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Correspondence Gomoku
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Dołączył: 04 Paź 2004
Posty: 4365
Skąd: Polska
Wysłany: 2019-08-14, 23:39   

sandra113 napisał/a:
If someone is an outstanding player in correspondence games and just an average player in live games, he may simply have not developed the ability to calculate far in his mind. He may have simply not been motivated to develop this ability, in the first place. What, after all, use could he make of this ability beyond live tournaments?
Trudno rozwijać jakieś umiejętności, gdy zrzuca się wykonanie znacznie większej części pracy komputerowi.
sandra113 napisał/a:
Have you ever wondered why live tournaments are characterised by a low proportion of females? Is it because, as some people believe, females are physiologically less capable? I do not think so, because, for example, in 2005 the Russian female renju player Yulia Savrasova won the Russian renju championship among men, finishing above such monsters as Sergey Artemyev, Pavel Salnikov, Konstantin Chingin, Vlad Kareev, and Konstantin Nikonov
Savrasova była fenomenem, który zdarza się raz na ileś lat. Pierwsze kobiece mistrzostwo świata zdobyła w wieku 12 (!) lat, potrafiła także zająć drugie miejsce w QT i awansować do RAT. Prawdopodobnie bardzo długo będzie trzeba czekać na kolejną taką zawodniczkę.
sandra113 napisał/a:
Moreover, self-affirmation due to winning live gomoku tournaments is delusional to a great extent, because in live gomoku tournaments nothing real is at stake. Okay, you won a live gomoku tournament, but who said your opponents were really motivated? Ask yourself the following powerful question: Would you be able to win the same tournament against the same players if the prize were 100,000$ and announced well in advance so that the players could really prepare? It would be very different play, wouldn't it? So maybe you won simply because you were more motivated than your opponents were? What is then the reason to be proud? What is the reason to be proud of having been more motivated, as compared to others, to play a game that brings no real benefits?
A w graniu korespondencyjnym wszyscy są zmotywowani na 1000%? :) Nie jesteś w stanie zmierzyć poziomu czyjejś motywacji w grze live, a tym bardziej wielomiesięcznej grze korespondencyjnej.
sandra113 napisał/a:
They are about the ability to perform a great analysis and about research skills. By playing correspondence games, you learn a serious approach to strategy and planning. You learn a serious approach to analytical work. You learn long-term discipline. You learn to make very elaborated plans and to stick to them. You learn general principles of strategy. You become a great analyst and develop very useful analytical skills.
Wszystko byłoby fajne, gdyby nie to, że w grach korespondencyjnych zawodnicy korzystają z programów, baz danych i pomocy innych graczy. Nie rozwiniesz swoich umiejętności analitycznych, gdy Twoim jedynym zadaniem jest kliknięcie przycisków "play" i "undo". Plansza jest ograniczona, więc znalezienie optymalnego ruchu w kilkadziesiąt dni nie powinno być problemem. Bardzo chętnie poczytam, jak średni gracz live (lecz wielki mistrz gry korespondencyjnej) zanalizuje wybrane pozycje chociażby z WC2019 BEZ użycia programu. Jeżeli gry korespondencyjne rozwijają umiejętności analityczne, to na pewno sobie poradzi. Oczywiście musiałby się nagrywać kamerą wpatrzony wyłącznie w daną pozycję bądź też przeprowadzić tę próbę live :-)
sandra113 napisał/a:
Successful correspondence players are generally great people. For example, the main favourites of the current world correspondence gomoku championship are Great Lord Lamaza (aka Alex Popiel) and Sensei Owen (aka Dmitry Epifanov).
Na temat combo graczy The Lords nasłuchaliśmy się w Estonii od adifa, więc kwestię lamazy pominę. Dmitry zaś dwukrotnie grał w RAT i ma w swoim dorobku mistrzostwo Rosji. Nie jest więc średniakiem, który osiąga dużo większe sukcesy korespondencyjnie niż w grze live.

Dołączyła: 23 Kwi 2016
Posty: 287
Skąd: Australia
Wysłany: 2019-08-19, 00:40   

zukole napisał/a:
Trudno rozwijać jakieś umiejętności, gdy zrzuca się wykonanie znacznie większej części pracy komputerowi.

