50-51. Adam Horvath -6
50-51. Pavel Laube -6
52-54. Bogdan Brachaczek -7
52-54. Le Chí Thinh -7
52-54. Ondřej Nykl -7
55. Łukasz Majksner -8
56. Ádám Varga -9
57-58. Georg-Romet Topkin -10
57-58. Mateusz Rędzioch -10
59-60. Adrian Czychowski -11
59-60. Tomás Sviták -11
61. Andrei Matei -14
62-63. Kamil Pawela -17
62-63. Piotr Małowiejski -17
64. Rudolf Dupszki -19

The biggest surprise is Gergő Tóth, who showed excellent play and preparation for WBC matches and won the bronze medal. Gergő is on fire this year - he successfully defended the title of Hungarian Meijin, was on the very top of the world rating list, won the IRP championship, and his great experience in live and online gomoku also materialised in the 3rd place in the WBC 2018.

The second surprise is Gasan Babaev, who made it to the top 32, which no one but Gasan himself expected. Gasan greatly improved his play as compared to the previous season.

The third surprise is Oleg Eremin, who rarely plays one-minute gomoku, but was able to adapt to this time control and make it to the top 32.

The fourth and fifth places on the list of surprises are shared by two players from South America, a Columbian and a Venezuelan, who managed to finish in the top 32 contrary to the expectations of many.

The sixth place on the list above goes to Piotr Bieniek, who showed very solid play this season and made it to the top 8, while many expected him to be only in the top 16.

The seventh place on the list belongs to Márk Horváth, who often plays and trains with Zoltán László, the winner of both WBC seasons and the current world champion. Márk participated in his fist live tournament shortly before the start of the WBC 2018 and now has already participated in three live tournaments. He finished in the top 12 this WBC season. Given Márk's effort, his high place in the WBC 2018 as well as on the list of surprises is well deserved.

Denis Osipov and Ibrahim Kaan Aslan greatly improved as compared to the last season and share places 8-9 on the list above. Denis managed to finish in the top 6 and gave an extremely tough battle to Vladimir Nipoti for a place in the top 4. Ibrahim started playing gomoku some months before the previous WBC season and barely qualified to play in that season, but now he has finished in the top 24, which is a huge step forward.

And the 10th place on the list above goes to Timo Ilu from Estonia, who is a renju player and is practically not seen on, but showed a very high level of play and finished in the top 16.

The examples above are very inspiring and highlight that one can greatly improve and achieve nice results by effort, determination, and passion.

angst - 2018-07-24, 23:45

sandra113 napisał/a:
The examples above are very inspiring and highlight that one can greatly improve and achieve nice results by effort, determination, and passion.

Above statement would be true only in case that "experts" are really good in their evaluations of the participants' skills, so I would be very careful with such categoric opinions :)

Kind regards


sandra113 - 2018-07-29, 08:34

angst napisał/a:
sandra113 napisał/a:
The examples above are very inspiring and highlight that one can greatly improve and achieve nice results by effort, determination, and passion.

Above statement would be true only in case that "experts" are really good in their evaluations of the participants' skills, so I would be very careful with such categoric opinions :)

Kind regards


I think many of the players mentioned by me indeed improved as compared to the previous year.

Gergő was only in the top 32 last season, and now he has earned the bronze medal. And it is not sheer luck - Gergő invested a lot of time and effort to preparation to particular matches, as noticed by me as well as by Denis Osipov and as confessed by Gergő himself. In the match for a place in the top 3 against Bano, Gergő won four(!) games by choosing a colour in the opponent's schemes. Gergő also played many training games on Kurnik during this season. I talked with Gergő many times and saw a really interested, involved, and determined fighter.

Denis Osipov finished in the top 16 last season, and this season he managed to get to the top 6 and gave an extremely tough battle to Bano in the match for a place in the top 4, which required an overtime. I talked with Denis a lot via a private messages, and I very clearly see that this season he took the WBC much more seriously than in the previous season. Denis also trained really a lot during this season – just look at his statistics on the nicknames nfktatontfktl and c0sm0s. After he won the Russian gomoku championship this year, he publicly wrote that playing one-minute games on Kurnik helped him a lot to achieve such a success.