Now tell mathematicians, "It is hard to develop math skills if you use a pen, paper, calculator, and computer. To become a great mathematician, you have to solve everything in mind." You will sound as hilarious as you just did :)

Counting VCFs, VCTs, and VC2s is a stupid routine work, just as multiplying big numbers is. It should be left to computers, just as mathematicians use tools like computers and calculators. In my research work, I use mathematical software to quickly calculate definite and indefinite integrals numerically and analytically, to solve differential equations, etc. Computers undertake routine tasks, letting humans focus on creative parts of the work.

We live in the era of computers, not in the Stone Age. Wake up, get out of your cave, and catch up :)

zukole napisał/a:
Savrasova była fenomenem, który zdarza się raz na ileś lat. Pierwsze kobiece mistrzostwo świata zdobyła w wieku 12 (!) lat, potrafiła także zająć drugie miejsce w QT i awansować do RAT. Prawdopodobnie bardzo długo będzie trzeba czekać na kolejną taką zawodniczkę.

It eludes me what you want to say with that :) I mentioned Savrasova to illustrate the point that females are no less intellectually capable than males. Do you really want to challenge that point? :) Do you want to confess that you are a sexist? :)

My view is simple: Females are no less intellectually capable, but are less motivated to invest time and effort to progress in a game from which they cannot derive any real benefit. And I have a lot of evidence to support my view:

(1) Almost all players who play games like World of Tanks, chess, gomoku, etc. are males. Females tend to avoid wasting time on such activities.

(2) IQ tests show no difference between males and females. Despite many scientific studies and years of research, scientists have been unable to find any proof or evidence of male intellectual superiority.

(3) In Australia, the average male and female salaries are practically equal. What matters in life is money, and women in developed countries are no less capable of earning money than males are.

(4) If really trained and motivated, women can play strategy games no worse than men can (e.g., Judith Polgar reached the 8th position on the world chess rating list, Yulia Savrasova became the Russian renju champion, etc.). If there were some real physiological obstacle related to the female brain structure or anything like that, no female would ever have been able to come even close to the level of the best players of the world.

zukole napisał/a:
A w graniu korespondencyjnym wszyscy są zmotywowani na 1000%?

No, but I am not saying that it makes sense to play correspondence gomoku for self-affirmation :) What I am saying is these two things:

(1) There are good reasons to play correspondence gomoku, and these reasons are unrelated to self-affirmation. By playing correspondence games, you learn a serious approach to strategy and planning. You learn a serious approach to analytical work. You learn long-term discipline. You learn to make very elaborated plans and to stick to them. You learn general principles of strategy. You become a great analyst and develop very useful analytical skills.

(2) I do not see good reasons to play live gomoku. Many players play live gomoku for self-affirmation, but self-affirmation due to winning live gomoku tournaments is delusional to a great extent, because nothing real is at stake. Live gomoku games develop the ability to solve things in mind, but that ability is not needed in real life.

Now back to your question. Actually, people often get really motivated in correspondence games. The thing is that correspondence players invest really many, many hours to each game, and winning a game to which a player invested so much time and effort means a lot for him. It is a psychological phenomenon known as sunk cost fallacy.

zukole napisał/a:
Wszystko byłoby fajne, gdyby nie to, że w grach korespondencyjnych zawodnicy korzystają z programów, baz danych i pomocy innych graczy. Nie rozwiniesz swoich umiejętności analitycznych, gdy Twoim jedynym zadaniem jest kliknięcie przycisków "play" i "undo".

Do not make my stockings laugh :) The view that correspondence games are about running a program and brainlessly copying moves from it is utterly nonsensical.

zukole napisał/a:
Plansza jest ograniczona, więc znalezienie optymalnego ruchu w kilkadziesiąt dni nie powinno być problemem.

There is no such thing as the optimal move :) If you think otherwise, tell me the optimal fourth move for the opening 1-c3 2-c4 3-d3 and for Angst's opening 1-g1 2-h15 3-h1. Come on, tell me :)

Correspondence gomoku is an art, and there are a variety of factors involved in choosing a move: global strategical considerations, game tree width, game plans, amount of calculational work required to ensure safety, amount of time left, distributing computational resources over your games, strengths and weaknesses of the opponent, time management, deciding where to stop analyzing a certain branch, etc. A move can be good for one plan and bad for another plan. It is a real art, and it is a much deeper and more nuanced art than live games are. Comparing correspondence gomoku and live gpmoku is like comparing Formula One and the 5K run.

zukole napisał/a:
Bardzo chętnie poczytam, jak średni gracz live (lecz wielki mistrz gry korespondencyjnej) zanalizuje wybrane pozycje chociażby z WC2019 BEZ użycia programu. Jeżeli gry korespondencyjne rozwijają umiejętności analityczne, to na pewno sobie poradzi.

It is like asking a prominent mathematician to comment a competition in which people compete in multiplying big numbers in mind :)

zukole napisał/a:
Na temat combo graczy The Lords nasłuchaliśmy się w Estonii od adifa, więc kwestię lamazy pominę. Dmitry zaś dwukrotnie grał w RAT i ma w swoim dorobku mistrzostwo Rosji. Nie jest więc średniakiem, który osiąga dużo większe sukcesy korespondencyjnie niż w grze live.

I think you are totally missing my point :) Just read what I wrote. My point is that great correspondence players are often successful outside the gomoku world, too. I am just looking at the correlation between two things: (i) success in correspondence gomoku, (ii) success outside the gomoku world. This point has nothing to do with live tournaments at all. The Great Lord Lamaza is a successful scientist, a linguist, and Sensei Owen was very successful in Russian physics Olympiads and currently works at Yandex, the Russian analogue of Google. The last two world correspondence renju championships were won by Hao Tianyi, who also won a gold medal in the 25th Chinese Mathematical Olympiad.

Dołączył: 04 Paź 2004
Posty: 4365
Skąd: Polska
Wysłany: 2019-08-19, 13:58   

sandra113 napisał/a:
Now tell mathematicians, "It is hard to develop math skills if you use a pen, paper, calculator, and computer. To become a great mathematician, you have to solve everything in mind." You will sound as hilarious as you just did :)
Twoje porównanie jest bez sensu :) Dla matematyka dzielisz zajęcia na rutynowe i kreatywne. Na czym polega kreatywność w graniu korespondencyjnym? Sprawdzanie, który ruch jest najlepszy jest zajęciem rutynowym. Stawiasz-sprawdzasz i tak do momentu finalnego wyboru. Jeżeli masz do wyboru ruchy o sile +150 i +50, to analiza ANALIZY PROGRAMU faktycznie może sprawiać problem :D
sandra113 napisał/a:
It eludes me what you want to say with that :) I mentioned Savrasova to illustrate the point that females are no less intellectually capable than males. Do you really want to challenge that point? :) Do you want to confess that you are a sexist? :)
Widzisz, Ty piszesz o inteligencji. Mnie chodzi o fakt, że Savrasova jeśli chodzi o renju była jedyną (najprawdopodobniej), która mogła rywalizować z mężczyznami na najwyższym poziomie. Przyczyny takiego stanu rzeczy nie są dla mnie ważne, bo to zwykłe wymówki. Jeżeli komuś na przykład nie zależy na rywalizacji i przez to osiąga słabsze wyniki, to jest to problem wyłączniej tej osoby.
sandra113 napisał/a:
Do not make my stockings laugh :) The view that correspondence games are about running a program and brainlessly copying moves from it is utterly nonsensical.
Twoim zdaniem człowiek wybiera więcej własnych, słabszych ruchów niż sugerowanych przez program? Ty mnie również rozśmieszasz :) Z drugiej strony gdy ktoś wierzy, że średni gracz live jest w stanie być najlepszym korespondencyjnie dzięki swoim umiejętnościom analitycznym to widzę sens w tym braku sensu :-)
sandra113 napisał/a:
There is no such thing as the optimal move
Tak Sandra, czegoś takiego jak sure win też nie ma :D
sandra113 napisał/a:
My point is that great correspondence players are often successful outside the gomoku world, too. I am just looking at the correlation between two things: (i) success in correspondence gomoku, (ii) success outside the gomoku world.
Właściwe pytanie brzmi, czy to dzięki graniu korespondencyjnemu, czy też są to ponadprzeciętne osoby, które akurat grają korespondencyjnie? :)

Dołączyła: 23 Kwi 2016
Posty: 287
Skąd: Australia
Wysłany: 2019-08-20, 19:11   

zukole napisał/a:
sandra113 napisał/a:
Now tell mathematicians, "It is hard to develop math skills if you use a pen, paper, calculator, and computer. To become a great mathematician, you have to solve everything in mind." You will sound as hilarious as you just did :)
Twoje porównanie jest bez sensu :) Dla matematyka dzielisz zajęcia na rutynowe i kreatywne. Na czym polega kreatywność w graniu korespondencyjnym? Sprawdzanie, który ruch jest najlepszy jest zajęciem rutynowym.