Gasan was a player of a level of 1600 on the Kurnik scale last year and was unable to qualify to the WBC 2017, and this year he is able to consistently maintain an orange rating (1800+) on Kurnik and managed to finish in the top 32 and take the 2nd place in his group. He plays on Kurnik really a lot and has more than 30’000 games on his nickname ggasan, which was registered in May 2015, and he has a bunch of other nicknames. He is very devoted to the game, as I can judge by his activity both on Kurnik and on the Russian gomoku discussion forum.

Ibrahim started playing gomoku just two years ago and barely qualified last year, and now he is a player of a level of ~1900 on the Kurnik scale and managed to finish in the top 24.

So yes, I insist that one can greatly improve and achieve nice results by effort, determination, and passion, as written in my previous post :)

I also want to say that globally, the assessments proved to be quite accurate: The maximum number of points that theoretically could be earned is 63 (a perfect prediction), and the actual results range from 48 points to 55 points, so the accuracy ranges from 76.2% (Boneslash and Topkin) to 87.3% (Expert5 and I).

You yourself made a very accurate assessment - 85.7%, and this confirms that you are a top Polish expert who can very accurately assess the strength of players and be given tasks such as formation of the national team :)

Usiek - 2019-01-03, 13:58

Rejestracja do nowej edycji WBC właśnie się rozpoczęła. Wszelkie informacje dotyczące rozgrywek znajdują się tutaj. W porównaniu do poprzedniej edycji reguły pozostają w zasadzie bez zmian; jedyną zmianą jest skład osobowy Organizatorów. Serdecznie zapraszam do udziału! :)

Skrócona wersja regulaminu w języku polskim w załączniku.

Usiek - 2019-02-05, 22:51

Faza grupowa trwa od 6 lutego do 3 marca - w tym czasie uczestnicy mogą rozgrywać mecze w ramach swoich grup.


zukole - 2019-03-04, 18:09

Pod powyższym linkiem są już dostępne pary pierwszej rundy fazy pucharowej.
zukole - 2019-05-27, 12:56

Zostało 8 graczy:

Zoltán László (wbczoli)
Gergő Tóth (wbcgergo)
Adrian Fitzermann (wbcadif)
Michał Żukowski (wbcfastmotion)
Jan Kopecký (wbcdeafbat)
Bogdan Brachaczek (wbcbbj)
Márk Horváth (wbcmark)
Matīss Riherts (wbcmatiss)

Wszyscy wymienieni zostali ulokowani w pierwszym koszyku i wygrali swoje grupy.

Droga do TOP8:

11-1 Georg-Romet Topkin
11-0 Gábor Sokorai
11-2 Ly Nguyen
16-2 Jakub Horák
16-3 Timo Ilu
16-2 Bogdan Brachaczek

11-0 Oleg Eremin
11-9 Sándor Gyüre
11-0 Madli Mirme
16-3 Andrei Matei
16-6 Igor Eged
16-6 Jan Kopecký

11-0 Piotr Małowiejski
11-1 Attila Kelemen
(+:-) 11-0 Fredy Eduardo Paredes
16-2 Luis Diaz
16-6 Szczepan Łukasik
16-3 Matīss Riherts

11-2 Ibrahim Kaan Aslan
11-1 Anatoly Smirnov
11-0 Krisztina Kamarás
16-2 Zoltán Sonkoly
16-9 Rudolf Dupszki
16-3 Tauri Purk

11-8 Gasan Babaev
11-0 Nemanja Jakovljević
11-0 Matej Mikuš
16-0 Sándor Gyüre
16-11 Márk Horváth
6-16 Gergő Tóth
16-14 Rudolf Dupszki