And this way of thinking of yours is why, Zukole, you have never achieved anything in correspondence games :) Or did I get my facts crossed? Show me a medal won by you in a world correspondence renju championship :)

Top correspondence players do not see correspondence games as primitively as you do. And this is precisely why they are top correspondence players :)

You can read my English translation of sensei Owen's narrative of his correspondence match against Barbos here: Link. I hope that this piece of excellent writing by a great sensei will help you understand what correspondence games are about.

And you can publicly ask sensei Owen on the Russian gomoku discussion board whether correspondence games are about blindly copying moves from a program. Just be considerate and humble in asking your question, and the great sensei will kindly share his wisdom with you. As a great sensei, he has always been nice to those who want to understand something and progress.

And he actually has already made a statement about the matter: "Посмотрел бы я на программу, которая этот выигрыш способна найти - это к контексту дискуссии о том, ограничивается ли заочная игра тыканием в компьютер." (Translation: "I would gladly have a look at a program that could find this win. I am saying this in the context of the discussion about whether correspondence games are about brainlessly copying things on your computer.")

zukole napisał/a:
sandra113 napisał/a:
It eludes me what you want to say with that :) I mentioned Savrasova to illustrate the point that females are no less intellectually capable than males. Do you really want to challenge that point? :) Do you want to confess that you are a sexist? :)
Widzisz, Ty piszesz o inteligencji. Mnie chodzi o fakt, że Savrasova jeśli chodzi o renju była jedyną (najprawdopodobniej), która mogła rywalizować z mężczyznami na najwyższym poziomie. Przyczyny takiego stanu rzeczy nie są dla mnie ważne, bo to zwykłe wymówki. Jeżeli komuś na przykład nie zależy na rywalizacji i przez to osiąga słabsze wyniki, to jest to problem wyłączniej tej osoby.

It eludes me what you are trying to say with that. Do you mean to say that females are intellectually less capable than males? Don't beat around the bush. Make your point straight, and then we can discuss it. I do not want to read between the lines.

My view is simple: Females are no less intellectually capable than males, but are less motivated than males to progress in games that give no practical benefit (e.g., gomoku, World of Tanks, etc.).

If you want to challenge that view, first state your own view in a clear and explicit way. If you believe that females are intellectually less capable than males for biological reasons, just say so explicitly. Otherwise it is unclear what we are actually arguing about. So far you have only cowardly produced some implicit hints between the lines. It is pretty pitiful when a man is afraid to clearly and openly state his view and stand up for it. It is pretty pitiful to see that a man hasn't got the balls.

There is at least one brave compatriot of yours who has got the balls to directly speak his mind about the matter: And have you got the balls to directly speak your mind? Will you state your view in a straight way like a real man, or will you continue cowardly beating around the bush?

And I also would like to draw an analogy here. I speak English and Russian at the level of a native speaker and also fluently speak German, whilst you are bad at languages, speaking only your native language. Does it mean that you are really INCAPABLE of learning foreign languages? Following your logic, I could say, "Jeżeli komuś nie zależy na nauce języków obcych i jest z nich fatalny, to jest to wyłącznie problem tej osoby." Face your own argument, Zukole :)

zukole napisał/a:
sandra113 napisał/a:
Do not make my stockings laugh :) The view that correspondence games are about running a program and brainlessly copying moves from it is utterly nonsensical.
Twoim zdaniem człowiek wybiera więcej własnych, słabszych ruchów niż sugerowanych przez program? Ty mnie również rozśmieszasz :)

Programs sometimes suggest strong moves and sometimes suggest strategically weak moves. Blindly following a program's suggestions in a correspondence game is something the Japanese have a special word for: 腹切り.

A perfect illustration of my point comes from a specially arranged gomoku game between one of the top gomoku players, Gergő Tóth, and the best gomoku program, Yixin (to be exact, its 2015 version running on an average laptop). The time control was 60+30, and Gergő was allowed only to look at the board and use nothing but his own brain. The game was spectacularly won by Gergő. The program calculated much deeper and wider than Gergo did, but lost because of its poor strategic, positional play. Here is a nice report on the game:

zukole napisał/a:
sandra113 napisał/a:
There is no such thing as the optimal move
Tak Sandra, czegoś takiego jak sure win też nie ma :D

If you claim that there is such a thing as optimal move, then why have you been unable to tell me the optimal fourth move for two standard openings, 1-c3 2-c4 3-d3 and 1-g1 2-h15 3-h1, as asked in my previous post? I have been waiting for your answer about the optimal moves for these openings since yesterday. Just tell the optimal move for each of these openings, and I will pass your statement to the Russians, who will surely have a long laugh :)

zukole napisał/a:
sandra113 napisał/a:
My point is that great correspondence players are often successful outside the gomoku world, too. I am just looking at the correlation between two things: (i) success in correspondence gomoku, (ii) success outside the gomoku world.
Właściwe pytanie brzmi, czy to dzięki graniu korespondencyjnemu, czy też są to ponadprzeciętne osoby, które akurat grają korespondencyjnie? :)

Jeżeli ponadprzeciętne osoby grają korespondencyjnie, oznacza to, że warto grać korespondencyjnie :)
Ostatnio zmieniony przez sandra113 2019-08-20, 20:00, w całości zmieniany 2 razy  

Dołączył: 04 Paź 2004
Posty: 4365
Skąd: Polska
Wysłany: 2019-08-20, 19:52   

sandra113 napisał/a:
you have never achieved anything in correspondence games
Osiągnąłem znacznie więcej od Ciebie w grach korespondencyjnych :-) Medalu wprawdzie nie mam, ale wskaż mi gracza gomoku, który ma medal w korespondencyjnym renju. Pomogę Ci, nie ma takiego :)
It eludes me what you are trying to say with that. Do you mean to say that females are intellectually less capable than males? Don't beat around the bush. Make your point straight, and then we can discuss it. I do not want to read between the lines.
Nie próbuję tu powiedzieć nic więcej ponadto, co już napisałem. Jeżeli tego nie rozumiesz, to widocznie nie jesteś tak bystra jak zapewne sądzisz ;) Co do Twojego przykładu, to przecież nie obwiniam nikogo. Poziom znajomości jest wyłącznie moim problemem. Odwracając kota ogonem, mógłbym napisać że mi nie zależy (skoro kobietom nie zależy na rywalizacji) :)
sandra113 napisał/a:
If you claim that there is such a thing as optimal move, then why have you been unable to tell me the optimal fourth move for two standard openings, 1-c3 2-c4 3-d3 and 1-g1 2-h15 3-h1, as asked in my previous post?
Na starcie gry można wybrać pomiędzy kilkoma ruchami, im głębiej tym tych ruchów do wyboru będzie mniej. Który czwarty ruch jest najlepszy dla tych otwarć? Nie wiem, nie analizowałem. Nie oznacza to jednak, że nie ma czegoś takiego jak optymalny ruch. Jeżeli w trakcie partii będziesz mieć tylko jedną możliwość (reszta przegrywa), to stawiając nieprzegrywający ruch wykonujesz optymalne zagranie. Jeżeli tylko jedna droga prowadzi do wygranej, to też odbywa się to przez granie optymalnych ruchów. Fakt, że czegoś nie wiesz, nie oznacza że to nie istnieje :-)
sandra113 napisał/a:
Jeżeli ponadprzeciętne osoby grają korespondencyjnie, oznacza to, że warto grać korespondencyjnie
Ok, czyli są to ponadprzeciętne osoby, ale nie dzięki grom korespondencyjnym. Tak myślałem. Warto czy nie warto, to już kwestia wyboru. Masz takie same hobby jak Popiel i Epifanov? Wszystkie hobby? W myśl powyższego warto byłoby robić to samo co oni, nie tylko grać korespondencyjnie. Tyle, że Ty przecież nie grasz. Główna orędowniczka gier korespondencyjnych, która nie uczestniczy w rywalizacji. Piszemy jedno, robimy drugie? :)

Dołączyła: 23 Kwi 2016
Posty: 287
Skąd: Australia
Wysłany: 2019-08-21, 00:26   

zukole napisał/a:
ale wskaż mi gracza gomoku, który ma medal w korespondencyjnym renju.

Yury Tarannikov, who won the Russian gomoku championship in 2016 and played in the GAT 2015 and the GAT 2017, won the world correspondence renju championship in 1997, six years after he won the world gomoku championship 1991.

Viktor Balabhai, who nicely beat you in the GQT this year, won the bronze medal of the world correspondence renju championship in 2013.