11-7 Michał Pietrusiak
(+:-) 11-0 Mário Spišák
11-2 Anton Efremov
16-6 Piotr Małowiejski
16-14 Martin Hõbemägi
2-16 Zoltán László
16-9 Szczepan Łukasik

11-4 Andrei Matei
11-6 Alexey Lebedev
11-0 Matyás Zavadil
16-6 Gasan Babaev
11-16 Jan Kopecký
16-8 Ibrahim Kaan Aslan
16-13 Igor Eged
16-4 Tauri Purk

11-7 Luis Diaz
11-1 Przemysław Wardach
11-3 Ádám Beer
16-9 Ibrahim Kaan Aslan
16-9 Michał Zajk
3-16 Adrian Fitzermann
16-8 Pavel Laube

zukole - 2019-08-21, 23:05

W rozegranym dziś finale WBC sensacji nie było. Przegrałem z Zoltánem 7:22.

Top4 tegorocznej edycji:

1. Zoltán László (wbczoli)
2. Michał Żukowski (wbcfastmotion)
3. Adrian Fitzermann (wbcadif)
4. Gergő Tóth (wbcgergo)

zukole - 2020-05-04, 18:23

Oficjalne wyniki WBC 2019 -
Usiek - 2021-02-13, 16:46
Temat postu: World Blitz Cup 2021
Dziękuję wszystkim za wypełnienie ankiety. Oficjalne (zbiorcze) wyniki:
- 1 min + 0 s (jak dotychczas) - 18 głosów
- 1 min + 1 s (Fischer) - 21 głosów
- obie opcje są dla mnie w porządku - 3 głosy

Oficjalne ogłoszenie WBC 2021 już w najbliższy poniedziałek!

zukole - 2021-02-13, 17:10

Na pewno będzie ciekawiej :wink:
Usiek - 2021-02-15, 14:48

Wystartowały zapisy do najnowszej edycji WBC! :)

Tym razem zawody zostaną rozegrane z czasem 1 min + 1 s (Fischer) na gracza.

Oficjalna strona rozgrywek to:
Można na niej odnaleźć takie informacje dotyczące rozgrywek, jak regulamin, aktualna lista uczestników, projekt tabel i drabinek poszczególnych faz rozgrywek, czy zupełnie nowa funkcjonalność - Kalendarz WBC 2021.

Aby dołączyć, wystarczy skontaktować się z jednym z organizatorów (Zoltán László, Łukasz Majksner, Jakub Horák, Márk Horváth) i podać następujące informacje: imię i nazwisko, narodowość, nick na stronie z przedrostkiem wbc, preferowana forma kontaktu (np. adres e-mail, Facebook).

Ostateczny termin nadsyłania zgłoszeń to czwartek 11 marca o 23:59.

Pełna wersja regulaminu w języku angielskim oraz skrót najważniejszych zasad w języku polskim w załączniku.

Przydatne linki:
WBC 2021 - tabele i drabinki
Kalendarz WBC 2021

Serdecznie zachęcamy do udziału w rozgrywkach, a wszystkim uczestnikom życzymy powodzenia i samych wspaniałych gier!

zukole - 2021-03-15, 19:25

Usiek napisał/a:
Ostateczny termin nadsyłania zgłoszeń to czwartek 11 marca o 23:59
Wydłużono czas trwania zapisów do niedzieli 21 marca o 23:59.
Usiek - 2021-03-22, 12:28

Rozpoczęła się faza grupowa WBC 2021! Można umawiać i rozgrywać mecze do 11 kwietnia. Powodzenia! :)

Grupa A:
Ashot Avetisyan (wbcashot)
Jakub Horák (wbc3ifndef)
Peter Magyar (wbcreal)

Grupa B:
Kristóf Ménesi (wbcpeking)
Alexey Lebedev (wbcalleb)
Michał Heliński (wbcmichal)
Krisztina Kamarás (wbckaktuszka)

Grupa C:
Matīss Riherts (wbcmatiss)
Karol Podwyszyński (wbccrosslet)
Lukáš Tabery (wbctaberon)
Jiří Hofírek (wbclesapan)