Tarannikov has 153 official gomoku games shown on Gomokuworld, and Balabhai - 204. They play various games and, in particular, are gomoku players, too.

zukole napisał/a:
Nie próbuję tu powiedzieć nic więcej ponadto, co już napisałem. Jeżeli tego nie rozumiesz, to widocznie nie jesteś tak bystra jak zapewne sądzisz ;)

Your fear to explicitly speak your mind has been noted. I am not willing to engage in an argument with someone who is unable to directly formulate his position and resorts to hints between lines. Get the balls first :)

Once again, my view is simple: Females are no less intellectually capable, but are less motivated to invest time and effort to progress in a game from which they cannot derive any real benefit. If you cannot say you disagree with this, there is nothing to argue about.

And here is what research says about comparing males and females in chess:

A team of researchers from the UK has shown that the under-representation of women at the top end in chess is almost exactly what would be expected, given the much greater number of men that participate in the game at all. Researchers Merim Bilalic, et al., have published their research on this statistical sampling explanation in a recent issue of the Proceedings of the Royal Society B.

The authors analyzed the population of about 120,000 German players as recorded by the German chess federation in April 2007. Based on more than 3,000 tournaments per year, the German chess federation measures the skill level of all competitive and most hobby players in the country (the rating correlates highly with the widely known Elo rating). The sample population included 113,386 men and 7,013 women (a ratio of 16:1).

First, the researchers estimated the expected performance of the top 100 male and top 100 female players. Then, they compared the expected differences in points between these high-ranking male and female players with the actual point differences. Theoretically, the size difference between the male and female groups should correspond to the point differences between the top performers in the two groups.

The results showed that the top three women had more points than expected, the next 70 or so pairs showed a small advantage for the men, and the last 20 pairs showed a small advantage for the women. Overall, men performed slightly better than expected, with an average advantage of 353 points, whereas the expected advantage was 341 points. Nevertheless, about 96% of the actual difference between genders could be explained by the statistical fact that the extreme values from a large sample are likely to be larger than those from a small one.

zukole napisał/a:
sandra113 napisał/a:
If you claim that there is such a thing as optimal move, then why have you been unable to tell me the optimal fourth move for two standard openings, 1-c3 2-c4 3-d3 and 1-g1 2-h15 3-h1, as asked in my previous post?
Na starcie gry można wybrać pomiędzy kilkoma ruchami, im głębiej tym tych ruchów do wyboru będzie mniej. Który czwarty ruch jest najlepszy dla tych otwarć? Nie wiem, nie analizowałem.

You won't be able to solve any these openings.

The best move is the one that maximizes your chance of success in the game, but there is no established routine to calculate that chance (unless you can solve the position). There are many factors to consider, including strategical situation, strengths and weakness of the opponent, amounts of time left, etc. It is an art and not a routine. I thus strongly disagree with your statement that "sprawdzanie, który ruch jest najlepszy jest zajęciem rutynowym."

If finding the best move were a routine, then all serious correspondence players would be more or less equal, as they would simply implement that routine. But in reality some correspondence players are much stronger than others. The last two world correspondence renju championships were won by one and the same person, who also won a gold medal of the Chinese Mathematical Olympiad. The brain matters.

I also wrote a detailed article about my investigation uncovering a strong correlation between live and correspondence ratings:

zukole napisał/a:
Główna orędowniczka gier korespondencyjnych, która nie uczestniczy w rywalizacji. Piszemy jedno, robimy drugie? :)

I am not eligible to play in the world correspondence gomoku championship, because a real name is required. For reasons that I already explained, I am not prepared to tell my real name anyone in the gomoku world.

Dołączył: 04 Paź 2004
Posty: 4365
Skąd: Polska
Wysłany: 2019-08-21, 13:33   

sandra113 napisał/a:
Yury Tarannikov, who won the Russian gomoku championship in 2016 and played in the GAT 2015 and the GAT 2017, won the world correspondence renju championship in 1997, six years after he won the world gomoku championship 1991.

Viktor Balabhai, who nicely beat you in the GQT this year, won the bronze medal of the world correspondence renju championship in 2013.

Tarannikov has 153 official gomoku games shown on Gomokuworld, and Balabhai - 204. They play various games and, in particular, are gomoku players, too.
Według danych z po mistrzostwach świata w Gomoku 1989 Tarannikov zaczął grać Renju (pierwszy turniej renju 1989). W sukcesach po 1991 roku są podane tylko osiągnięcia Renju. W dostępnych grach nie ma partii w Gomoku w latach 1994-2007 (dalej nie sprawdzałem). Przypuszczam więc, że najprawdopodobniej zaczął grać więcej w Renju kosztem Gomoku. Wyniki osiągnięte od 2015 nie mają znaczenia, bo są PO 1997.

Viktor ma rozegrane na żywo ponad 900 gier. Medal w Renju korespondencyjnym zdobył w 2013 roku, gdzie przed WC 2013 w Tallinie miał rozegrane 3 turnieje Gomoku (z czego dwa odbyły się podczas WC 2011).

Dołączył: 21 Lis 2017
Posty: 5
Skąd: Russia
Wysłany: 2019-08-24, 23:05   

Just to clarify.
Balabhai is probably renju player mainly (as well as Karasyov, for example). But Tarannikov definitely prefers gomoku. He was forced to play renju because there were no proper gomoku organizations and tournaments for a while in 90s, 00s, but he still loves gomoku.

And personally me. Of course, I'm a renju player mainly. But I have to say that the main two things which brought me to my level are playing correspondence and teaching children. It's about renju, but I believe it works with gomoku as well =)

Dołączył: 04 Paź 2004
Posty: 4365
Skąd: Polska
Wysłany: 2019-09-19, 14:53   

Zakończono wszystkie partie.


A- (Usiek na drugim miejscu!)
C- (Angst ex aequo z Rentimo na 3. miejscu)

Dołączył: 04 Paź 2004
Posty: 4365
Skąd: Polska
Wysłany: 2019-12-23, 20:39   

Owen napisał/a:
Since there was an unclear situation with a game Rostovtsev-Popiel vs Epifanov which aroused some strong suspicions about it's unfairness, the Referee Council decided as follows:
1. The Referee Council did not find enough proof of Popiel's unfairness despite some indirect evidence. This time Rostovtsev-Popiel is not punished, but hereby receives an official warning.
2. Since the above mentioned game affected the final result of the tournament, we (Dmitry Epifanov and Łukasz Majksner), with agreement from Referee Council [and Gomoku Committee], decided to play an additional match to determine the winner of the World Correspondence Gomoku Championship-2019.
3. The Referee Council kindly reminds all WCGC participants to play fair. You have to play only on your own, one player with one nickname, and do your best in each and every game.

Do 18 stycznia można się rejestrować do kolejnej edycji, która rozpocznie się 20 stycznia.
Zgłoszenie powinno zawierać:

1. Imię i nazwisko
2. Nick do gry na
3. Miejsce i kraj zamieszkania oraz obywatelstwo
4. Kontaktowy adres mailowy
5. Imię i nazwisko oraz e-mail znanego gracza Gomoku/Renju, który potwierdzi tożsamość

Zgłoszenie należy wysłać na adres

Dołączył: 25 Sie 2011
Posty: 578
Skąd: Radziejowice
Wysłany: 2019-12-24, 02:38   

Since there was an unclear situation with a game Rostovtsev-Popiel vs Epifanov which aroused some strong suspicions about it's unfairness, the Referee Council decided as follows:
1. The Referee Council did not find enough proof of Popiel's unfairness despite some indirect evidence. This time Rostovtsev-Popiel is not punished, but hereby receives an official warning.
2. Since the above mentioned game affected the final result of the tournament, we (Dmitry Epifanov and Łukasz Majksner), with agreement from Referee Council [and Gomoku Committee], decided to play an additional match to determine the winner of the World Correspondence Gomoku Championship-2019.
3. The Referee Council kindly reminds all WCGC participants to play fair. You have to play only on your own, one player with one nickname, and do your best in each and every game.

Gwoli wyjaśnienia powyższej decyzji:

W końcowej fazie wspomnianej partii (która notabene była ostatnią partią turnieju), gdy pozycja na planszy była już bezsprzecznie remisowa, Lamaza zaczął grać zdecydowanie wolniej niż wcześniej i ostatecznie zabrakło mu trzech ruchów do automatycznego remisu (następuje on gdy na planszy pojawi się 150 kamieni) - przegrał na czas. W wyniku tej porażki 1. miejsce w tabeli zajął Dmitry Epifanov (Owen), prześcigając mnie dzięki punktacji Sonneberga-Bergera.

Spowodowało to wiele wątpliwości zarówno po stronie organizatorów, jak i innych graczy, dlatego Komitet Sędziowski podjął decyzję jak wyżej:
- Lamaza otrzymał oficjalne ostrzeżenie (silne podejrzenie nieczystej gry we wspomnianej partii - możliwość celowej porażki na czas),
- Owen i ja rozegramy dodatkowy mecz, który rozstrzygnie o tytule mistrzowskim - dwie partie, limit czasowy taki sam jak w turnieju, w przypadku remisu tytuł pozostaje w rękach Dmitrija,
- przypomniano uczestnikom WCGC o obowiązku gry fair.