Grupa D:
Márk Horváth (wbcmark)
Lê Chí Thịnh (wbctramy98)
Tibor Horcsin (wbctiberius)

Grupa E:
Zoltán László (wbczoli)
Mateusz Rędzioch (wbcproblem)
Hajnalka Kovács (wbchajnal)
Jan Purkrábek (wbcpurkys)

Grupa F:
Gergő Tóth (wbcdonotrush)
Ferenc Rostás (wbcrostas)
Richard Turčan (wbcrichard)
Semir Arabo (wbclamarab)

Grupa G:
Igor Eged (wbcg3m)
Matěj Holub (wbcpiggi)
Jana Adámková (wbcseabow)
Ciarán Lucey (wbcciaran)

Grupa H:
Štěpán Tesařík (wbcperoxid)
Alexander Miroshnichenko (wbcfudjin)
Jair Damián Martínez (wbcnestea)

Grupa I:
Łukasz Majksner (wbcusiek)
Ádám Varga (wbcsongoku)
Miroslav Kováč (wbcmiro76)
Ferenc Volman (wbcjuves)

Grupa J:
Kacper Wojtyra (wbckacperking)
Oleg Eremin (wbcmonster)
Eva Orlova (wbckakosik)

Grupa K:
Piotr Małowiejski (wbcangst)
Gasan Babaev (wbcgasan)
Beáta Vajda (wbcbeata7211)
Matyáš Zavadil (wbcmatyci)

Grupa L:
Pavel Laube (wbckedlub)
Michał Pietrusiak (wbcsiwer)
Anatoly Smirnov (wbcbarbos)

Grupa M:
Szczepan Łukasik (wbckremufka)
Michal Holec (wbcfuzaty)
Csaba Kamarás (wbccsaba)

Grupa N:
Vladimir Nipoti (wbcb)
Gábor Sokorai (wbcpeisz)
Janka Balázsi (wbcjanka)

Grupa O:
Vinh Ly (wbcvinlious)
Alex Maldonado (wbcpala14)
Manó Gyenei (wbctorpe)

Grupa P:
Lukáš Souček (wbciwbtc)
Gábor Gyenes (wbcgabor)
Radim Kostlivý (wbcspecs)

Kalendarz WBC 2021 (Google): LINK
Harmonogram spotkań w fazie grupowej: LINK

Aktualne wyniki rozgrywek (Google): LINK
Aktualne wyniki fazy grupowej: LINK

amber_gold - 2021-04-05, 15:47

Jak się ma RODO do publikowania imienia i nazwiska ?
Usiek - 2021-04-05, 23:51

amber_gold napisał/a:
Jak się ma RODO do publikowania imienia i nazwiska ?

Imię i nazwisko nie są danymi osobowymi w rozumieniu RODO.

Ponadto należy zauważyć, że rejestrując się do WBC każdy zawodnik zaakceptował Regulamin WBC. Zgodnie z punktem 5.1 Regulaminu WBC, na oficjalnej stronie WBC 2021 znajdują się wszystkie oficjalne informacje dotyczące rozgrywek, takie jak harmonogram, wyniki, decyzje itd. Przepis ten uzupełniają punkty 5.2-5.4 Regulaminu WBC, na podstawie których najważniejsze informacje dotyczące rozgrywek będą także publikowane w innych miejscach, w tym na naszym Forum.

W związku z powyższym, akceptując regulamin, gracze mieli tego świadomość i wyrazili zgodę na publikację ich imienia i nazwiska w Internecie.

zukole - 2021-04-12, 18:11

Drabinki turniejowe oraz wyniki fazy grupowej są dostępne na
Usiek - 2021-04-13, 00:41

Rozpoczęła się pierwsza runda fazy podwójnej eliminacji! Można umawiać i rozgrywać mecze do 25 kwietnia. Powodzenia! :)

Przypominam, że aby wygrać mecz w fazie podwójnej eliminacji, należy zdobyć co najmniej 13 punktów oraz osiągnąć przewagę 2 punktów. Jeżeli po rozegraniu 41 partii żaden z graczy nie osiągnie przewagi 2 punktów, zwycięzcą zostaje gracz, który zdobył więcej punktów. Jeżeli po rozegraniu 41 gier jest remis, wygrywa ten z graczy, który wygra kolejną nieremisową partię.

Górna drabinka:
Alex Maldonado (wbcpala14) vs Eva Orlova (wbckakosik)
Szczepan Łukasik (wbckremufka) vs Ashot Avetisyan (wbcashot)
Matīss Riherts (wbcmatiss) vs Alexander Miroshnichenko (wbcfudjin)
Piotr Małowiejski (wbcangst) vs Michał Pietrusiak (wbcsiwer)
Gergő Tóth (wbcdonotrush) vs Michal Holec (wbcfuzaty)
Lukáš Souček (wbciwbtc) vs Gábor Sokorai (wbcpeisz)
Kacper Wojtyra (wbckacperking) vs Mateusz Rędzioch (wbcproblem)
Jakub Horák (wbc3ifndef) vs Gasan Babaev (wbcgasan)
Kristóf Ménesi (wbcpeking) vs Lê Chí Thịnh (wbctramy98)
Vladimir Nipoti (wbcb) vs Ferenc Rostás (wbcrostas)
Štěpán Tesařík (wbcperoxid) vs Karol Podwyszyński (wbccrosslet)
Pavel Laube (wbckedlub) vs Matěj Holub (wbcpiggi)
Łukasz Majksner (wbcusiek) vs Vinh Ly (wbcvinlious)
Zoltán László (wbczoli) vs Ádám Varga (wbcsongoku)
Márk Horváth (wbcmark) vs Gábor Gyenes (wbcgabor)
Igor Eged (wbcg3m) vs Alexey Lebedev (wbcalleb)

Dolna drabinka:
Hajnalka Kovács (wbchajnal) vs Jiří Hofírek (wbclesapan)
Radim Kostlivý (wbcspecs) vs Semir Arabo (wbclamarab)
Tibor Horcsin (wbctiberius) vs Matyáš Zavadil (wbcmatyci)
Miroslav Kováč (wbcmiro76) vs Michał Heliński (wbcmichal)
Beáta Vajda (wbcbeata7211) vs Ferenc Volman (wbcjuves)
Jair Damián Martínez (wbcnestea) vs Jan Purkrábek (wbcpurkys)
Lukáš Tabery (wbctaberon) vs Ciarán Lucey (wbcciaran)

Kalendarz WBC 2021 (Google): LINK
Harmonogram spotkań w fazie podwójnej eliminacji: LINK

Aktualne wyniki rozgrywek (Google): LINK
Aktualne wyniki fazy podwójnej eliminacji: LINK

zukole - 2021-04-26, 20:12

W 2 rundzie (do 09.05) rywalizują tylko gracze dolnej drabinki.

Zestaw par:
Hajnalka Kovács (wbchajnal) vs Eva Orlova (wbckakosik)
Radim Kostlivý (wbcspecs) vs Ashot Avetisyan (wbcashot)
Tibor Horcsin (wbctiberius) vs Alexander Miroshnichenko (wbcfudjin)
Miroslav Kováč (wbcmiro76) vs Piotr Małowiejski (wbcangst)
Beáta Vajda (wbcbeata7211) vs Michal Holec (wbcfuzaty)
Oleg Eremin (wbcmonster) vs Gábor Sokorai (wbcpeisz)
Anatoly Smirnov (wbcbarbos) vs Mateusz Rędzioch (wbcproblem)
Jair Damián Martínez (wbcnestea) vs Gasan Babaev (wbcgasan)
Janka Balázsi (wbcjanka) vs Lê Chí Thịnh (wbctramy98)
Csaba Kamarás (wbccsaba) vs Ferenc Rostás (wbcrostas)
Jana Adámková (wbcseabow) vs Karol Podwyszyński (wbccrosslet)
Krisztina Kamarás (wbckaktuszka) vs Matěj Holub (wbcpiggi)
Peter Magyar (wbcreal) vs Łukasz Majksner (wbcusiek)
Lukáš Tabery (wbctaberon) vs Ádám Varga (wbcsongoku)
Manó Gyenei (wbctorpe) vs Gábor Gyenes (wbcgabor)
Richard Turčan (wbcrichard) vs Alexey Lebedev (wbcalleb)