W imieniu swoim i całego Komitetu Sędziowskiego serdecznie zapraszam do udziału w kolejnym sezonie! :)

Dołączył: 04 Paź 2004
Posty: 4365
Skąd: Polska
Wysłany: 2020-01-17, 20:41   

Rejestrację przedłużono do 01.02. Turnieje mają się zacząć 03.02.

Dołączyła: 23 Kwi 2016
Posty: 287
Skąd: Australia
Wysłany: 2020-01-31, 06:56   

The registration deadline for the World Correspondence Gomoku Championship is rapidly approaching: only two days are left, as the deadline is Sat 01 Feb! So hurry up to join the most epic championship in terms of the game quality! If you love to analyse gomoku positions and enjoy the deep beauty of gomoku, this championship is right for you.

To register, just send an email to Dmitry Epifanov ( In your email, write your full name and your userid at if you have one. If you don't have one, just create one - it takes a minute. You also need to write your city of residence, your citizenship, and your email address. Additionally, since it is a very serious tournament, Dmitry will have to verify that you are who you claim you are, unless it is obvious. This will be generally done in the same way as in the World Correspondence Renju Championship - via a so-called contact person. A contact person is someone from the gomoku or renju community who can vouch for you and is well-known to Dmitry as a very reputable community member. This may sound a bit complicated, but is very easy in practice. Also, there are other options to verify your identity. Just get in touch with Dmitry, and he will talk to you about it. Together you will easily sort it out.

The previous season of the World Correspondence Gomoku Championship proved to be really epic in terms of game quality. You can have a look at the games here:

And here is the official website of the tournament:

The biggest favourite of the upcoming season is Tianyi Hao, the talented Chinese analyst who won the World Correspondence Renju Championship in 2017 and 2018. He has successfully advanced to the High League of the World Correspondence Gomoku Championship and will try to become the world correspondence gomoku champion this year.

However, to become the champion, he will have to finish above, in particular, Łukasz Majksner from Poland, also known as Usiek, and this may prove to be very difficult! Usiek is exceptionally skilled both as an analyst and as a player, having won the Polish gomoku championship of 2016 and been keeping the title of King of the Hill in real-time advanced gomoku. Here are a couple of links to my articles describing his skills: ,

And one of the greatest intrigues of the upcoming season is this: How will Nikolay Verevkin, the biggest surprise of the previous season, perform in the High League? Nikolay is a player from the Russian outback, namely the city of Balakovo in Saratov oblast, and was little known to the gomoku community before the previous season and has never played in live tournaments in gomoku or renju, but he made it to the High League last season by spectacularly winning Group C, where he beat, in particular, Wang Qichao, who won the World Correspondence Renju Championship of 2019! Might Nikolay become the world correspondence gomoku championship this year?

Join the upcoming championship! You have two days left to do so :)

Dołączył: 04 Paź 2004
Posty: 4365
Skąd: Polska
Wysłany: 2020-02-11, 18:41   

Mistrzostwa ruszyły. Rywalizuje 20 graczy w 2 grupach:

Grupa A - mistrzowska
Majksner Łukasz POL usiek
Rostovtsev-Popiel Alexander RUS yoda
Smirnov Anatoly RUS anatoliy
Drozdov Vladimir RUS valdemar52
Lebedev Alexey RUS alleb
Hao Tianyi CHN wind23
Jakub Horák CZE 3ifndef
Nikolay Verevkin RUS Melstagen
Wang Qichao CHN heihei
Małowiejski Piotr POL Angst

Grupa B
Gasan Babaev RUS/AZE bulldozer
Matei Andrei ROM earth
Alexeev Valentin RUS Валентин Алексеев
Kozlov Igor RUS Игорь
Saik Alexey UKR Алексей Саик
Tao Tao CHN Мюстровский
Kurochkin Viktor RUS boor
Ryumkin Konstantin ISR Константин Рюмкин
Kozmin Alexander RUS aleks9
Miroshnichenko Alexander UKR Александр Мирошниченко
Członek Zarządu
Kapitan IRP

Dołączył: 28 Kwi 2004
Posty: 4999
Skąd: Płock
Wysłany: 2020-02-11, 19:00   

Wow. Nie wiem, jak załapałem się do elity, ale przynajmniej wiadomo, kto będzie outsiderem :)


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