Usiek - 2021-05-11, 19:47

Rozpoczęła się trzecia runda fazy podwójnej eliminacji! Można umawiać i rozgrywać mecze do 23 maja. Powodzenia!

Górna drabinka:
Alex Maldonado (wbcpala14) vs Szczepan Łukasik (wbckremufka)
Matīss Riherts (wbcmatiss) vs Michał Pietrusiak (wbcsiwer)
Gergő Tóth (wbcdonotrush) vs Lukáš Souček (wbciwbtc)
Kacper Wojtyra (wbckacperking) vs Jakub Horák (wbc3ifndef)
Kristóf Ménesi (wbcpeking) vs Vladimir Nipoti (wbcb)
Štěpán Tesařík (wbcperoxid) vs Pavel Laube (wbckedlub)
Vinh Ly (wbcvinlious) vs Zoltán László (wbczoli)
Márk Horváth (wbcmark) vs Igor Eged (wbcg3m)

Dolna drabinka:
Eva Orlova (wbckakosik) vs Ashot Avetisyan (wbcashot)
Alexander Miroshnichenko (wbcfudjin) vs Piotr Małowiejski (wbcangst)
Michal Holec (wbcfuzaty) vs Gábor Sokorai (wbcpeisz)
Anatoly Smirnov (wbcbarbos) vs Gasan Babaev (wbcgasan)
Lê Chí Thịnh (wbctramy98) vs Ferenc Rostás (wbcrostas)
Karol Podwyszyński (wbccrosslet) vs Matěj Holub (wbcpiggi)
Łukasz Majksner (wbcusiek) vs Ádám Varga (wbcsongoku)
Gábor Gyenes (wbcgabor) vs Alexey Lebedev (wbcalleb)

zukole - 2021-05-31, 20:55

W 4. rundzie (do 13.06) rywalizują tylko gracze dolnej drabinki.

Eva Orlova (wbckakosik) vs Vinh Ly (wbcvinlious)
Piotr Małowiejski (wbcangst) vs Igor Eged (wbcg3m)
Michal Holec (wbcfuzaty) vs Kristóf Ménesi (wbcpeking)
Gasan Babaev (wbcgasan) vs Štěpán Tesařík (wbcperoxid)
Ferenc Rostás (wbcrostas) vs Lukáš Souček (wbciwbtc)
Matěj Holub (wbcpiggi) vs Jakub Horák (wbc3ifndef)
Łukasz Majksner (wbcusiek) vs Alex Maldonado (wbcpala14)
Alexey Lebedev (wbcalleb) vs Michał Pietrusiak (wbcsiwer)

Usiek - 2021-06-14, 13:10

Rozpoczęła się piąta runda fazy podwójnej eliminacji! Można umawiać i rozgrywać mecze do 27 czerwca. Powodzenia!

Górna drabinka:
Szczepan Łukasik (wbckremufka) vs Matīss Riherts (wbcmatiss)
Gergő Tóth (wbcdonotrush) vs Kacper Wojtyra (wbckacperking)
Vladimir Nipoti (wbcb) vs Pavel Laube (wbckedlub)
Zoltán László (wbczoli) vs Márk Horváth (wbcmark)

Dolna drabinka:
Vinh Ly (wbcvinlious) vs Igor Eged (wbcg3m)
Kristóf Ménesi (wbcpeking) vs Gasan Babaev (wbcgasan)
Lukáš Souček (wbciwbtc) vs Jakub Horák (wbc3ifndef)
Łukasz Majksner (wbcusiek) vs Michał Pietrusiak (wbcsiwer)

Usiek - 2021-06-27, 23:58

Rozpoczęła się szósta runda fazy podwójnej eliminacji! Można umawiać i rozgrywać mecze do 11 lipca. Powodzenia!

Dolna drabinka:
Igor Eged (wbcg3m) vs Kacper Wojtyra (wbckacperking)
Kristóf Ménesi (wbcpeking) vs Szczepan Łukasik (wbckremufka)
Lukáš Souček (wbciwbtc) vs Márk Horváth (wbcmark)
Łukasz Majksner (wbcusiek) vs Pavel Laube (wbckedlub)

Usiek - 2021-07-12, 12:02

Rozpoczęła się siódma runda fazy podwójnej eliminacji! Można umawiać i rozgrywać mecze do 25 lipca. Powodzenia!

Górna drabinka:
Matīss Riherts (wbcmatiss) vs Gergő Tóth (wbcdonotrush)
Vladimir Nipoti (wbcb) vs Zoltán László (wbczoli)

Dolna drabinka:
Igor Eged (wbcg3m) vs Kristóf Ménesi (wbcpeking)
Márk Horváth (wbcmark) vs Łukasz Majksner (wbcusiek)

Usiek - 2021-07-26, 16:45

Rozpoczęła się ósma runda fazy podwójnej eliminacji! Można umawiać i rozgrywać mecze do 8 sierpnia. Powodzenia!

Dolna drabinka:
Igor Eged (wbcg3m) vs Vladimir Nipoti (wbcb)
Łukasz Majksner (wbcusiek) vs Matīss Riherts (wbcmatiss)

Usiek - 2021-08-09, 11:17

Rozpoczęła się dziewiąta runda fazy podwójnej eliminacji! Można umawiać i rozgrywać mecze do 22 sierpnia. Powodzenia!

Górna drabinka:
Gergő Tóth (wbcdonotrush) vs Zoltán László (wbczoli)

Dolna drabinka:
Vladimir Nipoti (wbcb) vs Łukasz Majksner (wbcusiek)

zukole - 2021-08-26, 19:25

Finał dolnej drabinki Vladimir Nipoti (wbcb) - Gergő Tóth (wbcdonotrush) jest zaplanowany na wtorek 31.08 o 20:30.
zukole - 2021-09-23, 21:08

Finał dolnej drabinki Vladimir Nipoti (wbcb) - Gergő Tóth (wbcdonotrush) 11:13
Finał rozgrywek Zoltán László (wbczoli) - Gergő Tóth (wbcdonotrush) 19.5 : 7.5

Tabela -

zukole - 2023-01-28, 23:39

Do 17.02 23:59 CET można zapisać się na WBC 2023!

W tym roku dla Top3 są przewidziane nagrody finansowe, a jednemu z uczestników w losowaniu przypadnie magnetyczny goban.

Więcej informacji na stronie rozgrywek -

zukole - 2023-02-23, 21:18

W poniedziałek rozpoczęło się WBC 2023.

Grupy -
Harmonogram spotkań -

zukole - 2023-03-13, 17:51

Bilans meczów Polaków w fazie grupowej WBC:
Meczów wygranych: 22
Meczów przegranych: 5
Meczów zremisowanych: 0
Grupa A:
🇵🇱 Łukasz Majksner (wbcusiek) vs 🇷🇺 Oleg Eryomin (wbcmonster) 13:2
🇵🇱 Łukasz Majksner (wbcusiek) vs 🇨🇳 Junkai Wang (wbcspdrn) 15:0
🇵🇱 Łukasz Majksner (wbcusiek) vs 🇨🇿 Semir Arabo (wbclamarab) 15:0
Grupa D:
🇵🇱 Piotr Bieniek (wbcgacul) vs 🇨🇿 Jakub Horák (wbc3ifndef) 9:6
🇵🇱 Piotr Bieniek (wbcgacul) vs 🇺🇦 Eva Orlova (wbckakosik) 15:0
🇵🇱 Piotr Bieniek (wbcgacul) vs 🇭🇺 Ferenc Rostás (wbcrostas) 12:3
Grupa E:
🇭🇺 Zoltán László (wbczoli) vs 🇵🇱 Piotr Małowiejski (wbcangst) 14.5:0.5
🇵🇱 Piotr Małowiejski (wbcangst) vs 🇪🇪 Kuno Kolk (wbckuninho) 10:5
🇵🇱 Piotr Małowiejski (wbcangst) vs 🇨🇿 Matěj Holub (wbcpiggi) 10.5:4.5
Grupa F:
🇱🇻 Matīss Riherts (wbcmatiss) vs 🇵🇱 Karol Podwyszyński (wbccrosslet) 12:3
🇺🇦 Oleg Bulatovsky (wbcgelo) vs 🇵🇱 Karol Podwyszyński (wbccrosslet) 10:5
🇵🇱 Karol Podwyszyński (wbccrosslet) vs 🇷🇺 Sergey Andronov (wbcmalbilli) 13:2
Grupa H:
🇵🇱 Michał Żukowski (wbcbeetle) vs 🇭🇺 Zoltán Sonkoly (wbciron) 14:1
🇵🇱 Michał Żukowski (wbcbeetle) vs 🇭🇺 Csaba Kamarás (wbccsaba) 15:0
🇵🇱 Michał Żukowski (wbcbeetle) vs 🇸🇰 Peter Magyar (wbcreal) 15:0
Grupa I:
🇵🇱 Michał Zajk (wbcpuholek) vs 🇷🇴 Andrei Matei (wbcandy) 10:5
🇵🇱 Michał Zajk (wbcpuholek) vs 🇸🇰 Michal Ferdinandy (wbcmichi) 15:0
🇵🇱 Michał Zajk (wbcpuholek) vs 🇻🇳 Nguyễn Công Minh (wbcnguyenminh) 11:4
Grupa J:
🇭🇺 Kristóf Ménesi Ménesi (wbcpeking) vs 🇵🇱 Paweł Nowak (wbcpeaceman) 10:5
🇵🇱 Paweł Nowak (wbcpeaceman) vs 🇭🇺 Krisztina Kamarás (wbckaktuszka) 15:0
🇵🇱 Paweł Nowak (wbcpeaceman) vs 🇨🇿 Petr Podolský (wbcon) 14:1
Grupa O:
🇵🇱 Szczepan Łukasik (wbckremufka) vs 🇻🇳 Lê Chí Thịnh (wbctramy98) 10:5
🇵🇱 Szczpan Łukasik (wbckremufka) vs 🇸🇰 Jana Adámková (wbcseabow) 14:1
🇵🇱 Szczepan Łukasik (wbckremufka) vs 🇪🇪 Georg-Romet Topkin (wbcsig) 10:5
Grupa P:
🇵🇱 Kacper Wojtyra (wbcwhisky) vs 🇭🇺 Ádám Varga (wbcsongoku) 14:1
🇵🇱 Kacper Wojtyra (wbcwhisky) vs 🇷🇺 Alexey Lebedev (wbcalleb) 7:8
🇵🇱 Kacper Wojtyra (wbcwhisky) vs 🇨🇴 Jair Damián Martínez (wbcnestea) 11:4

W tym tygodniu odbędzie się losowanie drabinek.

zukole - 2023-03-20, 19:48

Górna drabinka.

Dolna drabinka.

zukole - 2023-08-09, 17:48

Dziś o 20:30 odbędzie się finał rozgrywek pomiędzy Zoltán László i Gergő Tóth.

Brązowy medal wywalczył Michał Zajk! :)


zukole - 2023-08-09, 22:56

Zoltán wygrał 19.5 - 12.5.


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